Northeast Gully, Laurel Mountain 5.2


High Sierra, California USA

  • Currently 3.0/5
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1 - 5 of total 5 Trip Reports found. [ Thumbnails | Text  ]
Title Views Last Post Msgs
Mount Laurel in an Afternoon
by GDavis
3,690 Oct 11, 2015 20
Laurel Mt. Northeast Gully 9/22/10 - Click for details
 Laurel Mt. Northeast Gully 9/22/10
After a summer spent guiding at Castle Rock, playing disc golf, and sport climbing on the East Side, the urge to get up high finally manifested from deep down. With a gig lead...

by billygoat
4,913 Sep 12, 2015 19
Laurel Mountain NE Gully
by rhyang
4,668 Feb 06, 2014 10
Team Trundle Tackles the NE Gully of Laurel Mtn - Click for details
 Team Trundle Tackles the NE Gully of Laurel Mtn
If you want a report with pictures, visit my website, since SuperTopo has deprecated displaying photos from off-site. June 17, 2012 Laurel Mtn's NE Gully (...

by PellucidWombat
6,821 Jul 20, 2012 21
Laurel Mountain 10/20/10
by Mtbphoto
3,546 Oct 22, 2010 14
1 - 5 of total 5 Trip Reports found