Goodrich Pinnacle, Right, Glacier Point Apron 5.9 R


Yosemite Valley, California USA

  • Currently 5.0/5
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1 - 4 of total 4 Trip Reports found. [ Thumbnails | Text  ]
Title Views Last Post Msgs
Goodrich to the Oasis Trip Report - Click for details
 Goodrich to the Oasis Trip Report
Goodrich to the Oasis Trip Report 6/20/09 A couple of weeks ago we did Goodrich Pinnacle Right and looking up were thinking wouldn’t it be fun to just keep going. So Saturda...

by Zander
3,907 Jun 19, 2016 58
Friction Fest with Riley Wyna
by karodrinker
4,613 Jan 23, 2013 49
Semi-Epic Rappel on Goodrich Pinnacle
3,191 Jun 22, 2011 8
Goodrich to the Oasis Trip Report - Click for details
 Goodrich to the Oasis Trip Report
Goodrich to the Oasis Trip Report 6/20/09 A couple of weeks ago we did Goodrich Pinnacle Right and looking up were thinking wouldn’t it be fun to just keep going. So Saturda...

by Zander
4,032 Nov 03, 2010 60
1 - 4 of total 4 Trip Reports found