SuperTopo Climbing Hall of Fame Compilation


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Dec 4, 2014 - 05:57pm PT
Can't nominate your own Ron.

But I will nominate that thread for sure! All time stuff.
this just in

north fork
Dec 4, 2014 - 06:07pm PT

The Southern Yosemite thread. So many good pics and stories. Also has the drama and ethics. Used to be a regular thread, but the negativity seemed to leave a bad taste on most of us who contributed to it. I was definitely apart of the negativity.....oops.
ß Î Ø T Ç H

Boulder climber
Dec 4, 2014 - 08:40pm PT
this just in

north fork
Dec 5, 2014 - 07:19am PT
Little Mike is the OP
Ryan is the OP

While both of these threads don't have a ton of posts, it's quality over quantity right?

Topic Author's Reply - Dec 5, 2014 - 04:39pm PT
c_o_i: yeah, this thread is how i procrastinate as well... ha!

RA: saw your post before you deleted it... your tahoe thread is sweet... thanks to RyanD for upholding rules of order and procedure... but i have to admit i have a list of threads to add on the computer that crashed, and the tahoe thread was already on that list... so while i'm sure it's as shocking for you as it is for me, but there is hope for the world, as at least we can agree on climbing gold, Mr. Anderson... ha!

tji: i'd never clicked on the southern yosemite thread, before. not sure how i missed it, all these years. and for sure, not only does quality trump quantity, but usually quantity just ends up producing more of a mixed bag. some of the highest quality threads are the shortest because they don't have a chance to get infected... haha. nice additions. thanks.

ß Î Ø T Ç H: standout addition. thanks.
ß Î Ø T Ç H

Boulder climber
Dec 6, 2014 - 08:13pm PT

Dec 7, 2014 - 01:29am PT
Nice ones BIØTCH and Justin, thanks!

This one is F*#kingClassic! Walleye... Tell me a story


Trad climber
Dec 7, 2014 - 08:55pm PT
Just to be sure women are in the mix:

And I thought the Frank Sacherer memorial thread was one of the best tribute pieces around (maybe already mentioned):

Well, I've ranted away on a number of threads on style issues where I though discussion was good, I guess fitting under style/ethics category, but let's not got there.

Tom Higgins


Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Dec 7, 2014 - 10:20pm PT

Dec 8, 2014 - 12:55am PT

Peter Haan - the birth of wheat thin

Jello- climbing 1957 style

Toker Villain, some great memories and tales of Charlie Fowler- Charlie

Another stellar Peter Haan thread- Offwidth tips and the twilight zone

And another gem that albeit short, I enjoyed reading.

Ron Anderson- Hairline, perhaps Tahoe's hardest single pitch aid climb

More later 100mm of rain in the next 48 so there will be time to dig around :-)


Topic Author's Reply - Dec 8, 2014 - 05:53pm PT
ß Î Ø T Ç H: nice.

RyanD: had the walleye story in the single post section, but added it to a dave schultz entry as well, as there are a lot of good photos of him in that one... also had the birth of wheat thin... added the other four. another gem from Ron Anderson... who knew?

LongAgo: excellent idea. pulled out tarbuster's thread and also added a grossman thread about Beverly Johnson in order to create a "the ladies, the ladies..." section. agreed: the sacherer thread is one of the best, and was also one of the og's to the first post... thanks for the nominations!

Reilly: what am i going to do with you guys? two rules, i tell ya... two rules! haha. oh well, it's gold so i'll hurdle the procedural requirement and nominate it myself... included it as a tr... the addendum is where the real heart of that post is at. thanks for both the op and the contribution!

guido: added a couple to guido's posts a page back: The Day I Almost Drowned Royal Robbins
[make sure you read that one closely...] and Sorcerer's Apprentice-Nose route 40 years ago... also added the dick erb thread he nominated The day I could have killed Royal Robbins and added it to the Royal Robbins section.

housekeeping: bumped the kahuna threads down, so they aren't right at the top.

super sweet! nice to see some new contributors join up with the tried and true...

