Southwest Face, Mt. Conness 5.10c


Tuolumne Meadows, California USA

  • Currently 4.0/5
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1 - 6 of total 6 Trip Reports found. [ Thumbnails | Text  ]
Title Views Last Post Msgs
Mt. Conness SW Face (Harding Route) - Click for details
 Mt. Conness SW Face (Harding Route)
Bellow average snow year helped me out one more time - Hamik and I managed to climb SW Face of Mt. Conness in mid June! Even though this winter brought a bit more precipitatio...

by Vitaliy M.
7,101 Jun 29, 2016 46
Southwest Face of Conness (Photo TR) - Click for details
 Southwest Face of Conness (Photo TR)
If you want a report with pictures, visit my website, since SuperTopo has deprecated displaying photos from off-site. July 14, 2013 Nic and I had been tossing ...

by PellucidWombat
4,549 Nov 15, 2013 21
TR: Conness via Harding Route (attempt) 2009-09-06
by nutjob
2,425 Nov 12, 2013 47
The Psych Must Flow - Click for details
 The Psych Must Flow
He who controls the psych, controls the universe. The psych can let you see the future. If you immerse yourself in the psych you can navigate spacetime. I'm not sure if it tur...

by snowhazed
5,322 Dec 06, 2012 51
Yo Francis - This One's For You! - Click for details
 Yo Francis - This One's For You!
Yo Francis – This One’s for You! Unfortunately there aren’t many pictures for this trip report, and instead I’ll have to rely on the dreaded “verbal diarrhea” to convey t...

by CA Dreamin'
3,092 May 15, 2011 12
Climbing the Harding Route on Mt Conness and Pratt’s Crack
by cultureshock
6,343 Sep 06, 2010 2
1 - 6 of total 6 Trip Reports found