Snake Dike, Half Dome 5.7 R


Yosemite Valley, California USA

  • Currently 5.0/5
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1 - 20 of total 27 Trip Reports found. [ Thumbnails | Text  ]
Title Views Last Post Msgs
Adventures with Elliot Robinson: Learning Kung Fu on Snake Dike - Click for details
 Adventures with Elliot Robinson: Learning Kung Fu on Snake Dike
No one has heard of Elliot Robinson. “No one,” in terms of perspective. Truth is, no one has really heard of Peter Croft, Jim Bridwell, or most of the otherwise-legendary figu...

by Zay
4,697 Jan 19, 2019 40
 The Gift: New Year's Eve and A Long Day on Half Dome
Dick Clark is getting old. And so am I. Its 11:15pm on New Years Eve and I’m doing my best not to be a party pooper. Kids run around in the living room, couples play cards ...

by micronut
11,114 Jan 09, 2019 77
"Snake Dike" on Half Dome. Film instead of written TR - Click for details
 "Snake Dike" on Half Dome. Film instead of written TR
Hello everybody, this May and June my climbing partner Chris and me visited Yosemity. It was our first time there and we had a real great time and liked it very much. A...

by juergen_l
4,884 Dec 23, 2018 21
 Snake Dike (from Glacier Point...AND BACK!)
So I'm looking to get in shape for LF come end of May. Any route long or a long approach is good training, right? Maybe. I figured just another weekend in the Sierra toil...

by Mungeclimber
4,919 Oct 11, 2018 36
Why Hike When You Can Climb? - Click for details
 Why Hike When You Can Climb?
Note: Route was climbed in August 2015 “I’d like to hike Half Dome, one day”, she said. “Pfffft. Nobody hikes Half Dome anymore” I replied. “We should climb it! You...

by Tazz
4,718 Jul 07, 2016 14
First multi pitch over 4 pitches. - Click for details
 First multi pitch over 4 pitches.
We camped at Lower Pines - which is a beautiful site if you ever want to reserve and not hope for Camp 4 to open up. This site give you a majestic view of the Nort...

by tang0nathan
4,251 May 18, 2016 30
How many times can I get away with "Just 1 more trip" before January? - Click for details
 How many times can I get away with "Just 1 more trip" before January?
My cousin and I were planning on zipping up to Cathedral Peak to climb it in late-season solitude this past Sunday, but a small storm came through Thursday and this happened: ...

by looks easy from here
3,405 Nov 21, 2014 13
Snake Dike by Moonlight - Click for details
 Snake Dike by Moonlight
Snake Dike by Moonlight My 15 year old son Dylan, and I. along with Andy Puhvel Oct 11th, 2014 The entire event from car door to car door took 30 hours (3 PM Sat.- ...

3,448 Oct 29, 2014 4
Snake Dike, July 2014 - Click for details
 Snake Dike, July 2014
SNAKE DIKE 2014 Reed and Kirt had attempted Snake Dike in 2013, but followed two other climbers up the wrong route 100 feet to the left (probably Blondike), to...

by Reed101
5,252 Oct 16, 2014 14
Photo sphere tour of the Snake Dike and a quick look over the edge
by Mr_T
9,061 Jul 21, 2014 38
Yosemite season opener!
by dkny
6,370 Jun 10, 2014 28
A GRAND DAY OUT: SNAKE DYKE HIKE JULY 2013 - Click for details
So, it’s 0400 and the alarm goes off – but I’m already awake waiting for my phone to demand I get up. Bronwen’s also just dozing – not a sound sleep but one disturbed by the ...

by Blakey
4,637 Sep 14, 2013 14
mothers day snake dike! - Click for details
 mothers day snake dike!

by whitemeat
7,315 Jun 11, 2013 29
Snake Dike - May 13, 2013 - updated Aug 18, 2013 - Click for details
 Snake Dike - May 13, 2013 - updated Aug 18, 2013
added 8/18/13: : I dedicate this trip report and incredible experience to my son Matthew who : inspired me to start climbing 5 years ago at the age of 54. He passed : a...

by mpmoody
9,340 Jun 04, 2013 12
Me, My Wife, and Snake Dike in 3 Minutes and 40 Seconds
by limpingcrab
5,041 Oct 31, 2012 44
Snake Dike under a full moon - Click for details
 Snake Dike under a full moon
After years of talking about it, I finally got my schedule to align with the moon, and did the fabled full-moon climb last night. There are plenty of detailed descriptio...

by Matt Leonard
4,179 Oct 03, 2012 12
YASDTR - Click for details
Yet Another Snake Dike Trip Report I pretty much started climbing trad a year ago so I could do this route. My fiance injured her knee the week our trip, but encouraged me t...

by Chris Brent
2,729 Oct 03, 2012 2
Snake Dike Meets the Grack: The Moderate Diaries
by Mikemcee
5,383 Jun 04, 2012 9
A long long day on the Snake Dike - Click for details
 A long long day on the Snake Dike
I meant to write this shortly after we got back, but never got around to it. So here it goes... My buddy Mose and I had talked about doing Snake Dike for a long time, but...

11,268 Dec 05, 2011 36
The Day The Fates Were Against my Snake Dike Climb.... - Click for details
 The Day The Fates Were Against my Snake Dike Climb....
A couple of weeks ago I slept for several hours at the end of a Monday and left my house in Palo Alto at about Midnight and drove through the Yosemite entrance gate on Rt-120 ...

by rentwistle
3,392 Oct 17, 2011 7
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