Rancher +Militia vs BLM,trouble on the range.(OT)


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Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
May 2, 2014 - 09:53am PT
Ben Ghazi, I liked him in the original Fugitive.

Watching that video made me think "Lord of the horseflies".

So who feeds these fatbois while they are getting in the way of farm operations?
Will they shoot Clivin when even he gets sick of them and tells them all to vamoose?

May 2, 2014 - 10:01am PT
Funny sheet hddj.

Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
May 2, 2014 - 10:03am PT
Hey Ron aren't you and the Oaf Creapers traitors to the cause now?

Do you have to show your ID to vigilantes at "Patriot" check points?

Trad climber
South Lake Tahoe, CA
May 2, 2014 - 10:06am PT
Ron, start a nutso Benghazi thread. Title it "Things I Heard on Hannity Tonight Now That Bundy is Exposed As A Racist Kook".

Fox viewers. Brains the size of a flea. A real small flea. Like a microscopic flea.

Trad climber
May 2, 2014 - 10:08am PT
Ron screeched
But do yammer on about such things as basket ball team owners that have ZERO to do with you or anyone else

Exactly. Because black people aren't people. Good point, Ron. Tell us a little more of what you know about "the negro."

May 2, 2014 - 10:18am PT
Yeah sterling is as relevant as Boondy and the oaf creepers. Now it's time to retreat to your little compounds and wait until the end times.

Trad climber
May 2, 2014 - 10:32am PT
Who gives a rip about some rich SOB racist talking idiot? He owns a basketball team. Big whoop. ZERO to do with the rest of the world. But do by all means ignore the fact a president and his cabinet LIED through their teeth to make themselves look better for upcoming elections. PATHETIC. Seems some LOVE to be behind liars here. High fives all around!!!

If you CAPITALIZE words for EMPHASIS and use lots of exclamation points you can INSIST that anything is TRUE!
Bob D'A

Trad climber
Taos, NM
May 2, 2014 - 10:32am PT
DMT wrote: You're better than them, bro. Don't fall for that sh#t.

No he is not as he has proven a number times on this forum. The dude is a right wing gun toting nut job.

Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
May 2, 2014 - 10:34am PT
Speaking of LIES to make a Presidential administration look good for re-election may I remind you of a few whoppers.


and a personal favorite of mine from Ol Poppy Bush
Read my lips NO NEW TAXES!

Careful; what you bitch about Rong it may come back to puke on you.
You can claim many things like that your not a Fox News watcher or not a republican or whatever else but you are clearly motivated by an over-riding and irrational loathing of the Democrats who you claim are just the same as the Republicans you never criticize or chastise. Which clearly makes you either a partisan hack or a witless tool.

Trad climber
May 2, 2014 - 10:34am PT
Ron posted
Who gives a rip about some rich SOB racist talking idiot? He owns some cows and grazes them illegally on federal land. Big whoop. ZERO to do with the rest of the world.

Fixed that for you.

Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
May 2, 2014 - 10:35am PT
Except isn't Clivin's socialist beef feeding meat to the world?

Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
May 2, 2014 - 10:42am PT
Will they let you back if you bring a case of CheeseWhiz and Funnyuns?

Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
May 2, 2014 - 10:43am PT

Perhaps that's why we've been so eager for Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. We've got NO idea.

Note that the politicians who were veterans of Vietnam (mostly Democrats, why is that?)were skeptical of Iraq/ It was the Republican draft evaders and deserters who were all gung-ho for war.

Ben Gazzara is best remembered for Vanishing Point. Great movie!


Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
May 2, 2014 - 10:47am PT
Political ChickenHawks like Dick Chenney are the slime stuck to the cowboi boots in BunkerStan.

Dingus don't forget the "Veins in their teeth" frothing patriots that wanted the Lawd's vengence and were willing to tar, feather and disembowel any one anti-American enough to say "hey wait a minute can we talk about this a little first".

Cant fight the tide.

Trad climber
May 2, 2014 - 10:51am PT
Nevada police talk about how close things came to a big shootout:


Bob D'A

Trad climber
Taos, NM
May 2, 2014 - 10:57am PT
Freaking democrats were scare shitless after 9/11. I agree with DMT, they carry llod on their hands too.

Trad climber
May 2, 2014 - 11:00am PT
Hey, Ron. Have any of your militia buddies floated the possibility that the fact that they pointed guns at federal officers and then a drone strike DIDN'T blow them all up as perhaps evidence that they AREN'T being ruled by a tyrannical dictatorship? Because seriously, an actual tyrant would have no problem just declaring them all traitors and napalming the whole ranch.

Trad climber
May 2, 2014 - 11:05am PT

You'll notice an abrupt increase in the number of militia groups in 2009 obviously correlating with the huge increase in black pres...er...I mean tyranny.

(The graph is based on Southern Poverty Law Center numbers)

Ron sneered
HD i see your a lying dem too. fabricating quotes

I am so not surprised that went entirely over your head.

Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
May 2, 2014 - 11:15am PT
Gee I wonder why those militia groups seemed to settle down during the years between Clinton's tyranny and Obama's tyranny?
I can only assume that they saw no Gubmint Ovareach or diminishing of Civil Liberties under Spurious George.
How convenient.

Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
May 2, 2014 - 11:23am PT
Hddj. That is one of the best graphs I've ever seen and so absolutely true. Why don't dems start arming to the teeth and parading around like fools when a Republican is elected?
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