The Shield, El Capitan A3 5.8


Yosemite Valley, California USA

  • Currently 5.0/5
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1 - 7 of total 7 Trip Reports found. [ Thumbnails | Text  ]
Title Views Last Post Msgs
Death, Alpine Climbing, The Shield on El Cap - Click for details
 Death, Alpine Climbing, The Shield on El Cap
If you are just looking for another trip report with a few photos and some cliche takeaways scroll down to the middle of the post; if you are looking for a story read the whol...

by Owen
4,504 May 31, 2019 9
Type 2 Fun on the Shield with Whitemeat! - Click for details
 Type 2 Fun on the Shield with Whitemeat!
Being afraid is relative to the situation you are in. If you are afraid while truly knowing you are in no danger, are you really that gripped? I may have employed the me...

by Jaysen
12,945 Sep 14, 2018 90
Sheild TR - 6/11
by Lambone
5,631 Oct 28, 2017 38
Euro on The Shield, October 2008 - Click for details
 Euro on The Shield, October 2008
Yo, Here is my TR. That was my third solo route on El Cap, but this is my first TR, so I am more experienced climber than TR-writer... This is not typical pitch by pitch r...

by Regan
8,763 Jan 26, 2017 43
The Shield, Photo Trip Report June 2008 - Click for details
 The Shield, Photo Trip Report June 2008
Sorry for the delay on this one folks! Hopefully I can still remember the tale... A version with no embedded photos is posted here for dialup folks http://www.supertopo...

by hollyclimber
4,820 May 08, 2014 84
Up the Shield- Bocarde & Porter Climbing Nov/Dec 1973 - Click for details
 Up the Shield- Bocarde & Porter Climbing Nov/Dec 1973
A great account of an ultra classic El Cap FA. The sweetest line on the headwall to be sure and my second El Cap route back in 1978. T...

by Steve Grossman
7,384 Mar 12, 2014 40
Shield Trip Report - Speed Record with Cedar Wright - Click for details
 Shield Trip Report - Speed Record with Cedar Wright
here is a trip report I found that i wrote a long time ago for I have never posted it on the web till now: There are more than a hundred routes up the ...

by Chris McNamara
8,333 Jan 11, 2012 21
1 - 7 of total 7 Trip Reports found