Yep...ANOTHER mass shooting.


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NRA Spokesman

Fairfax, VA
Dec 14, 2012 - 01:51pm PT
We have released a position summary in response to this incident.

I have provided it here, in entirety, for your convenience:

Although the incident in Connecticut is regrettable, in no way will will it change the NRA position on the rights of gun owners.

We will continue to care more about our toys than about your children.
Bob D'A

Trad climber
Taos, NM
Dec 14, 2012 - 01:51pm PT
I'm so over the NRA controlling our country...F*#k them, their guns and their backwards way of thinking.

Dec 14, 2012 - 01:52pm PT

(Locker... Fathers love their kids just as much. Just Mothers tend to self destruct immediately while Fathers take a little longer. Usually involving alcohol, etc.)

Trad climber
Santa Cruz
Dec 14, 2012 - 01:54pm PT
You're implying that Mothers love their children more than fathers

No Locker, I didn't take it that way at all. When children are lost we just revert to out gender role. I just saw a father speak about the sense of hopelessness he had knowing his son was at the school. It was heart breaking, luckily his son was safe. Healthy fathers and mothers both love their children to the end of the earth and then beyond. It might be helpful to check out someone's intent before inaccurate conclusions are jumped to. This is a time when we embrace ALL children...

Bob D'A

Trad climber
Taos, NM
Dec 14, 2012 - 01:54pm PT
Longstick wrote: God is very patient...but when He decides the time has come...His justice and wrath will be unstoppable.

Well f*#k you, the NRA and YOUR god. F*#king retard.

Dec 14, 2012 - 01:56pm PT
By the way... My cousin has a machine gun in his living room in Greece. We actually are not allowed to have any military installations close to Turkey as part of a treaty agreement. So... Our government issues weapons to the locals.

No one gets shot on the island. There have not been any mass shootings despite all the economic and political unrest in Greece. What does that say? It obviously points out that gun ownership is not equal to violence.

Something else is happening here and yes... It's extremely ugly.

Gym climber
South of Heaven
Dec 14, 2012 - 01:57pm PT
I'm so glad Ron doesn't have kids.

No one gets shot on the island.

From my limited time on islands, people seem to be pretty chill... maybe the sense of community that comes from being confined to a small chunk of land. But they drive like sh#t.

Trad climber
Ouray, Colorado
Dec 14, 2012 - 02:00pm PT
Plus 1 Bobby D. Where was God during the Holocaust? Even bringing up the kind of crap is a gross injustice to the loved ones of the victims.

Boulder climber
Dec 14, 2012 - 02:01pm PT
"try to remember news coverage isn't healthy for us or our children"

Yea, lets all keep our head in the sand and our children ignorant of whats going on in the world.

Gym climber
South of Heaven
Dec 14, 2012 - 02:02pm PT
Okay, I promise not to talk like I know you... if you promise not to talk like you know about child psychology and how sensationalized news coverage is good for them.
Ken M

Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Dec 14, 2012 - 02:03pm PT
Why is it we never hear about mass knifings? Or someone who stones a crowd of people?

Gym climber
South of Heaven
Dec 14, 2012 - 02:05pm PT
Ken, mass knifing in China mentioned up thread. Note the children were INJURED, not killed like those involved in the gun attack in the US.

Trad climber
Ouray, Colorado
Dec 14, 2012 - 02:12pm PT
Exactly Locker! The intent WAS there but knives aren't nearly as efficient as guns to actualize intent.

The Granite State.
Dec 14, 2012 - 02:14pm PT
Exactly, Jim.

I enjoy shooting now and again (read infrequently), but I'd give up the hobby if doing so helps to prevent this sort of sick and disgusting terrorism.

Gym climber
South of Heaven
Dec 14, 2012 - 02:14pm PT
Thank you for emphasizing the point. It can't be emphasized enough.

Rather, it will be interesting to see as time passes how many clues there were that this guy was nuts. Clues which went ignored.

Ignored because we blew $1.4 trillion on war while cutting nearly 10% of what we spend ($16 million) on mental health care. Ignored because people care more about their right to buy guns than their neighbor's right to proper medical treatment. Ignored because gun toting religitards are too busy fighting a woman's right to abort an unwanted child (a child that may very well develop mental health issues) than fighting for their ALREADY LIVING neighbor's right to proper mental health care.

Trad climber
Santa Cruz
Dec 14, 2012 - 02:15pm PT
knives aren't nearly as efficient as guns to actualize intent.

Plus it's a lot more personal to go up and knife someone.

Latest report is one of his parents was found dead....ok ... Now it will be blame the parents.

PSP also PP

Trad climber
Dec 14, 2012 - 02:17pm PT
Mental illness and easy access to guns is a tragic combination. Both problems need alot more attention. attention usualy equals money and money needs the political will. So call your politicans ask for funding and legislation in both areas. Is there a republican group that is against assault weapons; maybe they could get somewhere against the NRA lobby. I hear most cops are against easily available assault weapons why isn't their voice being heard?
this just in

north fork
Dec 14, 2012 - 02:17pm PT
Some of us gun owners don't belong to the NRA and personally I can't stand the NRA and view them as radical c*#ks@ckers. Guns are the easy scapegoat, but something way bigger is going on. I have no solutions, but feel terrible for all those involved.

Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
Dec 14, 2012 - 02:18pm PT
"How did god decide which children should live and which should die today?

Are you kidding? God's power is so humongous and terrible and unknowable he just does this sh#t while he's making his toast in the morning.

Dec 14, 2012 - 02:19pm PT
Is God an NRA member?
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