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Trad climber
Apr 26, 2014 - 10:08pm PT
Too busy watching that to find an actual source for your LBJ quotes, eh TGT?

Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
Apr 27, 2014 - 12:09am PT
Norton writes:

"explain why convicted Felons should not be background checked at gun shows, TGT"

It's already illegal to sell a gun to a felon. It's also against the law for a felon to buy a gun. Both ends of your hypothetical situation are already outlawed.

If those laws already on the books can't be enforced, what makes you think adding a redundant law will make any difference?

I'm pretty sure it's illegal for a felon to even attend a gun show.

Social climber
the Wastelands
Apr 28, 2014 - 10:45pm PT

and in today's GUN NEWS!!!

(if only ALL the students had weapons he would have been too scared to try this)

A 17-year-old student allegedly brought three loaded guns, including an AK-47, and a knife to his Texas school Monday morning.

James Madison High School in San Antonio, Texas, was placed on lockdown until the unidentified student, who also had additional ammunition in his backpack, was taken into custody. No injuries were reported at the school of over 3,200 students, according to The Associated Press.

KSAT News reports the boy's parents woke up Monday and discovered that their son and three of their guns were gone from their home. When they went to his school, they found their son on campus and then sat down with administrators, at which point they checked his backpack and discovered the ammo and two of the three guns. A third gun was found in a bathroom trash can, the San Antonio Express-News reports.

North East Independent School District spokeswoman Aubrey Chancellor said it is unclear exactly what the student planned to do with the weapons.

"The student had said that he planned making some demands over the announcements later today at Madison High School," she told local outlet KSAT Monday. "He didn't say specifically what those demands were, but he did say if those demands were not met, he had planned on committing violence."

Monday's incident comes days after the school district received an anonymous threat via email that a mass shooting would take place last Thursday, according to San Antonio Express-News.


Social climber
the Wastelands
Apr 28, 2014 - 10:46pm PT

they don't background check people at gun shows, they just take their admission fee

yes, felons CAN buy guns at gun shows, because background checks are not required
with private sales

do you understand that the "felon" would not be permitted to buy IF he was checked?

get it yet?

Trad climber
Bay Area
Apr 28, 2014 - 10:53pm PT
their son and three of their guns were gone from their home
responsible parenting thrives
even the Nf*#k**RA recommends you keep your guns at home locked if you have kids.
Store guns so they are not accessible to unauthorized persons.
ipso facto the 17 year old kid was authorized to access the AK-47??
That's really smart

Social climber
So Cal
Apr 28, 2014 - 10:56pm PT


Social climber
the Wastelands
Apr 29, 2014 - 12:09am PT
Wrong Norton 100%...YOU obviously know nothing about gun show sales. For crissakes.

actually, I know quite a bit, probably more than you, Ron

but, prove it, prove anything I said was incorrect

Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Apr 29, 2014 - 05:49am PT
Well Ron if that's the case then how are all the "bad guys" getting guns?
Private gun sales perhaps?
If so shouldn't they be regulated?

Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Apr 29, 2014 - 09:53am PT
No but I think gun nuts are nuts.

Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Apr 29, 2014 - 10:26am PT

Shooter Injures Six In Georgia Town Where Everyone Is Required To Own A Gun
BY REBECCA LEBER APRIL 29, 2014 AT 9:25 AM UPDATED: APRIL 29, 2014 AT 10:05 AM

A gunman opened fire Tuesday morning at a FedEx facility in Kennesaw, Georgia. Six were shot, with their injuries ranging from minor to one in critical condition. Authorities report that the gunman is dead.
The Georgia facility is located in Kennesaw, near Atlanta, a quiet suburb unique in the U.S. for mandating every household own at least one gun. The law is not enforced, so the Kennesaw gun ownership rate hovers around 50 percent, according to its police chief. That’s still higher than the average rate of gun ownership in the U.S., estimated to be about 34 percent. When the law was enacted in 1982, Kennesaw had only 5,000 residents. Today, it has a population of 30,000.
The incident comes just one week after Georgia enacted what may be the nation’s most expansive concealed carry law. The National Rifle Association-sponsored “Safe Protection Act” allows gun owners to bring firearms into most public spaces, including schools, bars, churches, airports, and government buildings, even though researchers have generally found that more people die from gun homicides in areas with higher rates of gun ownership.
“FedEx is aware of the situation,” the company told WSBTV. “Our primary concern is the safety and well being of our team members, first responders and others affected. FedEx is cooperating with authorities.” It isn’t the first time a facility has been the scene of a shooting; in 2011, a gunman shot himself in a FedEx warehouse in Illinois. The company is also one of at least 34 corporations that boost the NRA, offering discounted shipping to NRA members.

Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Apr 29, 2014 - 10:44am PT
^^^ LOL

Trad climber
Philadelphia, PA
Apr 29, 2014 - 10:47am PT
It's already illegal to sell a gun to a felon.

For the hundredth time. NO, IT IS NOT (in most states)! It is only illegal if you KNOW or BELIEVE (not merely suspect), the person is a felon, if the buyer is a total stranger, there is no responsibility on the seller. This is the loophole that makes straw purchasers almost impossible to prosecute. I could buy 20 handguns, drive to my nearest 'hood, and ask anyone if they'd like to buy some guns I don't want, just $100 over retail. I would have committed no crime in most states.



Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Apr 29, 2014 - 10:53am PT
Yes Ron We GOT IT!
But in no way does that discount what TradEddie posted.

Trad climber
Apr 29, 2014 - 11:47am PT
A gunman opened fire Tuesday morning at a FedEx facility in Kennesaw, Georgia.

They have a KKK museum in Kennesaw also.

Trad climber
Bay Area
Apr 29, 2014 - 01:52pm PT
We have the best rep with ATFE in this regard.

But what about the rest of the gun shops in the country or even Nevada?
A lot is made of Chicago's murder rate in spite of their strict gun laws.
This sounds like a contradiction until you learn that 1/3 of Chicago's 50,000 captured guns (2001 - 2012) came from outside the city limits.
7000 from Indiana where the NRA just held their 70,000 attendees national convention.
4000 from Mississippi.

State and even city borders are transparent to guns. So do the best you can Ron, the thugs will still get their guns from less scrupulous dealers or from other thugs.

One could (and will) argue that restricting gun sales won't have any effect on gun ownership. That's like saying restricting machine gun and dynamite sales is useless.
Think of gun violence as an epidemic. Like Polio for instance. It took vaccinating every child in the US, Canada, Mexico, Europe to eliminate polio from those countries and it took 4 decades. But it happened. Smallpox has been eradicated world wide. Or at least had been until very recently.
You could also claim that fighting heroin and cocaine trafficking won't affect their use. So let's open the doors.
Gun violence will never be eradicated, it CAN be significantly reduced. Social change takes a long time. That doesn't mean it isn't worth doing.

Apr 29, 2014 - 02:03pm PT,0,7607602.story#ixzz30IccnSET

Two victims suffered life-threatening shotgun wounds and were in surgery Tuesday morning after a gunman described by a witness as being armed “like Rambo” shot six people at a FedEx sorting facility near Atlanta.
The gunman, described by police as a FedEx package handler, died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. His name was not released.

Can suicide bombers be far behind?

Trad climber
Bay Area
Apr 29, 2014 - 03:08pm PT
straightforward approach to reducing gun violence
Complete registration from manufacturer through every buyer. Expires yearly.
Require liability insurance.
Make parents liable for their children's behavior.

Just like our Commie Pinko Gummint does with automobiles, the other deadly weapon in our lives.

Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Apr 29, 2014 - 05:39pm PT
He first shot and killed the boy and dragged his body into hiding then when she came down into the basement to check he shot the girl several times and while she was still alive he taunted her then gave her a kill shot from under her chin.
This kids had indeed robbed his house several times but they were unarmed.
He got what he deserved. Them... not so much.

Trad climber
Bay Area
Apr 29, 2014 - 06:47pm PT
The Republitards in the Senate blocked the nomination of a new director for ATF from 2006 to 2013.
They even blocked Shrub's nominee in 2007.
Thanks to NRA pressure.

and why on earth does the ATF have such a hard time keeping track of illegal gun sales?

EDIT: One of the Senators who blocked an ATF director was Larry Craig from Idaho, who happened to also be on the board of directors of the NRA.
The overseer is on the board of the overseen?
Yes, the same Larry Craig who got caught with his pants down in an airport john. With a john (actually a male cop decoy).

Big Wall climber
Apr 29, 2014 - 07:10pm PT
A gunman opened fire Tuesday morning at a FedEx facility in Kennesaw, Georgia.

With a shotgun

What now Joe Biden?
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