North Arete, Matterhorn Peak 5.7


High Sierra, California USA

  • Currently 3.0/5
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1 - 4 of total 4 Trip Reports found. [ Thumbnails | Text  ]
Title Views Last Post Msgs
Near Demise (?) Attempting Matterhorn Peak - Click for details
 Near Demise (?) Attempting Matterhorn Peak
This is one trip report I really wish I did not have to write, but on the flip side, I am quite glad I am here to write it. I decided to share this experience here for a few r...

by Kreutzer
4,929 Jul 13, 2016 37
Matterhorn Peak - North Arete - Click for details
 Matterhorn Peak - North Arete
Matterhorn Peak's North Arete was next on my list of Sierra alpine classics, and Justin sounded interested. We headed out early from San Jose on Thursday morning and reached ...

by rhyang
8,562 Jul 30, 2015 30
TR, Climbed Matterhorn Pk, Crashed Cessna this weekend! - Click for details
 TR, Climbed Matterhorn Pk, Crashed Cessna this weekend!
Yeah, no lie. We freakin blew the takeoff out of Bridgeport yesterday after a three day rockstar trip. What's the last thing you want to hear your pilot say as you approa...

by micronut
6,870 Jul 16, 2013 51
TR: Matterhorn Peak - Click for details
 TR: Matterhorn Peak
I so enjoyed last month's Matterhorn Peak TR that I decided to go do it myself. Saturday I drove over the newly-opened Sonora Pass to Bridgeport, picked up my wilderness ...

by rhyang
4,211 Feb 25, 2009 35
1 - 4 of total 4 Trip Reports found