Moonlight Buttress, Moonlight Buttress Area 5.12d or 5.9 C1


Zion National Park, Utah, USA

  • Currently 5.0/5
Be the first to create a trip report for Moonlight Buttress, Moonlight Buttress Area!
1 - 11 of total 11 Trip Reports found. [ Thumbnails | Text  ]
Title Views Last Post Msgs
Spring: From Brittle Ice to Splitter Sandstone - Click for details
 Spring: From Brittle Ice to Splitter Sandstone
Here are a few words and pictures of my past few months, including some ice climbing around Montana/Wyoming and some of the glorious sandstone in Red Rock and Zion. Hope you e...

by Aki J
3,348 Apr 18, 2018 16
A scorching July 4th climb up Moonlight Buttress - Click for details
 A scorching July 4th climb up Moonlight Buttress
On our journey to become big wall masters, my partner Andrew and I swing by Zion for a hot second to climb Moonlight Buttress:

by Owen
3,932 Jul 23, 2017 12
Fall in the Desert
by Vitaliy M.
4,785 Jan 16, 2017 26
Spaceshot and Moonlight Buttress - Click for details
 Spaceshot and Moonlight Buttress
I’m heading home on Sunday, pretty much on the go for the last six weeks - six weeks that feels like twelve. Going away is always good, but sometimes going home is better, th...

by Andy KP
4,148 Apr 22, 2016 14
Moonlight Buttkick - Click for details
 Moonlight Buttkick
I used my hard earned college loan money to buy the portaledge for Ryan on his birthday when we were dating a few years back so for all intents and purposes, I should have bee...

by Stephanie Bergner
6,463 Apr 18, 2012 41
Moonlight Buttress Rope Solo Winter Ascent February 4-6 2012 - Click for details
 Moonlight Buttress Rope Solo Winter Ascent February 4-6 2012
Below is a blog entry of my Moonlight Buttress Rope Solo in February: Special tha...

by JSpencerV
8,824 Mar 26, 2012 26
Winter Solo of Moonlight In A Day - Click for details
 Winter Solo of Moonlight In A Day
Went back to Zion this February to make another ascent of Moonlight. This time I left the partner and the haulbag on the ground. Enjoy. Sorry for not posting to ST but it's ea...

by GHowland
4,696 Mar 14, 2012 4
TR: Moonlight Buttress, winter ascent - Click for details
 TR: Moonlight Buttress, winter ascent
Tara and I had "attemped" Moonlight Buttress once in the past. We had driven through the night on a Friday night planning to sleep an hour or two and start up the route early...

by nscherneck
4,629 Feb 23, 2012 7
To Zion and Back
by nic Lazzareschi
2,981 May 03, 2011 6
Moonlight Buttress
by GHowland
4,968 Apr 13, 2011 6
Moonlight Buttress Free Attempt - Click for details
 Moonlight Buttress Free Attempt
Last Easter I headed out to Zion to give Moonlight Buttress a whirl. If you'd like to read the TR, click HERE I hope you enjoy! Josh...

by Josh Higgins
4,751 Jul 07, 2010 3
1 - 11 of total 11 Trip Reports found