You can search the SuperTopo database of climbing routes by route name (e.g. search for "the nose"), rating (e.g. try a search for "5.9"), destination name ("red rocks"), or formation ("el capitan"). For example, to find all the 5.8 routes, just search for "5.8". To find all the 5.8 routes in Yosemite, search for "5.8 yosemite".
Route Name |
Formation |
Climbing Area |
Review |
| Astroman 5.11c, Washington Column
Astroman takes a brilliant steep and clean line.
Photo:Chris McNamara |
Washington Column |
Yosemite Valley, California USA |
11 |
5.11c |
| South Face C1 5.8, Washington Column
The South Face of Washington Column.
Photo:Chris McNamara |
Washington Column |
Yosemite Valley, California USA |
10 |
C1 5.8 |
| Prow C2F 5.6, Washington Column
The line follows a series of small features.
Photo:Chris McNamara |
Washington Column |
Yosemite Valley, California USA |
12 |
C2F 5.6 |
| Skull Queen C2 5.8, Washington Column
Skull Queen.
Photo:Chris McNamara |
Washington Column |
Yosemite Valley, California USA |
13 |
C2 5.8 |
| Ten Day's After A3 5.8, Washington Column
A series of steep corners lead to an exposed face.
Photo:Chris McNamara |
Washington Column |
Yosemite Valley, California USA |
13 |
A3 5.8 |
| Re-animator A3 5.8, Washington Column
The steepest route on the Column.
Photo:Chris McNamara |
Washington Column |
Yosemite Valley, California USA |
11 |
A3 5.8 |
Washington Column |
Yosemite Valley, California USA |
13 |
A2 5.7 |
Washington Column |
Yosemite Valley, California USA |
12 |
C2 5.9 |
Quantum Mechanic |
Washington Column |
Yosemite Valley, California USA |
13 |
5.13a |
1 - 9 of total 9 climbing routes found matching: Washington Column |