Climate Change skeptics? [ot]


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The Granite State.
Jun 26, 2013 - 08:09pm PT
Hey The Chief, cool new avatar!

command error

Trad climber
Jun 26, 2013 - 08:20pm PT
Oh really? No. Most everyone with a brain knows GW is a way to get rich by deceit. The chief is correct in his outlook.

You kids have swallowed the propaganda and are just wrong and can't admit it.
command error

Trad climber
Jun 26, 2013 - 08:33pm PT
Jebus H Bomz No but your name tags you as a nutbar.
Funny how you obsessive compulsive disorder types project. No matter.

Humans are not the cause of all climate ills.
Repeat until your brain is clear.
McHale's Navy

Trad climber
From Panorama City, CA
Jun 26, 2013 - 11:47pm PT
Did you know that world oil use amounts to about 60 ships a day the size of the Exxon Valdez? Valdez is 1,000 feet long and 1.5 million barrels. That's 22,000 ships full per year going up into the air. That's a line of ships over 4,000 miles long. That's just oil. That's not natural gas, coal,.......

USA share of that is about 25%. We burn 15 Valdez ships worth every day. That's 3 states per Valdez each day. Park it and watch it burn. Makes Burning Man seem pretty tiny.
McHale's Navy

Trad climber
From Panorama City, CA
Jun 26, 2013 - 11:53pm PT
I doubt you knew the scale of what's going on. You could say we are very good at burning oil! As individuals we can't see the scale of what we are doing.
McHale's Navy

Trad climber
From Panorama City, CA
Jun 27, 2013 - 12:12am PT
The word is not 'match'. That could imply that we are not that far outside of what the natural world does. Natural sources don't come remotely close to what we do. We produce 130 times more CO2 than volcanoes do per year. This is all outside of the natural carbon cycle/balance.

Boulder, CO
Jun 27, 2013 - 12:13am PT
Oh Ed... Stop with the facts already! It's more fun to the The Chiefs game!

Sport climber
mammoth lakes ca
Jun 27, 2013 - 12:15am PT
Chimpton...I don't believe that you were in the Navy or did youth counseling or ice climb or fish....Sorry Charley.....
rick sumner

Trad climber
reno, nevada/ wasilla alaska
Jun 27, 2013 - 12:35am PT
Coal is so yesterday Ed, except in china, India and the other developing countries.

Natural gas is the new game in town with growing reserves estimates currently at one hundred years. Conveniently it is located across the country and if not directly under the feet of the end point users then certainly damn close. We could decommission all the coal power plants and the entire commercial truck fleet tomorrow if it is embraced by the public and body politic. It's advantage is it is emits far less of the full spectrum of pollutants of crude petroleum refined products and vastly less than coal fired power plants. If only a fraction of the monies wasted on subsidizing the green schemes, climate change studies, subsidies for vastly inefficient biofuels, subsidies for petroleum, etc etc were instead directed towards job replacement in the coal mining, transport and electrical generation field all could be accomplished with a minimum of pain. You combine NG with the latest generation nuclear reactor technology and this country could end oil imports thereby avoiding numerous foreign wars neccessitated by energy needs. Alas, this will not happen because this country has lost it's collective mind.

Somebody mentioned the new improved accuracy of the climate models used im cmip5-below is a link to what i believe is a past climate reconstruction using one of these new fangled toys. See the results.
McHale's Navy

Trad climber
From Panorama City, CA
Jun 27, 2013 - 01:11am PT
Coal is so yesterday Ed, except in china, India and the other developing countries.

If the USA quit using coal tomorrow, it would still be a huge factor in climate change with China and India alone. It's not quite yesterday yet. We all inhabit the same atmosphere. Saying coal is so yesterday is like talking about clean coal. Natural Gas is not going to save us. It's cleaner but still produces plenty of CO2.

Sport climber
mammoth lakes ca
Jun 27, 2013 - 01:23am PT
Chimpton...Would you believe 40 MPH's on 395...? RJ
McHale's Navy

Trad climber
From Panorama City, CA
Jun 27, 2013 - 02:00am PT
It's mostly just information Chief - just the facts. If a person does not have the facts, or if an entire country does not have the facts, if the facts are hidden from most of the world, where does that put us? It doesn't make us any smarter than ants, maybe that is what the Intelligent Designer had in mind. Maybe some people would like to fool the Intelligent Designer rather than just going off the cliff.

