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The Chief

Down the hill & across the Valley from......
Oct 11, 2015 - 08:58pm PT
You Own MORE guns than I ever would LOcker. And DON'T even try stating that you don't.

Just as Fruitz has indicated, certainly appears that you too, "Love" your guns dearly.

So I suggest you stfu and move along as you are the last person on this website that has any place calling anyone a ...



Sport climber
Shetville , North of Los Angeles
Oct 11, 2015 - 08:58pm PT
We could call it the US reach-around...rj

Trad climber
Ouray, Colorado
Oct 11, 2015 - 09:05pm PT
Locker...go fishing, don't try to reason with people who have gone around the bend with their mindless obsessions. Let them stew in their anger and angst, they're dinosaurs who still think the comet was fireworks meant to entertain them.

Oct 11, 2015 - 09:09pm PT
So we have MAD's opinion that the presence of military people in schools "works." This has been a big problem for some time but no one has thought to look at it seriously? Really? MAD, you and your mother need to study the data and report.

No studies on this? Hard to believe. I'll try some more to find them.

Big Wall climber
Denver, CO
Oct 11, 2015 - 09:10pm PT
It's not that your soooo bad it's more like your sooooo profoundly wrong.

You claiming it doesn't make it so. Demonstrate it, and you'll find me to agree. I am intellectually honest about these things.

The obsession here with guns that have no other function than to kill other humans sickens me.

More loaded language. I know of nobody that is "obsessed."

Furthermore, it is FACT that guns are built to kill other people. No question about it. And that can be a GOOD as well as a BAD thing, depending upon circumstances and human target.

Does it "sicken" you when guns are used to protect elected officials and THEIR families?

Does it "sicken" you when guns are used to defend this nation against enemies?

Does it "sicken" you when guns are used to END a kid-killing incident?

No, you ONLY find guns "sickening" when the average person wants to have the ability to defend him/herself in EXACTLY the same way as politicians, celebrities, and others who HIRE their gunmen to protect them.

We ALL are entitled to self-defense, not just the rich and famous. What is "sickening" about that???

You pontificating blowhards who have no real experience with such weapons except what you read in comic books should STFU!

I have NO idea who you are referencing.

Big Wall climber
Denver, CO
Oct 11, 2015 - 09:13pm PT
No studies on this? Hard to believe. I'll try some more to find them.

While you're at it, please look into the studies related to the correlation between the supposed lack of background checks and these school-shooting incidents. TELL me how background checks would have stopped ANY of them. SHOW any statistical correlation between the most-touted supposedly missing law and these school-shooting incidents.

Boulder climber
Oct 11, 2015 - 09:15pm PT
Jesus, please get some balls will you and demand your god given rights!

By definition, your gun rights arguments must demand the immediate legalization of fully automatic weapons and RPG's!

RPG's don't kill people, people kill people...

If the intended use of a gun is to protect the innocent, then demand a fuking bazooka!
Todd Eastman

Bellingham, WA
Oct 11, 2015 - 09:16pm PT
WARNING! Impending head explosion as logic enters gun rights supporter's mind and encounters empty vacuum...

Oct 11, 2015 - 09:17pm PT
Hey chief you owe me $5 for losing your dumbshet bet.
I think you should donate it to
Not one more or Everytown for gun safety.

Big Wall climber
Denver, CO
Oct 11, 2015 - 09:30pm PT
RPG's don't kill people, people kill people...

If the intended use of a gun is to protect the innocent, then demand a fuking bazooka!

Utterly lame argument, and I've responded to it repeatedly in past threads.

The right of self-defense implies the right to the weaponry by which to defend yourself against likely threats to your individual person.

In the USA, there is no real threat against my individual person by RPG-wielding thugs. No, instead, it's gun-wielding thugs. So, I carry a gun. If the USA ever gets to the point that RPGs are a real and individual threat, then I'll have to rethink. But for now, a handgun suffices.

The idea that gun-ownership implies a slippery slope to, say, NUKES, is just a complete confusion of what the right of self-defense implies.

WARNING! Impending head explosion as logic enters gun rights supporter's mind and encounters empty vacuum...

Or not.

Boulder climber
Oct 11, 2015 - 09:31pm PT
The Chief

Down the hill & across the Valley from......
Oct 11, 2015 - 09:33pm PT

STFU n00b!!!

Oct 11, 2015 - 09:07pm PT

Time to take a HIT of Federally illegal marijuana...

