North Buttress, Merriam Peak 5.10b/c


High Sierra, California USA

  • Currently 3.0/5
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1 - 7 of total 7 Trip Reports found. [ Thumbnails | Text  ]
Title Views Last Post Msgs
Merriam Peak (N Buttress) - Click for details
 Merriam Peak (N Buttress)
If you want a report with pictures, visit my website, since SuperTopo has deprecated displaying photos from off-site. After having such a great time on the Incredib...

by PellucidWombat
9,263 Jul 15, 2018 31
North Buttress of Merriam day-hike (Photo TR) - Click for details
 North Buttress of Merriam day-hike (Photo TR)
Although I love to camp and spent the most amount of time in the mountains for as long as possible, at times I do like to push my body, test my limits and see how I perform un...

by Vitaliy M.
5,476 Jun 29, 2016 42
North Buttress, Merriam peak & Royce lakes - Click for details
 North Buttress, Merriam peak & Royce lakes
Hi There, I have been lurking around on here & all over the internet for that matter for some time reading trip reports about the high sierra like a fiend. I figured it's...

by RyanD
6,962 Mar 04, 2016 36
Merriam's Longest Approach - Click for details
 Merriam's Longest Approach
This section of the Sierra is almost perfectly set up for hike-a-day-climb-a-day backpack adventuring. Scope the Moynier/Fiddler guide with a map in hand and three formations...

by jedster
4,166 Aug 08, 2013 13
Merriam Peak North Buttress 07-06-13 - Click for details
 Merriam Peak North Buttress 07-06-13
When I moved to CA in 2009 I bought the Fiddler/Moynier High Sierra book to get an idea of what the high Sierra had to offer. 2 formations really struck me and reminded me wh...

by BFK
3,348 Jul 17, 2013 19
Adventure and an FA at Merriam Peak - Click for details
 Adventure and an FA at Merriam Peak
Over the 4th of July weekend this was summer I was able to go spend some time at Merriam Peak. I had seen photos that showed potential for new lines and read stories of existi...

by cultureshock
3,345 May 31, 2013 12
Merriam Direct North Buttress - Click for details
 Merriam Direct North Buttress
North Buttress of Merriam is worth the price of admission. Trip report here: ...

by aleday
2,714 Sep 28, 2012 9
1 - 7 of total 7 Trip Reports found