New World Odor; Does agenda 21 say anything about overpopulation or do they need as many meaty slaves as possible in that system? Certainly, overpopulation will lead us to something like Agenda 21.

Trad climber
Jun 27, 2013 - 10:36am PT
CHIEF it has been apparant for at least 40 years that the BIG OIL, BIG AUTO and BIG ELECTRIC have suppressed alternative forms of energy.

They control the politicians who regulate our power supply (both parties).

The board of directors are made up of the same people on a consistent basis and act in collusion and concert.

They buy companies that find viable solutions, pay the former owners and employees to keep thier mouths shut, then kill and bury the company and the technology with it.

All of these forms of energy have been underfunded in terms of research and development: Solar, Geothermal, Wind, and Tidal.

One viable solution that could be used worldwide is solar power on people's homes. Providing the energy at the point of the end user. However Big Electric cannot profit from this type of deployment. Solar panels and technology exist to make it happen (even with the technology being suppressed and underfunded).

Yes there are drawbacks to all the above renewable energy sources but if they had been implemented in a large scale 40 years ago with a continued effort and commitment today we would have fossil fuel as an emergency backup instead of it still being the primary plan.

I would enjoy your thoughts on:

1) Why these technologies COULD be viable

2) What you think can be done about the powers that be suppressing the technology.

Your probably going out of town so I will have to repost this until you have time to answer.

I also welcome everyone else't thoughts about the questions above.

rick sumner

Trad climber
reno, nevada/ wasilla alaska
Jun 27, 2013 - 11:47am PT
Yes, what are the profiteers of doom solution for tomorrows power generation needs? Let's hear it boys! All bitching but no solutions.
rick sumner

Trad climber
reno, nevada/ wasilla alaska
Jun 27, 2013 - 12:11pm PT
The problem Bruce is that your side is systematically attempting to destroy our energy production and usage sector.From a determined effort to deconstruct dams, to multi front attack on petroleum extraction, transport, refinement, to the growing consensus on banning coal,the rejection of nuclear, to limiting personal energy usage. And what do you offer as replacement- let's see- how about solar power plants whose panels are failing long before their life expectancy to 300 foot tall bird slicers and dicers. These technologies are not ready for prime time. So what is the realistic alternative guys?

Grey Matter
Jun 27, 2013 - 12:57pm PT
The denialists have obstructed potential solutions for 20 years now.
They are not interested in those solutions or any; otherwise they would propose their own ideas. Their purpose is mainly just to obstruct.

When most people in this country still drive gas hogs, that proves we are just hiding our heads in the tar sand.
The climate is usually but not always mild here in San Diego, but roughly 50% of homes still have single paned windows.

The environmental costs of wind and solar are small compared to nuclear and coal.
But we will need more energy storage.
One method would be to add small dams with pumps just below existing hydro plants. The new small reservoir would catch the water and pump it back to the upper reservoir using off-peak power.
It might be easiest in a small side canyon that is often dry & has little erosion or fish. Or at least design it so the eventual silt can be drained out.

Social climber
Jun 27, 2013 - 01:19pm PT
Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas.

Humans have increased atmospheric CO2 by 30%.

Therefore we humans are warming the atmosphere.

This is an experiment we are conducting, in real time, with uncertain and possibly disastrous results.

What part of this is unclear?


SF bay area
Jun 27, 2013 - 02:01pm PT
Don't worry folks, Anderson isn't convinced that much of the CO2 spike is man-made.

Could be completely natural, Anderson, but you should check to see if monkeys are flying out your butt.


SF bay area
Jun 27, 2013 - 02:05pm PT
Whoa, someone missed the red line. Yep, perfectly natural.

And you wonder why people think you are a complete fool.
raymond phule

Jun 27, 2013 - 02:07pm PT

In the meantime, the worlds economy collapses and chaos erupts to control the worlds oil. Nice.

I thought that you didn't care about the future and didn't want to interact with the future in any way. The man is dommed anyway so why care about a carbon tax?
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