The Nose, El Capitan 5.14a or 5.9 C2


Yosemite Valley, California USA

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1 - 20 of total 43 Trip Reports found. [ Thumbnails | Text  ]
Title Views Last Post Msgs
How I Learned to Climb the NIAD in 3 Days and 2 Nights - Click for details
 How I Learned to Climb the NIAD in 3 Days and 2 Nights
Warning: zero-beta alert. In fact, there is nothing insightful about this trip report. Our accomplishment is tarnished by the fact that thousands upon thousands before us ha...

by tahoe523
17,317 Jan 02, 2019 82
Retro Climbing Report: the Nose in 1990. by mynameismud - Click for details
 Retro Climbing Report: the Nose in 1990. by mynameismud
What I'm about to post is not my own report. It was written by another infrequent SuperTopo user mynameismud a couple of years ago when we shared among friends how we all lea...

by Mei
6,548 Dec 31, 2018 33
Post-Ferguson fire Nose TR - Click for details
 Post-Ferguson fire Nose TR
Climbing El Capitan was something I thought about for 17 years, but I really didn’t think I ever would do it. I got into climbing when I was 20 years old and went to visit a f...

by vervthethird
2,133 Sep 13, 2018 5
A jumarless Nose with my Daughter. - Click for details
 A jumarless Nose with my Daughter.
Good times in the Valley with the kids: -Jim ...

by Jim Herson
15,867 Sep 03, 2018 120
"The Tortoise and the Hare" : Six Days on The Nose - Click for details
 "The Tortoise and the Hare" : Six Days on The Nose
(this is a long TR. I've linked my video at the end. Thanks guys!) I still remember the first time my parents took me to Yosemite and sticking my head out of the...

by Miles Fullman
5,771 May 04, 2018 30
Wag Bag Therapy - Click for details
 Wag Bag Therapy
Wag Bag Therapy Case study subject: Me, Lynn Sanson, 53-year-old climber with a life goal to climb the nose of El Capitan, the greatest rock climb in the world. (It’s...

by LynnS
3,411 Jan 13, 2018 27
A Yosemite 1984 retro trip report - Click for details
 A Yosemite 1984 retro trip report
Nine and a Half Hours: an early Nose in a Day ascent with Romain Vogler. Alone - Off the wall, is about trying to solo Sunkist and coming unstuck. I’ve already wri...

by duncan
1,958 Dec 13, 2017 2
A Mere Mortal's Guide to Climbing the Nose.  (Including my experiences with the rockfall on elcap) - Click for details
 A Mere Mortal's Guide to Climbing the Nose. (Including my experiences with the rockfall on elcap)
"he proceeded to climb in what I can only assume was self contained contentment, since I couldn't hear a complaint out of him over the wind and snow that kept trying to persua...

by alexsaunders
5,744 Nov 29, 2017 20
A jumarless Nose with my son - Click for details
 A jumarless Nose with my son
An excellent day with my son on the Captain: -Jim ...

by Jim Herson
4,581 Jul 20, 2017 50
not-honnold climbed El Cap (video TR)
by nathanael
3,551 Jun 25, 2017 21
This is a little old but hopefully helpful to some people looking for info on a first time Yosemite trip or trying to do the nose and half dome for the first time. https://j...

by jaddles
3,721 Mar 16, 2017 12
NIAP is the new NIAD - Click for details
 NIAP is the new NIAD
As I finished the Great Roof and clipped in beneath the famous Pancake Flake, I was struck by horror. Was my figure-eight unfinished? My harness unbuckled? My fly unzipped bef...

by hamik
8,109 Jul 12, 2016 26
The Nose (Again!?) Trip Report – Dehyrated in mid November - Click for details
 The Nose (Again!?) Trip Report – Dehyrated in mid November
I guess I have no imagination. What did I do a few days after climbing The Nose last week? Call up Mark Melvin of course: so, you want to climb the Nose this Friday? Mark...

by Chris McNamara
8,597 Jun 10, 2016 25
Team mickextreme 2.5 day Nose Ascent (Whitemeat+Jaysen) - Click for details
 Team mickextreme 2.5 day Nose Ascent (Whitemeat+Jaysen)
"Dude, I just got 4 days off work... for no reason... lets do the nose." (joke) This is how this episode began. Mickey was already in the valley climbing Skull Qu...

by Jaysen
7,116 Dec 11, 2015 38
The Nose in a day -- a multi-year goal - Click for details
 The Nose in a day -- a multi-year goal
Five years ago my brother George and I got the idea to try to onsight the Nose in a day due to an accident. Originally we were planning to climb the Nose as our first El Cap ...

by cmclean
9,175 Jun 10, 2015 49
Yosemite Old School Texas Style - Click for details
 Yosemite Old School Texas Style
Another assembly of adventures from the '80s. ...

by Crump
6,805 Oct 10, 2014 33
The Super-Story of the Nose gettin' picked and ticked. - Click for details
 The Super-Story of the Nose gettin' picked and ticked.
Here it is… It has taken a lot of energy and a lot of time to sit down and write out this trip. Reasons for delay have been: life. This trip originally involved 3...

by Jager824
8,717 Aug 22, 2014 17
The Nose Of El Capitan -Party of three, Leave no trace - Click for details
 The Nose Of El Capitan -Party of three, Leave no trace
Background: Three years ago, I entered Yosemite Valley on a backpacking trip with friends, spotted El Capitan and knew that someday I wanted to climb The Nose. I by no mean...

by JSpencerV
16,802 Apr 23, 2014 54
The Nose in a Day, 10/09 - Click for details
 The Nose in a Day, 10/09
It all started in the Fall of ‘08 when Jay and Jeanette Rennenberg climbed the Nose. I hadn’t been up El Cap since 1979 and was really feeling the longing in my heart. I email...

by Mark Hudon
15,114 Apr 16, 2014 38
The Nose of El Cap - Click for details
 The Nose of El Cap
It has been almost a year since Preston and I climbed The Nose of El Cap and the trip report is long over due. So here we go. The Players Preston - Super strong, wi...

by stinky hippie
7,032 Mar 22, 2014 14
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