Red Dihedral, Incredible Hulk 5.10b


High Sierra, California USA

  • Currently 5.0/5
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1 - 7 of total 7 Trip Reports found. [ Thumbnails | Text  ]
Title Views Last Post Msgs
Incredible Hulk - Red Dihedral (photo TR) - Click for details
 Incredible Hulk - Red Dihedral (photo TR)
Back in 2010, I passed by the Incredible Hulk as a part of the Sierra Challenge( nice article by Michael Ybarra RIP). ...

by Vitaliy M.
7,851 Aug 08, 2016 41
Incredible Hulk : Red Dihedral
by mikeclimbs
2,498 Jun 09, 2015 4
The Tortoise, The Hare, and The Hulk - Red Dire-Hedral - Click for details
 The Tortoise, The Hare, and The Hulk - Red Dire-Hedral
This is a true story of a very unlikely day. The scenario is so preposterous that it deserves to be told in fable form. I am the tortoise, a frumpy middle class housewif...

by Seamstress
5,592 Aug 16, 2012 34
Simply Incredible - Click for details
 Simply Incredible
Last week Mr Riley Wyna and I went on a somewhat impromptu journey to the Incredible Hulk near Bridgeport Ca. We climbed The Red Dihedral. We enjoyed scenery. We enjo...

by karodrinker
3,392 Jul 17, 2012 11
July 4 wknd, 2010: Lucky Streaks and Red Dihedral
by phile
3,260 Aug 08, 2010 7
Hulk Red Dihedral and Beeline (new Nettle route) 7-11-2010 - Click for details
 Hulk Red Dihedral and Beeline (new Nettle route) 7-11-2010
Here are some pictures and story from my Hulk trip July 11-12,2010. This is a beautiful spot to camp and climb. My full trip report is here:

by backcountry
6,350 Jul 23, 2010 9
YARD (Yet Another Red Dihedral) report - Click for details
 YARD (Yet Another Red Dihedral) report
Full Trip Report on my blog: Video #1: Approach:

by tadhunt
5,350 Sep 30, 2009 1
1 - 7 of total 7 Trip Reports found