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Gym climber
South of Heaven
Apr 10, 2013 - 06:55pm PT
Nah hillrat, it is good to have a reasonable gun owner in the mix. And FWIW, almost everything I say is tongue in cheek and I take nothing here (meaning Earth) seriously... if your reaction is "geezus" that was probably the reaction I was going for.

I'd invite you up to enjoy the beautiful weather, but I only boulder these days and won't be around long. Maybe this summer... crawdad boil!!

SERIOUSLY THOUGH... 1-2 years in prison for straw purchasers??? Who in their right mind opposes stricter penalties (NRA me thinks)? You get more than that for growing a few pot plants in most states.

Trad climber
Can't get here from there
Apr 10, 2013 - 07:07pm PT
The sector of gun violence these laws they're asking for are aimed at trying to make it difficult for one individual with a large capacity magazine and a assault rifle to easily spray down 20-40 victims in a heartbeat.

Heavy snow and ice so we went home for the week and have 2 ft here. lol


Social climber
the Wastelands
Apr 11, 2013 - 08:49pm PT
hi guys, just checking in

why is Ron upset with Dr F?

Gym climber
South of Heaven
Apr 11, 2013 - 09:26pm PT
Yeah, pretty funny how quickly they deny any correlation between their male inadequacy and their gun fetish when it comes from the left... but have no complaints when a gun company runs an ad like that. Doesn't Snatchmaster have a whole line of ads regarding a "man card"... indicating at least some gun nuts require validation of their manhood?

Social climber
the Wastelands
Apr 11, 2013 - 09:59pm PT

bushmaster has a LOT of different manly ads to sell their stuff


SF bay area
Apr 11, 2013 - 10:25pm PT
whats funny is that Ron thinks Fema death camps are real ..GUFFAW!

SF bay area
Apr 11, 2013 - 10:50pm PT
Well, you are not alone in your gullibility.

The kooky left thought Bush was operating 'detention centers' in the US for citizens now the kooky right thinks the same of Obama.

SF bay area
Apr 11, 2013 - 11:03pm PT
Here's a handy little map showing all the 'concentration camps' in the US.

US concentration camps

It even lists some from your Nevada list, word for word. SNORTL!

Social climber
So Cal
Apr 11, 2013 - 11:19pm PT
We need to ban cell phones!

Trad climber
Philadelphia, PA
Apr 11, 2013 - 11:48pm PT
I thought that the "compromise" was limited to excluding "family, friends and neighbors" sales from background checks, but the text of the revised bill allows many private sales without background checks, with enough of a loophole to drive a whole truckload of guns through.

Original Bill
It shall be unlawful for any person who is not licensed under this chapter to transfer a firearm to any other person who is not licensed under this chapter, unless....
Some exceptions for family etc., but tight.

New bill
It shall be unlawful for any person other than a licensed dealer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed importer to complete the transfer of a firearm to any other person who is not licensed under this chapter, if such transfer occurs(A) at a gun show or event, on the curtilage thereof; or
(B) pursuant to an advertisement, posting, display or other listing on the Internet or in a publication by the transferor of his intent to transfer, or the transferee of his intent to acquire, the firearm.

So as long as the criminal community knows you are a person who sells guns and asks no questions, provided you don't advertise, they can get all the guns they like. There are more than enough "collectors" out there wiling to make money.

Sausage making I suppose, but with all increased penalties for straw purchases gone too, it sounds to me that Sen Toomey is still dancing with them what brung him.


Social climber
So Cal
Apr 12, 2013 - 08:31pm PT

Gym climber
South of Heaven
Apr 14, 2013 - 12:48pm PT
Fri Night had Carson Sherrifs in pursuit of the above "undocumented immigrant" .. Including a Sheriffs helo which hovered over and around my buddys house for nearly an hour fri night.

The man was pulled over for a traffic stop due to being in a stolen car, then rammed the sheriffs car -the pursuit ensued. This coming shortly after another "undocumented immigrant" stole an NHP cruiser during a stop.. Problems are getting more serious by the day.

Now for all of you that will now chime in calling me some racist: if you call criminal illegals in gangs a race,, then yes ill be a racist.

What does this have to do with increased penalties for straw purchasers or tighter regulation on gun sales? Other than the obvious fact that he could currently have his younger cousin buy him a gun at your local gun shop with MINIMAL INCONVENIENCE.

Social climber
So Cal
Apr 14, 2013 - 01:30pm PT

Gym climber
South of Heaven
Apr 14, 2013 - 01:55pm PT
That has EVERYTHING to do with guns Wes.

I didn't ask what it had to do with guns.

I acknowledge your argument for keeping guns for self-protection. The world is a dangerous place. I have no problem with that. The more sh#t like that goes down, the more some people will think they need guns. But the more guns that EASILY make their way into the streets, the more serious the outcome will be.

How do harsher penalties for straw purchasers or tighter restrictions on gun sales change any of that? Do people really need to buy a gun a month for self-protection? Do they really need to get a gun within 3 days of deciding they need it? Are those the people you REALLY want to have a gun? Is it really too much to ask that We The People keep track of who is buying and selling killing machines and at least TRY to make sure they are not homicidal maniacs or closely associated with known criminals?