Something many Republicans also do..

NOT those that are confessed recovering addicts/alcoholics.



Oct 11, 2015 - 09:34pm PT

Put armed police in every school, NRA urges

By David Nakamura and Tom Hamburger December 21, 2012 Follow @davidnakamura Follow @thamburger
The National Rifle Association on Friday called for armed police officers at every school in the nation, offering a defiant challenge to President Obama’s push for stricter gun control laws and potentially setting up a fierce legislative battle early next year.
OK. The word “military” apparently resulted in no hits. MAD may have added the angle of using military personnel. Using police is the NRA proposal we all had heard about but I have yet to find any supporting experience such as MAD mentions. NRA did not present any data. Pretty much a hail Mary proposal. Still trying.

If we look at the experience around the world, should we somehow make guns an ineffective way of killing, we should be ready to deal with suicide bombers in the US. Many of the mass killers have seemed to be suicide bound so the transition will be straight forward.

There is at least a seeming correlation as regards use of drugs, often to control known mental health problems. I should think this data has been gathered somewhere.

The Chief

Down the hill & across the Valley from......
Oct 11, 2015 - 09:38pm PT
From 1996 to 2011, 60 school shootings have occurred with hundreds of casualties.

That occurs every weekend in the Inner Cities across this nation and not one peep from any of you. 90% or greater of those hundreds per weekend are done with illegal weapons that are immune to the 1500 or so Fed, State and Local gun laws. Most occur in the strictest gun controlled zones in this nation.

Not a peep from any of you, the DEM Mayors of those cities nor the Dem POTUS of this nation.


Why just the media perpetuated "School shootings"?

I'll tell you all why. Because most are conducted with weapons that you nor anyone can control. Not one. And they are in the hands of criminals that too are uncontrollable and do not give a fk about any laws. Not a one.
John M

Oct 11, 2015 - 09:47pm PT
I don't see any answers or discussion from you either Chief..

I don't have answers. Thats why I was hoping for a discussion. Not this sh#t show.. A discussion can help generate ideas and help get past poor ideas, or improve them. But this thread has rarely reached that. Yelling people down doesn't work because this is a nationwide problem and someone's going to propose a law at some point. If people are just pissed off and there is no reasonable discussion of it, then some day you might find that that law has passed and it might be one you don't like.

I'm sure that you have an answer for that too. Its probably that you will just ignore that law.

And by the way Chief.. I have tried to get Philo and others to dial it back. Just because I am a liberal doesn't mean I agree with what every liberal does.
The Chief

Down the hill & across the Valley from......
Oct 11, 2015 - 09:48pm PT
Less Violence MOOSE???


Do I need to post the over 2200 inner city deaths so far this year in six DEM Mayor'd cities that can be attributed to illegal guns, MOOSE.

But then that don't count. Right MOOSEDROOL. Those Kids don't matter. They don't matter because they DO NOT meet the agenda.

I don't see any answers or discussion from you either Chief..

I don't have answers. Thats why I was hoping for a discussion. Not this sh#t show..

The shet show of no answers. Just more "School Shootings" shet from your side John M. And not one peep of ALL the illegal weapon shootings/killings that go on day after day throughout the inner cities of this nation. Most led by Democratic Mayors. Most having the strictest gun controls on this planet.


Big Wall climber
Denver, CO
Oct 11, 2015 - 09:56pm PT
It looks to me like disarming the kids worked, no?

Less guns = less violence.


And if you can dream up a way within the rights expressed in our founding documents to disarm America, then you will definitely be onto something.

Otherwise, we have real-world constraints that include horrific human nature (that must be defended against).
The Chief

Down the hill & across the Valley from......
Oct 11, 2015 - 09:59pm PT
It looks to me like disarming the kids ....

MOOSEDROOL... How do you disarm all the tens of thousands of criminals that roam the streets shooting up their neighborhoods every night throughout this nation?


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John M

Oct 11, 2015 - 09:59pm PT
Werner, Answers have to deal with the current level of wisdom. They should included increasing wisdom, but in the meantime, one has to deal with what is. Currently Americans are violent people who use guns for answers. That isn't going to change overnight. I don't want a prison state either. But something needs to be done.

The Chief

Down the hill & across the Valley from......
Oct 11, 2015 - 10:01pm PT
John M...

What kind of wisdom do you employ here...

[Click to View YouTube Video]

Or here....

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