Topic Author's Reply - Dec 8, 2014 - 07:09pm PT
ok. this is the thread mining equivalent to walking along a stream and looking down for gold:

here are a few that have been on the front page lately and, imo, deserve to be on the first post:

i posted a bunch of roadie's stories to the single post category:
Alaska Highway, free solo, TR [Roadie: Dec. 16, 2012]
Indian Creek- a short story [Roadie: Dec. 16, 2012]
Lynn Hills Underwear [Roadie: Dec. 23, 2012]
Beggars Buttress tr [Roadie: Dec. 6, 2014]

rounded out the WOS threads with a couple of the more recent ones...
WoS "confessions"--The whole truth about the "enhancements" [madbolter1: Sep. 20, 2009]
The 4 people who climbed Wings of Steel talk (Video) [The Wolf: Nov. 19, 2014]

yablonski, tobin, and mccray threads:
Yabo [Chicken Skinner: Jul. 2, 2006]
Brian McCray [ElCapPirate: Aug. 25, 2014]
Losing Tobin, Thirty Four Years Ago [Bushman: Oct. 5, 2014]

and a couple of excellent gear threads:
It takes balls to use nuts... [Jello: Nov. 18, 2006]
Dr. Piton's Ultimate Russian Aider Thread ['Pass the Pitons' Pete: Dec. 4, 2007]

Ice climber
Brujò de la Playa
Dec 12, 2014 - 06:43pm PT

Dec 13, 2014 - 02:09pm PT
A big +1 for this thread. Thanks Nah. I am favoriting (?) this one big time. Very cool.

Trad climber
Dec 13, 2014 - 05:23pm PT
All jello, tarbuster and Pat Ament posts.
this just in

Justin Ross from North Fork
Dec 18, 2014 - 09:02am PT
I see you have a couple Evolution TRs, but this one has some great GoPro soloing video.
Jerry Dodrill is the Author.
Ton of pictures from Dodrill in this one.
Author is Valerio.

Topic Author's Reply - Dec 23, 2014 - 03:13pm PT
Friend: thanks strong bald guy!

johntp: for sure... there are a bunch of jello and tarbuster's threads on there, but i'm sure there are lots more of those guys' gems remaining to be unearthed. but Pat Ament threads are a glaring omission for sure. got any favorites you'd like to recommend?

tji: sweet additions. fitting that someone who takes great photos would appreciate someone who takes great photos... added 'em.

there's been a lot of great new and old content popping up on the first page lately... so no digging was required to find the following gold:

interesting stories about interesting people:
Seeking Memories of Jim Baldwin [Mighty Walker: Dec. 18, 2009]
An Astronomer-Climber [rgold: Aug. 31, 2011]

fantastic posts from Ament and Chris Jones about Bonatti:
Good bye Walter Bonatti [stfan607518: Sep. 14, 2011]

Avery continues to reel in the big fish and their tales of canadian rockies adventure:
Mt Robson, Emperor Face: All Known Ascents [Avery: Dec. 7, 2014]
Mt Kitchener, Grand Central Couloir: All Comers Welcome [Avery: Dec. 13, 2014]

a couple high quality area threads:
STONEY POINT [pyro: Sep. 30, 2009]
Black Hills [mike m: Aug. 29, 2014]

and fantastic stories galore!
The Saga of the Triple Lever---A Trippy Report [rgold: Oct. 28, 2009]
Riding the Rails [Dick Erb: Nov. 13, 2009]
Scary Solo Stories [Maysho: Aug. 19, 2006]

especially from Don Lauria!
Dolt Stories [Don Lauria: Nov. 20, 2008]
You Want Climbing Lore - I'll Give You Climbing Lore [Don Lauria: Nov. 3, 2008]

a couple more high quality gear threads:
TOMAHAWKS! [Minerals: Jun. 12, 2009]
L'Equipement de l'Alpiniste 1900 [Marlow: Oct. 5, 2012]

replaced the macnamara thread about the same Fowler interview with the original:
Charlie Fowler Speaks! Lost interview from 1986 [crunch: Aug. 27, 2010]

and a couple of relatively tangential [to the regular SuperTopo fare], but nonetheless super informative threads:
Solo Winter Route CASSIN Mount McKinley. [Watermann2: Dec. 11, 2014]
Origin/evolution of the modern climbing topo? [Jerry Dodrill: Oct. 8, 2008]

