Trump has entered the Querencia Phase of his presidency


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Jon Beck

Trad climber
Jul 16, 2018 - 03:51pm PT
reaction from the right was swift. but nothing from Nunes

Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz.

Jeff Flake

I never thought I would see the day when our American President would stand on the stage with the Russian President and place blame on the United States for Russian aggression. This is shameful.

9:14 AM - Jul 16, 2018
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House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis.:
"There is no question that Russia interfered in our election and continues attempts to undermine democracy here and around the world," he stated. "The president must appreciate that Russia is not our ally. There is no moral equivalence between the United States and Russia, which remains hostile to our most basic values and ideals. The United States must be focused on holding Russia accountable and putting an end to its vile attacks on democracy."

Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Bob Corker, R-Tenn.:
“I felt like that everyone who’s dealt with Putin understands fully that the best way to deal with him is through strength,” Corker told reporters. “I just feel like the president’s comments made us look like a nation, more like a pushover.”

Rep. Justin Amash, R-Mich.
Justin Amash
A person can be in favor of improving relations with Russia, in favor of meeting with Putin, and still think something is not right here.
8:58 AM - Jul 16, 2018
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Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee:
"Russia is not our friend. Russia attempted to undermine the fundamentals of our democracy, impugn the reliability of the 2016 election, and sow the seeds of discord among Americans," Gowdy said in a statement. "I am confident former CIA Director and current Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, DNI Dan Coats, Ambassador Nikki Haley, FBI Director Chris Wray, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and others will be able to communicate to the President it is possible to conclude Russia interfered with our election in 2016 without delegitimizing his electoral success."

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla.

Marco Rubio

Foreign policy must be based on reality,not hyperbole or wishful thinking. And the reality is #Russia is an adversary. Because #Putin doesn’t believe in win/win scenarios & thinks only way to make Russia stronger is to make U.S. weaker. Any approach not based on this will fail.

10:24 AM - Jul 16, 2018
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Ohio Gov. John Kasich

John Kasich

We need to be clear. Russia is our foe. Putin is actively trying to hurt our country. America needs to speak with one voice AGAINST Russia.

9:29 AM - Jul 16, 2018
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Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr, R-N.C.:
“Russia has conducted a coordinated cyberattack on state election systems, and hacked critical infrastructure," he said. "They have used social media to sow chaos and discord in our society. They have beaten and harassed U.S. diplomats and violated anti-proliferation treaties. Any statement by Vladimir Putin contrary to these facts is a lie and should be recognized as one by the President.

“Vladimir Putin is not our friend and never has been. Nor does he want to be our friend. His regime’s actions prove it. We must make clear that the United States will not tolerate hostile Russian activities against us or our allies.”

Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo.

Liz Cheney

As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, I am deeply troubled by President Trump’s defense of Putin against the intelligence agencies of the U.S. & his suggestion of moral equivalence between the U.S. and Russia. Russia poses a grave threat to our national security.

10:22 AM - Jul 16, 2018
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from out where the anecdotes roam
Jul 16, 2018 - 04:11pm PT
[Click to View YouTube Video]

Jul 16, 2018 - 04:34pm PT
Jon—nice words, but most of them would never do anything, even though they have the power to do so. They all need to go.
Patrick Sawyer

Originally California, now Ireland
Jul 16, 2018 - 05:50pm PT
Several things here.

Firstly, that is a weird post xCon. I do not know if the guy had a gun or not (police have been know to plant them),but to say his son will vindicate him… what if he was to pull a weapon on the police…. I just do not know, if it was justified or not, I do not know, but to say his son will vindicate him? Do you have all the facts?

Okay, that aside, Back to Trump the traitor.

Yada, yada, yada, many (first world?) countries may try to interfere with a neighbors policies, as such. And yes the US has done it on a massive scale. So has the Kremlin. Right or wrong? Which side?

What goes around comes around.

But we are not talking about FDR, LBJ or Luke Skywalker.

We are not talking about the loser Hillary. Those are in the past.

We are looking at the person who is the POTUS. The now.

He sells himself well to his base, suffice to say, arguably, most others do not see Trump that easy, except the Kremlin. They see him in another light, all together. Dispute that.

Are you Trumpites out there really happy with what has transpired in Helsinki?

Jul 16, 2018 - 05:57pm PT
Patrick they’ll excuse anything, as long as trump’s defending white folks and pissing off liberals. If the country is to be saved from this sh#t show it will be in spite of them. Don’t look for reason or a defense of democratic values from them: you won’t find it. There are no bridges to be built: defeat them.

