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1 - 20 of total 44 Articles found. [ Thumbnails | Text  ]
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How to Set Up a Self Belay for a Solo Toprope - Click for details
 How to Set Up a Self Belay for a Solo Toprope
Solo Top Rope Self Belay Advice Some progress capture pulleys and ascenders can be rigged to travel along a fixed line providing a self-belay for a solo top rope climbing ex...

by Chris McNamara and Rob Beno
136,716 May 09, 2017 55
How To Big Wall Climb: Table of Contents - Click for details
 How To Big Wall Climb: Table of Contents
This is the table of contents for the How to Big Wall Climb SuperTopo book. This is a preview of the book as well as a directory of the free technique videos. These vide...

by Chris McNamara
133,624 Feb 22, 2018 80
The Best Yosemite Big Wall Climbing Rack and Gear List - Click for details
 The Best Yosemite Big Wall Climbing Rack and Gear List
Below is Chris McNamara's choice for Ultimate Yosemite Big Wall Rack. We list top choice first followed sometimes by the Best Buy (BB) choice> For example, the La ...

by Chris McNamara
108,152 Jun 26, 2017 37
How To Big Wall Climb: Gear 1 - Essential Aid Climbing Gear - Click for details
 How To Big Wall Climb: Gear 1 - Essential Aid Climbing Gear
This is part of my How To Big Wall Climb Project - View Table of Contents. This list has the philosophy behind my gear picks. Click here if you just want a big wall gea...

by Chris McNamara
95,359 Apr 13, 2012 32
SuperTopo Goes Solar - How and why we choose solar photovoltaic panels for our house - Click for details
 SuperTopo Goes Solar - How and why we choose solar photovoltaic panels for our house
SuperTopo's West Coast Headquarters (AKA Chris McNamara's House) installed home solar panels in 2012. This is a Home Solar FAQ Guide as well as description of what ...

by Chris McNamara
57,257 Mar 21, 2017 135
How to Big Wall Climb - The Bivy, Food, and Water - Click for details
 How to Big Wall Climb - The Bivy, Food, and Water
This is part of my How To Big Wall Climb project. View the table of contents here This is a free sample of How to Big Wall Climb. If you want the full details on how to ...

by Chris McNamara
55,306 May 15, 2012 3
The Best Yosemite Climbing Rack and Gear List - Click for details
 The Best Yosemite Climbing Rack and Gear List
Below is our choice for Ultimate Yosemite Climbing Rack. We list top choice first followed sometimes by the Best Buy (BB) choice> For example, the La Sportiva TC P...

by Chris McNamara
54,699 Oct 09, 2016 23
How To Big Wall Climb: Leading 1 - Low Angle Terrain  - Click for details
 How To Big Wall Climb: Leading 1 - Low Angle Terrain
[youtube=IVJSx6dqjno] This is part of the How to Big Wall Climb SuperTopo book. Videos like the ones above illustrate key points of the book and are meant to be watched w...

by Chris McNamara
50,525 Sep 04, 2013 30
How To Big Wall Climb - Gear 3: Haulbags, Hauling and Bivy Gear - Click for details
 How To Big Wall Climb - Gear 3: Haulbags, Hauling and Bivy Gear
How To Big Wall Climb: Hauling and Bivy Gear This is part of my How To Big Wall Climb project. View the table of contents here. You can read about basic aid gear here...

by Chris McNamara
49,534 Apr 18, 2016 26
Privacy Policy
by SuperTopo LLC
47,135 Jul 23, 2014 1
The Best High Sierra Climbing Rack and Gear List - Click for details
 The Best High Sierra Climbing Rack and Gear List
Below is our choice for Ultimate High Sierra Climbing Rack. We list top choice first followed sometimes by the Best Buy (BB) choice> For example, the La Sportiva T...

by Chris McNamara
35,485 Jul 09, 2013 7
How to Big Wall Climb - Hauling, Managing the Belay, The Changeover - Click for details
 How to Big Wall Climb - Hauling, Managing the Belay, The Changeover
[youtube=8qGE9c8KY1E] [youtube=Rzqr1zm1QHc] [youtube=2q2PdnAAy6w] This is part of the How to Big Wall Climb SuperTopo book. Videos like the ones above illustrat...

by Chris McNamara
35,356 Feb 13, 2012 5
Terms of Use
by SuperTopo LLC
34,423 Apr 09, 2019 1
How to Big Wall Climb - Building Big Wall Anchors - Click for details
 How to Big Wall Climb - Building Big Wall Anchors
This is part of my How To Big Wall Climb project. Click here to see what is currently on my El Capitan rack. Building Big Wall Anchors Overview Building cle...

by Chris McNamara
34,106 Sep 30, 2015 19
Clean Aid and Hammerless Climbing - Top 11 Tricks - Click for details
 Clean Aid and Hammerless Climbing - Top 11 Tricks
A big goal of SuperTopo is to inspire more clean ascents. There are eleven tricks that Chris McNamara has found to do that. Please add in your own clean aid tips below the art...

by Chris McNamara
31,064 Jul 15, 2013 16
Chuck Pratt
by DR
30,970 Mar 22, 2019 177
How to Big Wall Climb: Following 1: Low Angle Terrain - Click for details
 How to Big Wall Climb: Following 1: Low Angle Terrain
[youtube=_vkiG2K9cFg] This is part of the How to Big Wall Climb SuperTopo book. Videos like the ones above illustrate key points of the book and are meant to be watched w...

by Chris McNamara
29,501 Mar 13, 2014 15
How to Big Wall Climb - Leading 2: Vertical and Overhanging Terrain - Click for details
 How to Big Wall Climb - Leading 2: Vertical and Overhanging Terrain
[youtube=IE-DmgME8xs] [youtube=t1TXdYFRFR0] This is part of the How to Big Wall Climb SuperTopo book. Videos like the ones above illustrate key points of the book an...

by Chris McNamara
26,941 Aug 13, 2009 10
How To Big Wall Climbing - Gear 2: Clean Aid Protection - Click for details
 How To Big Wall Climbing - Gear 2: Clean Aid Protection
This is part of my How To Big Wall Climb project. View the table of contents here. Chris Mac Pick I add (Chris Mac Pick) after any gear that is currently my fa...

by Chris McNamara
26,768 Jul 07, 2010 2
iPhone Case With Lanyard: Ditch the Point and Shoot when Hiking, Climbing, and Backpacking - Click for details
 iPhone Case With Lanyard: Ditch the Point and Shoot when Hiking, Climbing, and Backpacking
My days of hiking and climbing with a small digital camera are over. Now that the camera on the iPhone 5 and most other smartphones is pretty good, it's all I need. The p...

by Chris McNamara
26,056 Jul 10, 2013 30
1 - 20 of total 44 Articles found Next Page of Articles >> 

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