Topic Author's Reply - Dec 27, 2014 - 08:08pm PT
already included on the first post:
Classic Ice Primer- Chouinard Catalog 1968 [Steve Grossman: May 19, 2007]
Classic Squamish Chief Commentary Robin Barley '78 [Steve Grossman: Jan. 6, 2008]
Fontainebleau - The Dream Forest of French Bouldering [Steve Grossman: Nov. 29, 2008]
Latok 1- A Climb w/o A Summit [Steve Grossman: Apr. 26, 2009]
The Murder Of The Impossible Messner Mtn. #15 '71 [Steve Grossman: May 6, 2009]
North Twin- North Face G.Lowe & C.Jones Ascent 75-76 [Steve Grossman: Jun 27, 2009]
Johnny Rock- Classic '86 Bachar Interview [Steve Grossman: Aug. 15, 2009]
The Art of Bouldering John Gill AAJ 1969 [Steve Grossman: May 9, 2010]

new additions to threads on the first post:
Ammon's House of Cards [Steve Grossman: Sep. 12, 2006]
Abracadaver - FA Pics and Story [Steve Grossman: Feb. 24, 2007]
Pumping Cracks with Dale [Steve Grossman: Jun. 9, 2007]
Royal Arches Apron Faceclimbing [Steve Grossman: Jun. 16, 2007]
First Ascent of the Prow [Steve Grossman: Jun. 20, 2007]
Dihedral Wall - FA + extras [Steve Grossman: Aug. 25, 2007]
Norman Clyde of the Sierra Nevada [Steve Grossman: Aug. 26, 2007]
Bruce Carson's hammerless solo of Sentinel West Face,1974 [Steve Grossman: Sep. 7, 2007]
Shawangunks - Cornerstone of Eastern Traditional Climbing [Steve Grossman: Sep. 23, 2007]
First All Female Ascent and First Female Solo of El Cap [Steve Grossman: Sep. 30, 2007]
First Ascent of the Heart Route 1970- Kroger and Davis [Steve Grossman: Oct. 31, 2007]
Classic Provo Canyon On Ice by Jim Knight 1978 [Steve Grossman: Dec. 23, 2007]
Diamond Reunion- Kamps, Rearick and Ament 1976 [Steve Grossman: Dec. 25, 2007]
Classic New Hampshire Climbing by Al Rubin 1978 [Steve Grossman: Jan.1, 2008]
Trango Tower FA 1976 Classic Martin Boysen MT 52 [Steve Grossman: Mar. 8, 2008]
Wally Reed - Free Climbing Pioneer Extraordinaire [Steve Grossman: Jun. 17, 2008]
Arapiles The Empire Strikes Back Child Carrigan 81 [Steve Grossman: Jul 27, 2008]
Classic Czech Climbing History 1983 [Steve Grossman: Aug. 30, 2008]
American Annie S. Peck Climbs the Matterhorn 1895 [Steve Grossman: Sep. 14, 2008]
Mark Powell, Royal Robbins and the Southern Californians [Steve Grossman: Oct. 26, 2008]
Tahquitz: The Early Years Rick Ridgeway Summit 1976 [Steve Grossman: Dec. 6, 2008]
Anybody Still Get Insomnia? [Steve Grossman: Dec. 21, 2008]
Mirror,Mirror -Ascent 73 Your Favorite Short Climbing Story? [Steve Grossman: Jan. 24, 2009]
Uli Biaho-Bill Forrest & Team America Hit the Big Time 1980 [Steve Grossman: Feb. 7, 2009]
Ed Webster Appreciation Thread [Steve Grossman: Feb. 8, 2009]
Shiprock Climbing History [Steve Grossman: Feb. 9, 2009]
Roots of the Boulder Free Climbing Renaissance- Briggs 73 [Steve Grossman: Feb. 12, 2009]
The First Portaledge On El Cap-Who,Where And When Exactly? [Steve Grossman: Mar. 7, 2009]
Fritz Wiessner- A Man For All Mountains [Steve Grossman: Mar. 21, 2009]
Up the Shield- Bocarde & Porter Climbing Nov/Dec 1973 [Steve Grossman: Apr. 19, 2009]
Preserving The Cracks! Tom Frost Makes His Case AAJ 1972 [Steve Grossman: May 4, 2009]
J. Robert Oppenheimer and Style [Steve Grossman: Jun. 17, 2009]
Henry Kendall - Nobel Physicist, Alpinist and Activist [Steve Grossman: Aug. 30, 2009]
Coonyard Mouths Off Part II Yvon Chouinard Climbing 1987 [Steve Grossman: Sep. 6, 2009]
Kiss Or Kill MTwight J Lowe Kangtega and Nuptse SE Spur 1986 [Steve Grossman: Sep. 19, 2009]
Dick Erb Appreciation Thread [Steve Grossman: Nov. 7, 2009]
The Rock And Ice Club of Manchester- Whillans & Brown 1951 [Steve Grossman: Nov. 14, 2009]
Dresden-Classic Steve Roper Ascent 1974 [Steve Grossman: Nov. 22, 2009]
Ama Dablam 1979-Tom Frost, DR & Jeff Lowe [Steve Grossman: Nov. 26, 2009]
