Muir Wall, El Capitan A2 5.9


Yosemite Valley, California USA

  • Currently 4.0/5
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1 - 5 of total 5 Trip Reports found. [ Thumbnails | Text  ]
Title Views Last Post Msgs
the long journey up the Muir Wall, El Cap. Another long[er] TR. - Click for details
 the long journey up the Muir Wall, El Cap. Another long[er] TR.
[August 2010] 2 weeks later... Back on the base of El Cap. It looms above me. The Shield Headwall looks like it is miles away. I don't want to lead today. My dad an...

by freerider
7,477 Nov 13, 2018 23
The Shaft (Part 2/2 trip report) - Click for details
 The Shaft (Part 2/2 trip report)
This is the big where I get my ass kicked enough to bail (up-bail at least). Basically I was not good enough. Part 1 is in this trip report. Part 2 below.. q...

by loverock
3,331 Apr 28, 2018 5
The Shaft / Muir free variation - Click for details
 The Shaft / Muir free variation
This is in two parts (next part out shortly) - this is essentially a video trip report of some attempts to climb The Shaft on Muir. It is a sick route! Question...

by loverock
4,469 Apr 16, 2018 11
Solo on the Muir: via the YOSAR finish - Click for details
 Solo on the Muir: via the YOSAR finish
Time to think is a rarity in the modern world. Busy work schedules and increasing use of technology have worked incessantly to diminish our time for free thought and ...

14,814 Feb 27, 2017 82
The Kid Flunks Grade VI; Photo Essay - Click for details
 The Kid Flunks Grade VI; Photo Essay -Me and the Protection

by thekidcormier
17,681 Jun 05, 2013 295
1 - 5 of total 5 Trip Reports found