Mountaineer's Route, Mt. Whitney 3rd class


High Sierra, California USA

  • Currently 2.0/5
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1 - 3 of total 3 Trip Reports found. [ Thumbnails | Text  ]
Title Views Last Post Msgs
Spring Success on Whitney's Mountaineer's Route - Click for details
 Spring Success on Whitney's Mountaineer's Route
After two previous attempts on Whitney’s Mountaineer’s Route, Jeremy, Ryan and I finally succeeded at climbing this popular and slightly technical route up the highest peak in...

by Byrner
6,659 Oct 01, 2010 11
Mt Whitney Ramble - with Pix - Click for details
 Mt Whitney Ramble - with Pix
A friend abruptly quit her job and laid a great temptation before me. Let's climb in Yosemite in June, and name where you want to go later in the summer. Years ago, I had a ...

by Seamstress
7,538 Aug 19, 2010 18
Mt. Whitney Mountaineer's Route (TR) - Click for details
 Mt. Whitney Mountaineer's Route (TR)
Awesome time! See blog! ...

6,414 Jul 07, 2010 11
1 - 3 of total 3 Trip Reports found