Central Pillar of Frenzy, Middle Cathedral 5.9


Yosemite Valley, California USA

  • Currently 5.0/5
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1 - 3 of total 3 Trip Reports found. [ Thumbnails | Text  ]
Title Views Last Post Msgs
Dinner for one, and a snow cone for breakfast - Click for details
 Dinner for one, and a snow cone for breakfast
Full report is on here but check out my blog too if you want: http://brianhamiltonclimbing.blogspot.com/ Aw "climbing season" is upon us! Well I guess when you don't st...

by briham89
3,954 Mar 23, 2016 19
Central Pillar of Kick Ass Hand Jams (Frenzy)
by karodrinker
5,179 Jan 26, 2015 43
Noob 5.9 leaders on CPF! - Click for details
 Noob 5.9 leaders on CPF!
Mason and I rocked CPF on Saturday. When we showed up the route was 3 parties deep. Waited at the base for about 45 min before firing off. What can you do? It was Saturday...

by photonez
4,439 Oct 04, 2010 32
1 - 3 of total 3 Trip Reports found