Moments of Crisis Michael Borghoff Summit 1963 [Steve Grossman: Nov. 27, 2009]
Cerro Torre-FA Alpine Style Brewer & Bridwell Climbing 1980 [Steve Grossman: Dec. 7, 2009]
Devil's Lake Wisconsin Climbing History [Steve Grossman: Dec. 12, 2009]
Name This Well Hung Climbing Supermodel [Steve Grossman: Apr. 6, 2010]
Oliver Perry-Smith America's First Climbing Ace AAJ 1964 [Steve Grossman: May 9, 2010]
Fitzroy SW Buttress Funhog Exp Chris Jones Mt #3 May 1969 [Steve Grossman: Jun. 27, 2010]
Nietzsche and Modern Mountaineering - Wilfrid Noyce [Steve Grossman: May 15, 2010]
The Nose-Second Ascent 50th RR, Pratt ,Frost, Fitschen 1960 [Steve Grossman: Jul. 1, 2010]
The Dance of the Woo-Li Masters Bridwell Stump Climbing 81 [Steve Grossman: Jul. 10, 2010]
Nuts To You- Royal Robbins Clean Climbing Intro Summit 1967 [Steve Grossman: Jul. 17, 2010]
Don Lauria Climbs Half Dome Summit 1966 [Steve Grossman: Jul. 20, 2010]
Mt.Thor-West Face Redfern Brand Bagley Bepler Summit 1986 [Steve Grossman: Jul. 24, 2010]
Frostline Kits- Who Sewed Their Own Booties WBITD?!? [Steve Grossman: Aug. 21, 2010]
Charlet And Moser Make An Ice Axe- Chamonix 1960 [Steve Grossman: Aug. 27, 2010]
Galen Rowell's 1,000-Mile Sierra Weekend-Climbing 1970 [Steve Grossman: Sep. 6, 2010]
Steve Roper's 1964 Red Yosemite Guide- Classic Photos [Steve Grossman: Sep. 18, 2010]
Catherine Destivelle- Profile by Beth Wald Climbing 1988 [Steve Grossman: Sep. 26, 2010]
The Once & Future Tami-20 Years of Puru-Lies & Vit-Slander!! [Steve Grossman: Oct. 15, 2010]
The Amazing Larry Dalke- Colorado Free Climbing Ace [Steve Grossman: Oct. 30, 2010]
Jeff Lowe Solos Bridalveil Fall W.O,Johnson Sports Illust 78 [Steve Grossman: Nov. 20, 2010]
The Eiger Company Montrose CA Catalog and Pricelist 1965 [Steve Grossman: Dec. 12, 2010]
The Wishbone At Last-Mt. Robson Don Claunch CAJ 1956 [Steve Grossman: Dec. 18, 2010]
Ron & Werner Do Astroman-Galen Photographs! Rock & Ice 1987 [Steve Grossman: Dec. 25, 2010]
Cataviña,La Mysteriosa-Baja Beauty Kevin Worrall Climbing 95 [Steve Grossman: Dec. 26, 2010]
The Amazing Bob Murray-Desert Bouldering Icon Climbing 1995 [Steve Grossman: Jan. 1, 2011]
Announcing Longs Peak Diamond FA DVD Kamps & Rearick 1960 [Steve Grossman: Mar. 11, 2011]
Sentinel Rock Summit Register- Classic Who's Who 1934-1976 [Steve Grossman: Jun. 19, 2011]
Beckey's Bugaboo Hat Trick -Snowpatch and Bugaboo Spire 1959 [Steve Grossman: Jul. 16, 2011]
The Life of a Teton Guide- Willi Unsoeld AAJ 1960 [Steve Grossman: Jul. 23, 2011]
Classic Holubar Catalog- 1971 [Steve Grossman: Jul. 24, 2011]
The Slippery Game- Doug Robinson On Ice Ascent 1971 [Steve Grossman: Aug. 5, 2011]
Edward Whymper- First Ascent of the Aiguille Verte 1865 [Steve Grossman: Aug. 13, 2011]
El Capitan’s Salathé Wall- The Proudest Rock Climb On Earth [Steve Grossman: Sep. 11, 2011]
Our Climb Up Mt. Kennedy Robert Kennedy Life Magazine 1965 [Steve Grossman: Jan. 8, 2012]
Who Did The First Ascents At Big Rock- A Historical Survey [Steve Grossman: Jan. 12, 2012]
Petit Dru, West Face American Direttissima John Harlin 1965 [Steve Grossman: Jan. 21, 2012]
Date This Chouinard Yosemite Hammer [Steve Grossman: Mar. 18, 2012]
Zoroaster Temple AZ FA Ganci & Tidrick Summit 1959 [Steve Grossman: Apr. 1, 2012]
The Devil's Tower Climbing History [Steve Grossman: Apr. 22, 2012]
Manless Alpine Climbing- Miriam O. Underhill Nat Geo 1934 [Steve Grossman: May 12, 2012]
Catherine Freer Profile in Courage Paul Piana Climbing 1987 [Steve Grossman: Jun. 23, 2012]
The West Ridge of Everest Willi Unsoeld Mountain World 1963 [Steve Grossman: Jul. 15, 2012]
The Origin and History of Belay Devices [Steve Grossman: Nov. 24, 2012]

