dear Mr. Bush...


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Boulder climber
The upsidedown house in Lee Vining
Topic Author's Reply - May 16, 2005 - 03:35pm PT
It's amazing what riding a bicycle can do.....
Bruce Morris

Social climber
Belmont, California
May 16, 2005 - 04:22pm PT
"When Marshall Rommel reaches Egypt, and the 6th Army takes Stalingrad, then our best troops will march through the streets of Bagdad and we will rule the world!" - A. Hitler, August, 1942

Did George study any modern history at Yale while he was busy getting drunk in the frat house with the good old boys?

Trad climber
San Jose, CA
May 16, 2005 - 05:32pm PT
I think an important nerve is not getting sufficient pressure on this thread.

I hereby declare that any and all forms of torture and depravity are acceptable if you go to war.

What else is war but an abandonment of respectful interaction and a dogged determination to get your way no matter what? After you've reached the point of saying "I'm willing to kill their soldiers because they're not listening to me", then I say bust out the pliers, blow torch, skanky chicks in panties, dogs, ebola injection, insult everything that is sacred to them, you name it. You've already crossed the line when you went to war. Any other line is imaginary.

If anyone has a problem with this approach, then they better be opposed to any form of war or they are hippocrits.
the Fet

Trad climber
Loomis, CA
May 16, 2005 - 05:42pm PT
Evil acts done in the name of good are still evil. I'm sure the 9/11 terrorists thought they were justified in their acts too.

Wow, it's scary how people can convince themselves anything is ok if it's possibly in their self interest.

Torture is acceptable? Don't you people believe in honor and justice?


Trad climber
Chita, Russia
May 16, 2005 - 05:52pm PT
an endless history amnesia cycle:

the japanese convinced themselves during WWII that koreans were no better than dogs, thus inhumane treatment of them is fully justified,

the israelis convinced themselves in the past 10-20 years that palestinians are animals thus .... and vice versa,

the radicalized muslims convinced themselves recently that the US soldiers .... and sadly vice versa,

so, does this cycle ever get broken or do we continue deceiving ourselves and explain away how beheadings allow for less barbaric torture?

Trad climber
places you shouldn't talk about in polite company
May 16, 2005 - 06:31pm PT
funy that you are so into these tough-guy characters, when in reality, you are physically more like the skipper than any other character.

back in 1905, when the oceans represented a technological barrier that protected us from those that didn't love us, such an attitude toward the rest of the world was less dangerous to the safety of american interests, and the interests of americans.

another classic line
"'re either with us, or you are against us"

(let's see, that's kurgystan, pakistan, afganistan, england, and israel who are with us, how many does that leave?)

last but not least:
"you forgot poland"

Trad climber
Chita, Russia
May 16, 2005 - 06:39pm PT

you keep quoting movie lines and characters.

what are your own thoughts?
what are they based on?

why should we be become like our enemy (a bunch of fanatical bastards, if I understand the way you view them)?
George W. Bush

Social climber
May 16, 2005 - 06:48pm PT
I'm George W. Bush and I approve Fattrad's right wing response.
George W. Bush

Social climber
May 16, 2005 - 06:56pm PT
I'm George W. Bush and my experience in international affairs consisted of owning the Texas Rangers baseball team.
Bruce Morris

Social climber
Belmont, California
May 16, 2005 - 10:09pm PT
McCain might be a reborn, but as far as I can tell from some of his remarks his critical judgement still remains intact. Also, as a vet, he understands the consequences of military force more than a guy like Bush with a video game mentality. Too bad he didn't challenge GWB at the convention.
Spinmaster K-Rove

Trad climber
Stuck Under the Kor Roof
May 17, 2005 - 01:12am PT
Quoting hollywood as political dogma. And fiction at that. That's rich.
Spinmaster K-Rove

Trad climber
Stuck Under the Kor Roof
May 17, 2005 - 01:15am PT
"Back in 1913, Black Jack Pershing executed thirty muslim extremists and smeared pig blood on them before burial. No more problems in the Phillapines for sixty years"

Man fattrad you should get on the horn to the DoD right away! Had they only known they just need to start murdering people and smearing pigs blood on them. Maybe they can top it off with a nice creamy sh#t just to prove a point. We can put it on Al Jazeera just to make sure the muslim world gets the picture and that should pretty much solve all our problems!
John F. Kerry

Social climber
Boston, MA
May 17, 2005 - 09:27am PT
John F. Kerry

Social climber
Boston, MA
May 17, 2005 - 09:27am PT
Protesting cleric or the latest incarnation of Will Smith rap genius? We link, you decide.
Kirk Kobmann

Trad climber
Milford, MI
May 17, 2005 - 10:06am PT
"your concept of right and wrong, good vs. evil, is what is right for you vs. what is is wrong for you." -Matt


Are you implying that all ideas, all notions are morality are equal? Moral relativism is a very slippery slope ya know, the kind one can take a deadly logical whipper from!

Flagstaff, AZ
May 17, 2005 - 10:12am PT
"the kind one can take a deadly logical whipper from!"

Is that what happened to Jody?
George W. Bush

Social climber
May 17, 2005 - 10:32am PT
I'm George W. Bush and I apologize for nothing, except for not embarking on this Crusade earlier.
Kirk Kobmann

Trad climber
Milford, MI
May 17, 2005 - 11:41am PT
'"the kind one can take a deadly logical whipper from!"'

"Is that what happened to Jody?"

Good reasoning knows no political affliation, and stong political affiliations commonly preclude good reasoning. That goes for liberals and conservatives alike.

Hey George W. Bush's stream of consciousness. Keep 'em coming. You're nothing if not entertaining!


Boulder climber
The upsidedown house in Lee Vining
Topic Author's Reply - May 17, 2005 - 02:20pm PT
Two things:
1) that guy in the above pic needs some serious dental attention
2) seriously, "Imagine all the people..."

And one more for good measuere....
Has anyone else had the thought that we should put all our aggressive energy into peace? If we could actually take that energy and change it into somthing positive, then we will be truly free.

Trad climber
Chita, Russia
May 17, 2005 - 02:35pm PT
i don't have the political experience of fattrad; i do, however, still retain the ability to understand what motivates people.

i have not seen any attempts to get away from the notion of "kill the roaches where they live".

is this all we can do?

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