South Face, North Dome 5.7


Yosemite Valley, California USA

  • Currently 4.0/5
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1 - 3 of total 3 Trip Reports found. [ Thumbnails | Text  ]
Title Views Last Post Msgs
South Face on North Dome
by climber007
5,867 Jul 11, 2018 23
North Dome: South Face Trip - Click for details
 North Dome: South Face Trip
Did the Royal Arches to North Dome link up on the 1st of September. Royal Arches went fast, 3.5 hours, some simul-climbing, lots of linking. The hike to the Dome definitely ...

by Gantt
4,423 Sep 19, 2012 10
Royal Arches to South Face to Tuolumne - Click for details
 Royal Arches to South Face to Tuolumne
Recently climbed South Face via Royal Arches and then hiked off the backside to highway 120. For all of you who love statistics, I won’t make you wait for them: • 40...

by surfnclimb
4,051 Sep 07, 2011 11
1 - 3 of total 3 Trip Reports found