not included on first page, but still sweet:
What ever became of the Rhodie Loadies? [Steve Grossman: Dec. 9, 2006]
Royal Robbins' Definitive El Cap Commentary 1973 [Steve Grossman: Sep. 1, 2007]
John Salathe - Yosemite Climber by Chris Jones 1976 [Steve Grossman: Sep. 19, 2007]
Tom Evans (elcap-pics) on Half Dome 1973 [Steve Grossman: Oct. 24, 2007]
Vintage Clog Pitons [Steve Grossman: Jan. 17, 2008]
Bircheff & Bardini Brautigan Dome Climbing 76 [Steve Grossman: Jul. 20, 2008]
Grandes Jorasses Commentary Alessandro Gogna 1973 [Steve Grossman: Dec. 18, 2008]
John Long The Royal Scam 1983 [Steve Grossman: Dec. 9, 2008]
Mystery Boots [Steve Grossman: Dec. 20, 2008]
What ever became of Christmas Tree Pass? [Steve Grossman: Dec. 25, 2008]
Fish Hook Arete Mt. Russell FA Cleare Colliver 1975 [Steve Grossman: Jan. 1, 2009]
Got a mint factory drilled # 8 Hexentric? [Steve Grossman: Jan. 21, 2009]
Yosemite Climber And George Meyers Appreciation Thread [Steve Grossman: Feb. 15, 2009]
Left Wall of Cenotaph Corner Film 1977 Anyone Have Copy? [Steve Grossman: Mar. 4, 2009]
Hugh Burton's Classic El Capitan Up-date Mountain 44 1975 [Steve Grossman: Mar. 14, 2009]
Who Is Little John Named After At The Base Of El Cap? [Steve Grossman: Mar. 17, 2009]
Who Is Julie X In Roper's High Sierra Guide? [Steve Grossman: Mar. 22, 2009]
Lowe Clan On Black Ice- Enclosure Tetons In Winter AAJ 1972 [Steve Grossman: Mar. 22, 2009]
Songs About Climbing [Steve Grossman: Apr. 11, 2009]
The First Front Points on Commercial Crampons Grivel 1929??? [Steve Grossman: Apr. 28, 2009]
Homage to the J. Paul Pebble John Long Climbing 1986 [Steve Grossman: Aug. 8, 2009]
Classic El Cap & Half Dome Wall Survey C Cole Climbing 1986 [Steve Grossman: Aug. 8, 2009]
West Side Story Sierra Domes Donaldson Ascent 1973 [Steve Grossman: Aug. 22, 2009]
BIG, BAD & BURLY OW's Craig Luebben Climbing 9/98 [Steve Grossman: Aug. 29, 2009]
High Peaks Revisited Larry Coats Rock & Ice 1989 [Steve Grossman: Oct. 31, 2009]
The History of Nevada Flake [Steve Grossman: Nov. 23, 2009]
Half Dome-On the Edge -Bard & Meyers 1975 Anyone Done It? [Steve Grossman: Dec. 29, 2009]
Climb Ratings- Birth of NCCS Leigh Ortenberger Summit 1963 [Steve Grossman: Dec. 19, 2009]
Rocky Mtn.National Park History John Harlin Climbing 1981 [Steve Grossman: Dec. 24, 2009]
Up Against the Walls Kichatna Spires Joe Fitschen Ascent 70 [Steve Grossman: Dec. 31, 2009]
Classic Leavenworth Guide Fred Beckey & Eric Bjornstad 1965 [Steve Grossman: Apr. 5, 2010]
Chris Jones Interviews Warren Harding Mountain #9 1970 [Steve Grossman: Apr. 17, 2010]
