Crest Jewel, North Dome 5.10a


Yosemite Valley, California USA

  • Currently 5.0/5
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1 - 9 of total 9 Trip Reports found. [ Thumbnails | Text  ]
Title Views Last Post Msgs
Crest Jewel, Shining Brightly - Click for details
 Crest Jewel, Shining Brightly
Truly a gem – a 10 pitch face climb up the side of North Dome. Since Betsy and I were staying on the east side we choose to hike in from Hwy 120 at Porcupine Flats, a well...

by Ney Grant
2,631 Aug 02, 2017 16
Royal Arches + Crest Jewel link up (photo TR) - Click for details
 Royal Arches + Crest Jewel link up (photo TR)
We camped outside the park not far from the south (CA-41) entrance. Woke up at 4am, drove to Church Bowl parking lot and had a breakfast. We were slow that morning and...

by pell
5,015 Jun 08, 2016 26
Royal Arches to Crest Jewel - Photo TR - Click for details
 Royal Arches to Crest Jewel - Photo TR
Back in late May, Pete and I had a damn fine time on the Royal Arches to Crest Jewel linkup. A climb many of you have enjoyed as well. The best thing about writing TR's is the...

by le_bruce
5,900 Mar 12, 2014 16
Crest Jewel, 10a, 10 miles, 10 pitches, 10 hours - Click for details
 Crest Jewel, 10a, 10 miles, 10 pitches, 10 hours
So after a physically brutal NIAD run the prior weekend.... I was looking for a fun big'ish climb to do on a ...

by climber007
3,252 Jun 29, 2013 14
Crest Jewel TR 8/20/06 - Click for details
 Crest Jewel TR 8/20/06
Trip Report: August 20, 2006 Ed Hartouni & Gary Carpenter North Dome Crest Jewel 5.10a, 10 pitches I've been avoiding this one for a while because I didn't ge...

by Ed Hartouni
4,185 Dec 17, 2012 21
Jewels all Around (Royal Arches, Crest Jewel, Serenity Crack, Sons of Yesterday) - Click for details
 Jewels all Around (Royal Arches, Crest Jewel, Serenity Crack, Sons of Yesterday)
Our weekend began well with a great ascent of Half Dome (see trip Report from Nate) After...

by holdenhh
4,152 Aug 18, 2012 14
Not in the Meadows - Click for details
 Not in the Meadows
I have wanted to climb Crest Jewel for at least 5 years. I never got around to it. As time goes by, my goals and dreams seem to march farther and farther out of reach. Maybe I...

by spyork
4,426 Aug 23, 2011 33
Epic fun on Royal Arches Crest Jewel linkup
by wallgumby
4,166 Oct 25, 2009 6
Crest Jewel Photo Trip Report 7/19/09 - Click for details
 Crest Jewel Photo Trip Report 7/19/09
Crest Jewel Photo Trip Report 7/19/09 6:20 at the trailhead. There are a lot of good TRs of this route out there so I’ll give a quick overview and proceed to the pics. ...

by Zander
3,089 Aug 15, 2009 48
1 - 9 of total 9 Trip Reports found