Skull Queen, Washington Column C2 5.8


Yosemite Valley, California USA

  • Currently 3.0/5
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1 - 4 of total 4 Trip Reports found. [ Thumbnails | Text  ]
Title Views Last Post Msgs
Winter Ascent (?) with the Voo-Doo Ballerina - Click for details
 Winter Ascent (?) with the Voo-Doo Ballerina
Just woke from one of those lucid fever dreams. You know the kind you just want to go unconscious, but you are trapped in an endless disturbing cycle of wacko nonsense. The...

by wallgumby
3,772 Jan 22, 2014 16
Team HamMeat at it again on Rivet Que...errr... Skull Queen! - Click for details
 Team HamMeat at it again on Rivet Que...errr... Skull Queen!
A few weeks ago Mickey (aka WhiteMeat) and I climbed the West Face of Leaning Tower...

by briham89
3,536 Jul 23, 2013 19
Skull Queen - Washington Column - Happy Birthday to Me - Click for details
 Skull Queen - Washington Column - Happy Birthday to Me
Below is an entry in my blog about climbing skull queen on my birthday with my good friend Lea:

by JSpencerV
3,896 May 18, 2012 11
SQIAD - Click for details
I had just finished my final exams, and NEEDED to get off the deck. But where may one do such in the middle of December? Thankfully, the Valley gods graced us with a dry weeke...

by Mittens
8,040 Jan 30, 2012 42
1 - 4 of total 4 Trip Reports found