Salathe Wall, El Capitan 5.13b or 5.9 C2


Yosemite Valley, California USA

  • Currently 5.0/5
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1 - 14 of total 14 Trip Reports found. [ Thumbnails | Text  ]
Title Views Last Post Msgs
Three Days on the Salathe - Click for details
 Three Days on the Salathe
KC and I climbed the Salathe Wall in three days from June 22 to 24, after pre-hauling our bag to Heart ledges on the 21st. This was his first route up the captain and my secon...

by Miles Fullman
2,449 May 07, 2019 16
Freeblast 11b or C2 - Click for details
 Freeblast 11b or C2
Last May Rich and I were working our way through Road to the Nose. We climbed Snake Dike Easily, and had fun fun on Serenity Crack. So we bought aiders and decided to get afte...

by LuckyJack
15,478 Jun 02, 2018 74
Salathe Wall - Click for details
 Salathe Wall

by fat-n-sassy
5,353 Nov 03, 2016 29
Salathe Success with a Price - Click for details
 Salathe Success with a Price
It was May of 2001 and all I wanted to do was climb ElCap. I was so obsessed with Yosemite that I had eventually moved to Reno Nevada from Alaska. 4 hours to the v...

by climbski2
7,143 Jun 22, 2016 39
Cliff+Ryan- Nose, Salathe, Blondes, Monkeys,& Pain (lots!)TR - Click for details
 Cliff+Ryan- Nose, Salathe, Blondes, Monkeys,& Pain (lots!)TR
I started to write this a week ago when I first got down. I've been too passed out to get through it (or reluctant to relive some of it!) What an epic time! ...

by HalHammer
8,027 May 29, 2016 34
Re-match With The Salathe Wall!
by Vitaliy M.
3,715 Jun 18, 2015 28
Just a Couple Guys from Colorado on The Salathe Wall - Click for details
 Just a Couple Guys from Colorado on The Salathe Wall
I wrote this a couple months ago, and printed it out for my family to read over the holidays. Figured I'd post it up. It’s amazing that climbing El Capitan in Yosemite i...

by CBclimber
5,190 Mar 11, 2015 25
2013 Yosemite/Patagonia Trip Report - Click for details
 2013 Yosemite/Patagonia Trip Report
Lucky Monkey is a short film that illustrates a the vibrant events throughout the past year of my life spent in Patagonia and Yosemite National Park. I tried my absolute harde...

by Cheyne
5,241 Jan 20, 2014 46
The Elderly’s Climb Salathe Wall - Click for details
 The Elderly’s Climb Salathe Wall
I love big routes. But I seem to have a problem keeping wall partners (I do not dwell on that fact). After my 1st 3 walls (with 3 different guys), I had cycl...

by Todd Bauck
5,917 Jan 15, 2014 20
by cellardoor
3,968 Nov 11, 2013 18
Salathe Wall - Confessions of a Humbled Climber - Click for details
 Salathe Wall - Confessions of a Humbled Climber
Check out my video TR on youtube: I had ambitious goals planned for my two weeks in the Valley. A wall trip in the Sp...

by Brandon Adams
3,447 Sep 17, 2013 8
Salathe Wall June 2013 - Click for details
 Salathe Wall June 2013
I spent Monday playing kickball for the last time with my fourth grade class, completing year-end tasks and arranging the massive pile of gear into something that was at least...

by WanderlustMD
6,104 Aug 26, 2013 14
Salathe Wall-Photo's Coming Soon! [photoid=161517] - Click for details
 Salathe Wall-Photo's Coming Soon! [photoid=161517]
Gameplan-Salathe Wall My buddy Nathan and I climbed the Nose in May of 2009, next on our list was the Salathe wall, 1 day of fixing to mammoth, sleeping on the ground, then...

by Orange TCU
5,198 Jun 22, 2013 8
A Laywoman's Account of a Not Too Soggy Siege on the Salathe with Some Spaniards - Click for details
 A Laywoman's Account of a Not Too Soggy Siege on the Salathe with Some Spaniards
I throw open the door and blow chunks. No time to waste. I don't even bother getting out of the car. See here, I'm a 9 to 5 slave monkey. I don't have endless days t...

by tahoe523
10,418 Nov 08, 2011 69
1 - 14 of total 14 Trip Reports found