Regular Route, Fairview Dome 5.9


Tuolumne Meadows, California USA

  • Currently 5.0/5
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1 - 5 of total 5 Trip Reports found. [ Thumbnails | Text  ]
Title Views Last Post Msgs
Regular Route on Fairview Dome with a new friend
by jromma
2,074 Sep 01, 2016 3
Fairview Dome, Regular Route - Saturday, June 22 - Six Months Pregnant - Click for details
 Fairview Dome, Regular Route - Saturday, June 22 - Six Months Pregnant
After almost two months away from the Valley, my belly and I made the long trek out there last Saturday to tick off yet another classic route: the stellar 900', 12-pitch Regul...

by rollrsk8r
9,896 May 01, 2016 34
Straight Thuggin' The Meadows:  A Regula Route Trip Report - Click for details
 Straight Thuggin' The Meadows: A Regula Route Trip Report
So me Macronut straight stuck it to da Regula Root on Fairview last week. Old Man T-Storm tried to straight wreck some fools, but we was up an down....lickedy split. I gots ...

by micronut
3,600 Nov 11, 2011 6
Perfect climb on Fairview (August 6, 2011) - Click for details
 Perfect climb on Fairview (August 6, 2011)
We got to the base at 10:30 AM and found that there was one party already on the first pitch. Another party was waiting in line. Two more parties came after we got in line. Th...

by anilk
3,761 Aug 11, 2011 16
A lesson In perserverance
by wessle
5,766 Jul 25, 2011 24
1 - 5 of total 5 Trip Reports found