Dark Star, Temple Crag 5.10b


High Sierra, California USA

  • Currently 4.0/5
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1 - 5 of total 5 Trip Reports found. [ Thumbnails | Text  ]
Title Views Last Post Msgs
Dark Star June 2012 - Click for details
 Dark Star June 2012
We climbed Dark Star at the end of June 2012. The summer of 2012 had very little snow and so approaches and descents were not complicated by the addition of snow or ice. The r...

by KBG
4,085 Jun 19, 2016 8
Dark Star Car2Car - Click for details
 Dark Star Car2Car
Wes, we agreed I would do the trip report this time. So I go to upload it and see you have pre-empted me by posting “beta” notes. If I had known, I could have spent the la...

by wallgumby
3,628 Jun 06, 2016 16
Dark Star, Car to Car: A TR - Click for details
 Dark Star, Car to Car: A TR
It is the middle of winter, and I think we could all go for some High Sierra PSYCHE! Last August, I got to go to Temple Crag for the first time. After having done t...

by Buju
7,676 Jun 06, 2016 69
A Fall Day on Dark Star (Sit-Start Variation) - Click for details
 A Fall Day on Dark Star (Sit-Start Variation)
If you want a report with pictures, visit my website, since SuperTopo has deprecated displaying photos from off-site. September 29 - October 1, 2012 Despite the s...

by PellucidWombat
5,976 Nov 08, 2012 33
Dark Star 8/20/12 - Click for details
 Dark Star 8/20/12
My Friend Zach and I climbed Dark Star on Temple Craig on 8/20/12 Driving through Bishop in a rain storm we were weary of the weather for the following day. After getting our ...

by TahoeClimb
4,054 Nov 08, 2012 24
1 - 5 of total 5 Trip Reports found