Classic Valley News Clips [Steve Grossman: Jun. 13, 2010]
Zion-East of theValleyWest of the Gunks Jeff Lowe Ascent 72 [Steve Grossman: Jul. 3, 2010]
The Indian Rock Legacy Mike Shandrick Climbing Nov Dec 1981 [Steve Grossman: Jul. 10, 2010]
Castle Rock Spire Rowell Beckey Hempel Summit 1970 [Steve Grossman: Jul. 10, 2010]
Bridwell's Brave New World Yosemite Ratings Mountain 31 1974 [Steve Grossman: Jul. 13, 2010]
Bird Lives John Long Interviews Jim Bridwell Mountain 1981 [Steve Grossman: Jul. 16, 2010]
Mugs Stump Mt. Hunter-Moonflower Buttress FA Mountain 1982 [Steve Grossman: Jul. 31, 2010]
The Air Voyage-FA Leonard Coyne Black Canyon Gunnison 1981 [Steve Grossman: Jul. 31, 2010]
The Valley According to Sally-Moser, that is! Yos Interviews [Steve Grossman: Jul. 31, 2010]
Herb and Jan Conn Were Seriously Into Leather- WBITD [Steve Grossman: Aug. 15, 2010]
Little Giants- Aspen History Mike Kennedy Climbing Winter 74 [Steve Grossman: Aug. 22, 2010]
Is That Your Favorite Locker Or RU Just Happy To See Me?!? [Steve Grossman: Aug. 22, 2010]
The Magic and Mystery of Commitment- W,H, Murray [Steve Grossman: Aug. 29, 2010]
Galen Rowell's 1,000-Mile Sierra Weekend-Climbing 1970 [Steve Grossman: Sep. 6, 2010]
Premium Miniatures-Bob Van Belle & Mt. Woodson Climbing 89 [Steve Grossman: Sep. 11, 2010]
Outer Space In January- Mead Hargis Climbing #4 Nov 1970 [Steve Grossman: Sep. 19, 2010]
A New Golden Dawn-Mt. Watkins Bruce Morris Mountain 1984. [/url] [Steve Grossman: Sep. 26, 2010]
See How We Are-Kurt Smith Profile Climbing 1988 [Steve Grossman: Sep. 26, 2010]
Welcome to Arizona Icon Scott Baxter! Steve Grossman: Oct. 6, 2010]
Tahquitz & Suicide- Classic Randy Vogel Survey Climbing 1987 [Steve Grossman: Oct. 16, 2010]
The Damsels and Denali- Arlene Blum Summit May 1971 [Steve Grossman: Dec. 5, 2010]
Ice-Climbing In The Alps Historical Survey Mountain #27 1973 [Steve Grossman: Dec. 31, 2010]
Climbing History For Sale! [Steve Grossman: Jan. 15, 2011]
Welcome Greg Crouch! [Steve Grossman: Jan. 22, 2011]
Norton Smithe and the First Modern Standard Angle 1950 [Steve Grossman: Apr. 3, 2011]
The Mystery of the Rocks [Steve Grossman: Jun. 12, 2011]
Sport Chalet Mountaineering For '64 Catalog Vintage Gear [Steve Grossman: Jun. 29, 2011]
Salathé Piton on Ebay [Steve Grossman: Jul. 4, 2011]
Who is the Gal in the 1946 AP Photo? Old Timers?!? [Steve Grossman: Jul. 27, 2011]
Tightrope- Clevenger and Carter's Apron Madness 1975 [Steve Grossman: Jul. 31, 2011]
Yosemite's Other Valley- Hetch Hetchy Galen Rowell Ascent 71 [Steve Grossman: Aug. 3, 2011]
