Mithral Dihedral, Mt. Russell 5.10b


High Sierra, California USA

  • Currently 5.0/5
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1 - 3 of total 3 Trip Reports found. [ Thumbnails | Text  ]
Title Views Last Post Msgs
Mt Russell, Mithral Dihedral (III, 5.10, 7P) Car-to-Car via a Unique Approach (Photo TR) - Click for details
 Mt Russell, Mithral Dihedral (III, 5.10, 7P) Car-to-Car via a Unique Approach (Photo TR)
If you want a report with pictures, visit my website, since SuperTopo has deprecated displaying photos from off-site. June 30, 2012 Jared Wood and I climbed Mithr...

by PellucidWombat
9,667 Mar 26, 2018 43
Mithral Dihedral, AWESOMENESS - Click for details
 Mithral Dihedral, AWESOMENESS
So so so so so so so so damn fun. This was my first ever 14er and not my last! many more to come! It was a 5 star climb in a 5 star area with 5 star friends. A very memorable ...

by whitemeat
4,728 Sep 16, 2014 40
Mithril Dihedral in winter - Click for details
 Mithril Dihedral in winter
Sometimes, when you descend from the mountains, you have a craving for beer. Vitaliy and I are a shitty pair of Soviet Bloc descendants and don't drink, though, so we're speak...

by hamik
7,664 Mar 18, 2012 25
1 - 3 of total 3 Trip Reports found