June "Get-together" at City of Rocks Invite.


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Trad climber
Choss Creek, ID
Topic Author's Reply - Aug 9, 2014 - 09:09pm PT
Much fun here!

I got home from the Outdoor Retailer show this evening, & Heidi & I just looked at the latest photos & posts.

Great photos from Big Mike & Mouse, and great fun from all------but the cleaning the plate quip from Phylp-------is the best fun!

and the weather was warm & dry.


Trad climber
Douglas, WY
Aug 10, 2014 - 09:50am PT
Wow! What an awesome group of fun loving friends! This should become an annual event!

Mike- I had a very extreme prolotherapy procedure on some ligaments deep inside my pelvis--ones which maintain correct alignment of the pelvis with the spine, as well as holding the sacrum in place so the SI joints "stay put." It required an injection deep into the ligaments using a 4" long fine gauge needle to inject powdered pumice in normal saline plus lidocaine to accomplish. I could barely walk for nearly 2 weeks afterwards, but am really feeling great for now. The cause of the problem was when I fell from one of my farm implements over year ago, and landed far too hard on my left leg which tore and stretched the ligament on the left side. Ugh! At least it's semi-permanently fixed (for now).

Check out: http://www.prolotherapy.com. The article on "The Biochemistry of Prolotherapy" in the menu was written by one of my old climbing partners from Boulder.

Trad climber
Douglas, WY
Aug 11, 2014 - 07:55am PT
Back to the main topic: let's get a few more pictures posted up! I know Mouse took tons of pictures---more than he's posted here!

Best "people shot:" Phyl with the blue plate perched atop her head!

Trad climber
Douglas, WY
Aug 31, 2014 - 06:20am PT
Just finished showing these photos to some friends in Wolkenstein/Selva Italy. This had to be the climbing/climbers event of the year!
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