The Cadillac of Big Cast Nuts- Who Made It? [Steve Grossman: Aug. 5, 2011]
The Second Ascent of Nanda Devi- Nawang Gombu AAJ 1966 [Steve Grossman: Jan. 21, 2012]
Mountain Climbing A Family Affair Ruth Dyar Mendenhall 1958 [Steve Grossman: Feb. 11, 2012]
Batso and Wizard's WOTEML Friend Gizmo- Who Is He? [Steve Grossman: Feb. 20, 2012]
Freda Du Faur- The Queen of the New Zealand Alps [Steve Grossman: Feb. 26, 2012]
La Leyenda de Los Volcanes- Popocatepetl & Iztaccihuatl [Steve Grossman: Mar. 10, 2012]
Pumping Sandstone-The Sequel John Sherman Climbing 1992 [Steve Grossman: Mar. 11, 2012]
The Outsider- Guy Lacelle Joe Josephson Climbing 1997 [Steve Grossman: Mar. 30, 2012]
Cruising Up the Salathé Wall- Dick Shockley Ascent 1980 [Steve Grossman: Apr. 1, 2012]
Hands Anne Marie Rizzi Mountain 37 1974 [Steve Grossman: Apr. 21, 2012]
Nerve Wrack Point & Hands- Ament Higgins Rizzi 74 [Steve Grossman: Apr. 29, 2012]
Aconcagua FA Edward A. Fitzgerald McClure's Magazine Oct1898 [Steve Grossman: Jun. 23, 2012]
America's Giant- Hidden Peak (Gasherbrum I) Bob Swift 1958 [Steve Grossman: Jun. 30, 2012]
Rakaposhi Tom Patey British-Pakistani Forces Expedition 1958 [Steve Grossman: Jul. 1, 2012]
Superb Lynn Hill Interview John Steiger Climbing August 1987 [Steve Grossman: Jul. 1, 2012]
Bradford Washburn- The Way of the Classical Mountaineer [Steve Grossman: Aug. 19, 2012]
Five Days & Nights on the Lost Arrow Anton Nelson SCB 1948 [Steve Grossman: Aug. 29, 2012]
Rusty Baillie- The Globetrotting Climber [Steve Grossman: Sep. 29, 2012]
Die Welt According to Steve Komito Climbing #2 1970 [Steve Grossman: Dec. 23, 2012]
You Know You've Arrived When... [Steve Grossman: Feb. 23, 2013]
Great Pioneers of the Eastern Alps Doug Scott Mountain 1974 [Steve Grossman: Mar. 2, 2013]
Clan Robertson Sewn Gear History [Steve Grossman: Mar. 17, 2013]
Conquest of Mt Huntington Terray Mountain World 1964/65 [Steve Grossman: Apr. 20, 2013]
Jack of Diamonds History Early Repeats- Who and When? [Steve Grossman: May 6, 2013]
Longs Peak Early History Fricke Guide 1971 [Steve Grossman: May 11, 2013]
Team Machine Billy Westbay NIAD PO Wall Yosemite Climber [Steve Grossman: May 25, 2013]
Second up the Arrow Chmney Bob Swift SCB 1955 [Steve Grossman: Sep. 28, 2013]
Welcome Elaine Matthews! [Steve Grossman: Nov. 2, 2013]
Welcome Jonny Woodward [Steve Grossman: Dec. 31, 2013]
The Jewel in the Lotus Jim McCarthy Ascent 1969 [Steve Grossman: Jul. 25, 2014]
Jim McCarthy Welcome and Appreciation Thread [Steve Grossman: Jul. 24, 2014]