Trad climber
Jul 16, 2018 - 06:02pm PT
ts really to bad that 'good guy with a gun' in Chicago didn't whip it out when cornered by the bad guys and do some good with it

Calling for cops to be killed?

Xc0n is a sociopathic loozer. Pisst it's life is totally worthless except the days and nights spent here.

No one to blame but blames everyone. Mark-of-the-Loser

Consumate weirdo pussy. Name dropper nut swinger. You are NO climber

Come out of your hole and play. Where can you be found?
Patrick Sawyer

Originally California, now Ireland
Jul 16, 2018 - 06:09pm PT
And one more thing, I am not a grammar Nazi, I could be (sub-editor on papers in California, England, Wales and Ireland), but heaven knows I have my typos. I have NEVER corrected somebody's spelling or grammar online in forums, ever, even if it is atrocious.

So, we all make mistakes typing or in grammar. I love the Taco Stand because I can go back and correct typos, mistakes, mistaken facts or just my plain idiocy.

Point is, so-called commentators go on about Trump's misspellings and grammar, big deal, so the guy is an idiot. Who cannot claim a perfect record of perfect posts? Can you? (I myself have NEVER, let me underline that NEVER, tweeted, I am too stupid to know how and too smart not to). Facebook,? Nah, social media is a Pandora's Box.

And remember, he seems to be usually half awake when he tweets, not that it matters, he could be wide awake and still tweet the shite he does.

Now, about Mr Twitter-Tweeter, aka the POTUS, what a sad soul he is.

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 16, 2018 - 06:11pm PT
Now that the GOP is playing follow the leader (Senator Flakey Jeff) to run away from Trump as fast as possible, the probability is increasing that the Senate will convict Trump on campaign finance, money-laundering, conspiracy and obstruction charges.

Two months ago, Trump could have "stood in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shot someone" and not lost any support from loyal GOP Senators.

Those days are gone, forever.

It is suddenly fashionable in Washington D.C. for GOP Congressmen to pull their heads out of their asses. It's no longer seen as a sign of weakness to admit that Trump is a lunatic who must be stopped before he does any more damage to the nation.

Vote for me. What do you have to lose?

Quite a bit, as it turns out.


Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Jul 16, 2018 - 06:21pm PT
Good luck with that.
Patrick Sawyer

Originally California, now Ireland
Jul 16, 2018 - 06:23pm PT
Two months ago, Trump could have "stood in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shot someone" and not lost any support from loyal GOP Senators.

Those days are gone, forever.

Don't kind yourself Tom, his base is still there. Whether he is losing credibility in the GOP is questionable. He will still be the GOP candidate, the POTUS for reelection, in 2020 (and could win, horrors), these dickeahds (sp intentional) will not shift.

They have seen their cake, eaten it and want more, at the cost of America.

When all three branches of the American system (executive, legislative and judicial) answer to the same lord, then the US is screwed.

Trad climber
Jul 16, 2018 - 06:29pm PT
I still don't understand how Russia interfered in your election. I mean, I know when I was in the US I could go vote, as a Canadian, but that is your own government's fault for allowing non-citizens, CA DL holders, to vote. That wasn't Russia's fault. You are all adults, make up your minds, cast your votes. How can you blame anyone else for the mess you voted yourself into now?
Patrick Sawyer

Originally California, now Ireland
Jul 16, 2018 - 06:32pm PT
My name is Patrick Sawyer. I have been a Supertopian since 2005. I was born in Kaiser Hospital, Walnut Creek, California, (1956) raised in Saranap, an unincorporated district between Lafayette and WC (Creektown to us locals). I have been climbing since 1969, properly trained by Smoke Blanchard and confederates (Chris Fredericks, John Fischer) in 1970.

I am not perfect, I sill have a lot to learn. I never finished the Salathe Wall. I can still lead up to 5.11, on a good day.

Here is my CV, I know what I talk about. Trump is sh#t. I am not much better, but way better than he is.

I have interviewed Maggie Thatcher, one tough lady, Bill Clinton, other presidents and prime ministers, captains of industry and celebrities.

Would I care to interview Donald Trump? For what reason? To be called Fake News, like he did for The Sun (I have worked on that, I needed the money to pay rent, I sold my soul, for a short while). A right-wing Murdoch paper who supports Trump and now says he is wrong about the interview, they have the tapes. They refuted his lies. The Sun, one of his most staunchest supporters in the UK.

