Mescalito, El Capitan A3 5.8


Yosemite Valley, California USA

  • Currently 5.0/5
Be the first to create a trip report for Mescalito, El Capitan!
1 - 6 of total 6 Trip Reports found. [ Thumbnails | Text  ]
Title Views Last Post Msgs
working of the first free ascent of Mescalito - Click for details
 working of the first free ascent of Mescalito
first a public service announcement: take your poop down from el cap. Here are many ideas on the subject of managing your poop on the forum or you can just buy a Metolius...

by Chris McNamara
34,933 Dec 12, 2018 77
Mescalito - High on Bugs - Click for details
 Mescalito - High on Bugs ...

by meg - tp
4,731 May 14, 2016 33
Mescalito June 2012 - Click for details
 Mescalito June 2012
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” Literally. That quote from Dickens definitely sums up the past year of my life. On the up side I met the most amazing w...

by Spanky
6,885 Jun 20, 2014 33
Mescalito Clean Ascent Oct. 11-17th 2011 By Mike Nicholson and Christiaan Luneberg - Click for details
 Mescalito Clean Ascent Oct. 11-17th 2011 By Mike Nicholson and Christiaan Luneberg
Hey folks! Just wish to share with you my adventure up my first El Capitan route, Mescalito. Please enjoy the read! The 10th We arrived in the valley expecting perf...

by Michael Nicholson
6,712 Aug 04, 2013 42
Learning to aid climb on Mescalito... - Click for details
 Learning to aid climb on Mescalito...
...or (semi)competent on El Cap "Shut the f*#k up!" - Shaun "If you don't want to finish the pitch, lower down and I'll lead can manage the belay"...

by aliebling
8,225 Jul 04, 2012 30
Mescalito Gumbies
by Greggonator
4,809 Jan 13, 2012 23
1 - 6 of total 6 Trip Reports found