Topic Author's Reply - Dec 27, 2014 - 08:15pm PT
aight... i posted what should be all of Steve Grossman's climbing related threads above.

been plugging away on this one for a while... it'll be another while before the first half are all sorted and posted to the first post of this thread. but in the mean time i figured i'd get all of these out there and in one place...

thanks for all of your work SG! the trove of information you have scanned and posted to ST and the conversations that have resulted from your op's are truly fantastic.

the mother lode of golden historical climbing content on ST to be sure...

finally i started The Steve Grossman Historical Thread Omnibus so that i can keep adding steve's posts to one place. a lot of what i didn't consider quite "golden" enough for the first post of this thread, are at this point only waiting for a few people to come out of the woodwork and add their first hand stories...

Topic Author's Reply - Dec 30, 2014 - 10:42pm PT
this board has so much sweetness... about half of this has been on the front page recently and the other half are due to ongoing mining efforts... haha.

mexican sweetness:
El Gran Trono Blanco [Gabe: Dec. 10, 2007]

gritstone sweetness:
Gritstone photos from 1977 [Rick A: Mar. 19, 2007]

charlie porter and fred beckey sweetness:
A Charlie Porter Apparition [O.D.: Feb. 15, 2008]
On the Road with Fred: A short Tribute [Cam Burns: Dec. 29, 2014]

a couple of very obscure yosemite tales about paul bourne and then yabo + hill:
Flying Buttress direct FFA free solo story fact or fiction? [RyanD: Feb. 3, 2014]
The Yabo-Hill---SCARIEST OF THEM ALL [scrubbing bubbles: Jul. 19, 2014]

less obscure yosemite history and area:
The 1980's. The missing history. Players. [deuce4: Sep. 12, 2014]
Tuolumne Meadows Appreciation [Tarbuster: Sep. 22, 2007]

a couple sweet euro flavoured threads from Marlow:
Les Grandes Jorasses [Marlow: Oct. 13, 2012]
Zapffe [Marlow: Dec. 28, 2012]

a great tr showcasing the best of st:
An Oddyssey to Shangri La (FA and an FFA in a little paradise) [Vitaliy M. (+ DMT): Nov. 17, 2014]

there are seriously more f'ing wos threads?
Wings of Steel Part III [the Fet: Jan. 30, 2006]
Wings of Steel - Part IV [Tom: Apr. 28, 2006]

technical information sweetness:
Best Rap Anchors? [Slater: Nov. 17, 2009]

last but not least a couple of strong individual posts by TGT and rgold:
the primary character is Andy [TGT: Feb. 28, 2009]
something I learned from climbing [rgold: Dec. 23, 2014]
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