I wonder if Trump even knows he is lying.

He is a scumbag, and yet, some of you still support him. He is a traitor to his country, he just want his name up in lights and money in his bank account.

Cannot you not see that? Honestly?

Does not work, how do I post a pdf of my CV?

Social climber
Lida Junction
Jul 16, 2018 - 06:51pm PT
Now that the GOP is playing follow the leader (Senator Flakey Jeff) to run away from Trump as fast as possible, the probability is increasing that the Senate will convict Trump on campaign finance, money-laundering, conspiracy and obstruction charges.

Only if they see the writing on the wall,bi.e.they realize they will lose control of Congress, this fall.

Ice climber
Jul 16, 2018 - 06:58pm PT
Go back to sleep Jody. You are boring as hell. Take your tax supported service revolver out and shoot yourself in the foot or drive down to San Diego and find an innocent young woman to violate.

Suppose the Chinese intelligence apparatus had hacked the Trump campaign (he was obviously quite anti-China) and feathered Clinton's nest to the extent that she won.

What would Trump be saying.

It's rigged I tell ya/

A whale of a story.


Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 16, 2018 - 06:58pm PT

When Trump was lagging in the polls, and losing to Hillary, the election was rigged against him.

After Trump won the Electoral College, the general election was rigged with voter fraud.

Eighteen months later, Trump says the election was rigged in Hillary's favor. He says the Russians hacked into the DNC computers to help her win the election.

The Mueller investigation is closing in on Trump, so it, too, must be rigged.

His divorce settlement with Ivana was rigged. His fire-sale of his giant yacht was rigged. His casinos went bankrupt because the games were rigged. The lawsuit against his fraudulent Trump University was rigged. The public's decision to not buy Trump vodka was rigged. Trying to sell overpriced Trump Steaks through a mail-order catalog was a stupid idea, because reality is rigged.

No matter what happens, Trump says everything is rigged against him.

Trump is a textbook paranoid narcissist. Trump's sense of entitlement is so extreme, whenever he doesn't get his way he whines that it's not fair that somebody is violating the most basic law of the universe: Trump first, everybody else last.

Someday, when he is in a cage, college students will study him.

How can you blame anyone else for the mess you voted yourself into now?

That is a separate issue, from the fact that Russia illegally interfered in the election. Whether Trump would have won, anyway, is beside the point. Federal election laws were violated, and the Russians conspired to defraud the United States with those violations.

A great deal of evidence points to Trump's campaign staff as having conspired with the Russians. The people who have already pleaded guilty to low-level crimes were facing much more serious crimes, probably conspiracy.

Patrick Sawyer

Originally California, now Ireland
Jul 16, 2018 - 07:09pm PT
yeah, but help a self-indulgent Taco Stander, we all know, or most of us do, what Trump is, but I have been questioned in the past (look it up, I cannot be bothered) about my media credentials.

So how does one post a pdf of a CV? I need to be able to in order to soothe my ego.

Jul 16, 2018 - 07:12pm PT

Occupied Territory

Jul 16, 2018 - 06:57pm PT
Yes, Russia interfered in the election. They colluded with Hillary's campaign


Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Jul 16, 2018 - 07:20pm PT
The russians outed hillary by hacking into the democratic campaign emails...that hurt her and didn't help her...sorry jody...

Ice climber
Jul 16, 2018 - 07:25pm PT

Patrick Sawyer

Originally California, now Ireland
Jul 16, 2018 - 07:25pm PT
xCon, I just saw your post.

What did I see in Maggie Thatcher? I was there, editor of Training Personnel, a fortnightly HRD magazine out of Wembley (Stonebridge Park), Maggie had just launched the TECs, Training and Enterprise Councils for England and Wales (Scotland and Northern Ireland were different).

August 1989

Me at the table, Maggie on the other side, her senior press officer, a press officer, her senior aide, an aide - five against one, hah hah, it was… daunting.

Twenty-five minutes, felt like a century. I was there to ask the questions, she tried to, shall we say, intimidate, bully, or… me. She was one tough cookie, big time. No shitting this person, she knew her stuff.

I held my ground and came out with a great interview. I think I still have it in a box somewhere.

I did not agree with Maggie's policies at all.

However, unlike Theresa May, Maggie would have eaten Trump and torn him to shreds.
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