Harsher penalties for straw purchasers or tighter restrictions on gun sales would MILDLY INCONVENIENCE legitimate gun owners, at worst. Isn't that worth potentially stopping (any number) of guns from EASILY entering the streets through the current system?

Gym climber
South of Heaven
Apr 14, 2013 - 02:11pm PT
We also have a glaring problem of Dr/patient confidentiality in dealing with those taking "mind drugs". All of this covered by the Constitution.

Really? Are you sure? There was a SCOTUS decision some 40 years ago... but I doubt anyone could interpret that as absolute.

First Google reslut:
For example, in Whalen v. Roe, 429 U.S. 589 (1977), a group of physicians joined patients in a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of a New York statute that required physicians to report to state authorities the identities of patients receiving Schedule II drugs (controlled substances). The physicians alleged that such information was protected by the doctor-patient confidentiality, while the patients alleged that such disclosure was an invasion of their constitutional right to privacy. The Supreme Court did not disagree with the lower court’s finding that “the intimate nature of a patient’s concern about his bodily ills and the medication he takes … are protected by the constitutional right to privacy.” However, the high court concluded (after balancing the state’s interests) that “Requiring such disclosures to representatives of the State having responsibility for the health of the community, does not automatically amount to an impermissible invasion of privacy.”

If representatives have the responsibility for the health of the community, they can (and should) get relevant information... like if the gun purchaser in question is a homicidal maniac or on mind drugs.

So now,, those folks taking those drugs and being law abiding citizens wont want their guns taken away. They will instead get their prescrips through other means.

Then they would no longer be law abiding citizens, now would they?

Or they will stop taking them and get "declared" cured.

You don't get declared cured just because you stop taking your meds. That's silly.

If YOU were on lets say,, paxil, and having no troubles, no law infractions and owned a gun which you enjoyed shooting from time to time, do you think your rights should be taken away for that gun ownership?

If say paxil was determined to cause homicidal tendencies in others, then YES, I would expect my gun rights to be taken away... just like if ANY OTHER medication caused me to shout out random profanities I would expect my right to free speech in public to be taken away.

Gym climber
South of Heaven
Apr 14, 2013 - 02:31pm PT
so then if you were taking paxil, yet never had thoughts of murderous intent- were law abiding and in control, youd willingly give up your guns.?

Yep. I've heard stories of people on those drugs (prozac especially). They do quite well for a while, be it weeks or months, and then BAM... they have 5 people talking inside their head saying all kinds of fuked up sh#t.

I absolutely believe anyone diagnosed with certain mental disorders (by say a few independent Drs to be sure?) should definitely have their guns taken away... especially if they choose to take mind fuk drugs as treatment.

Social climber
So Cal
Apr 14, 2013 - 03:10pm PT
The Assassination Of Two Texas Prosecutors Is Unprecedented And Terrifying

They caught the guy,

Williams was convicted in March 2012 by the district attorney's office of burglary of a building and theft by a public servant, the station reported.

Surveillance cameras caught Williams taking computer equipment from a county building. As part of his appeal, Williams claimed McClelland and Hasse didn't like him.

He was sentenced to two months of probation and lost his justice of the peace position as a result of the conviction.

Sorry to burst your "progressive" bubble.

No political agenda involved at all.

Go look for another straw man to burn.

Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
Apr 14, 2013 - 03:15pm PT
jghedge writes:

"You're basically describing South Central."

Does this look like South Central to you?

It sure as hell doesn't smell like South Central. It smells like orange blossoms right now.

That's my 'hood. My place is hidden in the trees in the lower-left.

The ghetto-birds ( helicopters ) make their way out here from San Bernardino, and shine their lights all over the place periodically.


jghedge goes on:

"Then why live there? ... Why not just leave? Why live there, if it's as bad as you describe?"

I like it here. That's why.

That's my neighbor's place lower-left. San Jacinto on the right horizon, San Gorgonio on the left.

Looking out my back door:

I'm backed-up to a privately owned, open to everyone, free, non-motorized recreation area and nature preserve. Owned by one guy. Several square miles of wild hills, which connects to huge tracts of public lands stretching from here to the Colorado River.

My place is a "hard target", chiefly because I'm here, so I've never seen any of the criminales the cops are looking for.

Gym climber
South of Heaven
Apr 14, 2013 - 03:18pm PT
Wes,, there are many doctors out there that will say anything you pay them too. Just ask professional athletes. So yes,, you can be "cured" with a wisp of a pen.

With that wisp comes responsibility. If a particular Dr's wisp results in that patient being "cured" and getting guns when they shouldn't and eventually them committing homicide, the Dr's records could easily be evaluated and the Dr. held liable if negligent.

I held our neighbor's head as she took her last breath after running her car into a tree at 50 mph. She was right in front of me when she started accelerating and veered off into the tree. I was the only one (out of ~10) that filled out a police report, likely because I was the first one there and saw the whole thing. Apparently she was on some heavy meds for cancer. I was questioned by an attorney for 45 minutes regarding what I saw in that brief moment. Neighborhood gossip says the family was suing the prescribing Dr. for inadequate warnings regarding the side effects of the medication. I doubt that is uncommon. The situation you propose seems WAY more straightforward.

Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
Apr 14, 2013 - 03:27pm PT
You ought to move out here to The I.E., jg. We don't have any gangs in my neighborhood, and since my neighbor's kid killed himself, we don't have any crime here either.
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