A Response to Trumpism


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Gold Canyon, AZ
Nov 18, 2016 - 05:52am PT
You have no evidence whatsoever that I am racist, and I don't notice skin color as readily as you apparently do. I am not going to submit to some sort of parameter that YOU set for how many times I speak glowingly of minorities just to have you NOT call me racist. That is stupid.

Brad, regarding the name-calling...10b deserves every insult I directed his way. HE is a libtard.

You support police killing black people in every single situation. You even gleefully started a new thread here at ST when you heard about a black officer killing a black man--as if this somehow helps you make your point that it's not only white people killing black people. Yeah, I'd say there's pretty good evidence you're a racist.


Nov 18, 2016 - 05:56am PT
What HFCS said, crankster. I'm also getting ready to fight these mofos.

On another note it looks like sessions is the AG pick (gag) and Flynn, who got along terribly with his colleagues, and who has been called "unhinged" will be his national security advisor. He's staying insular, hiring sycophants.

Trad climber
Nov 18, 2016 - 06:48am PT
You support police killing black people in every single situation. You even gleefully started a new thread here at ST when you heard about a black officer killing a black man--as if this somehow helps you make your point that it's not only white people killing black people. Yeah, I'd say there's pretty good evidence you're a racist.


Where did Jody support police in the shootings of Philandro Castile and Walter Scott?

Gold Canyon, AZ
Nov 18, 2016 - 07:00am PT
Where did Jody support police in the shootings of Philandro Castile and Walter Scott?

Sorry, I'm not playing that game. You (or Jody) are going to have to show me where Jody has ever said a cop was wrong in shooting a black person in any of the various threads here at ST on that topic.


Big Wall climber
Nov 18, 2016 - 07:46am PT
Dude TRUMP is making America great.. i love it..

Apogee has not posted for an entire WEEK!

Nov 18, 2016 - 07:48am PT
It looks like Flynn attended sensitive intelligence briefings last summer while working for foreign governments:

What was striking, according to ethics experts, is that given his overseas consulting business, Flynn began sitting in on classified intelligence briefings with Trump last summer. Flynn was reportedly so assertive during the initial briefing in August, peppering the briefers with rapid-fire questions, that Trump’s adviser Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, who also attended the briefing, was prompted to try to calm him down by placing a hand on his arm.

Danielle Brian, executive director of the Project on Government Oversight, an outside watchdog group, said that she finds it “deeply disturbing” that Flynn attended these briefings at a time that he was representing foreign clients with interests before the U.S. government. “It’s exactly the kind of foreign entanglements our laws are designed to prevent,” she said.


In other words, he's probably a lot like his new boss.

Oh, but the Clinton foundation!

"Drain the swamp," lol.

Nov 18, 2016 - 07:59am PT
You must be really bored, tgt.

Want to talk about how trump's daddy was a klan member?
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