Climbing Route Search

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116 - 130 of total 151 routes found. 
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Route Name Formation Climbing Area Review
Burgundy Spire - North Face III 5.8+ - Washington Pass, Washington, USA. Click for details.
North Face
III 5.8+, Burgundy Spire

Burgundy Spire North Face
Photo:Ian Nicholson
Burgundy Spire Washington Pass, Washington, USA
III 5.8+
4 Star Rating
Chablis Spire - East Face II 5.6R - Washington Pass, Washington, USA. Click for details.
East Face
II 5.6R, Chablis Spire

The Wine Spires viewed from the East.
Photo:John Scurlock
Chablis Spire Washington Pass, Washington, USA
II 5.6R
4 Star Rating
South Early Winters Spire - Southwest Couloir II 5.0 40º - Washington Pass, Washington, USA. Click for details.
Southwest Couloir
II 5.0 40º, South Early Winters Spire

Kurt Hicks approaching the Southwest Couloir under typical early season conditions
Photo:Chris Kouba
South Early Winters Spire Washington Pass, Washington, USA
II 5.0 40º
4 Star Rating
Big Kangaroo - Kearney-Thomas III 5.11b or 5.10b C1 - Washington Pass, Washington, USA. Click for details.
III 5.11b or 5.10b C1, Big Kangaroo

Big Kangaroo
Photo:Ian Nicholson
Big Kangaroo Washington Pass, Washington, USA
III 5.11b or 5.10b C1
4 Star Rating
Liberty Bell - Remsberg Variation II+ 5.10d - Washington Pass, Washington, USA. Click for details.
Remsberg Variation
II+ 5.10d, Liberty Bell

Dale Remsberg nearly 20 years after making the first ascent. Now Technical Director of the AMGA.
Photo:Ian Nicholson
Liberty Bell Washington Pass, Washington, USA
II+ 5.10d
4 Star Rating
Concord Tower - North Face Directismo II 5.8+ - Washington Pass, Washington, USA. Click for details.
North Face Directismo
II 5.8+, Concord Tower

Concord Tower North Face
Photo:Ian Nicholson
Concord Tower Washington Pass, Washington, USA
II 5.8+
4 Star Rating
South Early Winters Spire - Mojo Rising III 5.11b C1+ - Washington Pass, Washington, USA. Click for details.
Mojo Rising
III 5.11b C1+, South Early Winters Spire

The Northwest Face of South Early Winters Spire
Photo:Ian Nicholson
South Early Winters Spire Washington Pass, Washington, USA
III 5.11b C1+
4 Star Rating
Serpentine Crack
III 5.11b/c, Liberty Bell

Liberty Bell Washington Pass, Washington, USA
III 5.11b/c
4 Star Rating
West Face
II 5.6 R, Big Kangaroo

Big Kangaroo Washington Pass, Washington, USA
II 5.6 R
4 Star Rating
Mount Dickey - West Face II, 35-40 degree snow - Alaska, USA. Click for details.
West Face
II, 35-40 degree snow, Mount Dickey

An overview of the line.
Photo:Mike Gauthier
Mount Dickey Alaska, USA
II, 35-40 degree snow
5 Star Rating
Liberty Bell - Beckey Route II 5.7- - Washington Pass, Washington, USA. Click for details.
Beckey Route
II 5.7-, Liberty Bell

Liberty Bell Beckey Route
Photo:Mark Allen
Liberty Bell Washington Pass, Washington, USA
II 5.7-
5 Star Rating
Mount Barrill - Japanese Couloir III, 55-70 degree snow or ice - Alaska, USA. Click for details.
Japanese Couloir
III, 55-70 degree snow or ice, Mount Barrill

An overview of the line.
Photo:Joe Puryear
Mount Barrill Alaska, USA
III, 55-70 degree snow or ice
5 Star Rating
Mount Russell - North Ridge III, 65-degree snow and ice - Alaska, USA. Click for details.
North Ridge
III, 65-degree snow and ice, Mount Russell

An overview of the line.
Photo:Joe Puryear
Mount Russell Alaska, USA
III, 65-degree snow and ice
5 Star Rating
The Throne - Lost Marsupial III, 5.8 - Alaska, USA. Click for details.
Lost Marsupial
III, 5.8, The Throne

An overview of the line.
Photo:Joe Puryear
The Throne Alaska, USA
III, 5.8
5 Star Rating
Middle Troll - South Face III, 5.8, 45-degree snow - Alaska, USA. Click for details.
South Face
III, 5.8, 45-degree snow, Middle Troll

An overview of the line.
Photo:Joe Puryear
Middle Troll Alaska, USA
III, 5.8, 45-degree snow
5 Star Rating
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