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Dec 6, 2005 - 09:40pm PT
When the Civil War is resolved in about a hundred years, Iraq will be partitioned into 3 countries. Either that or into Kurdistan and Western Iran.

There might be a solution....if Shack, Jody, fattrad, Ramjet, and the rest of the Internet chickenhawks would get off their asses and pick up a musket. That's likely to happen. Yeah Right!
can't say

Social climber
Pasadena CA
Dec 6, 2005 - 09:42pm PT
Hey Ramjet, sounds like a good idea. Now why don't you go down and enlist and make sure that mission gets accomplished.

Or are you one of those Cheney type of guys who like to hideout in college when your nation needs you?

Trad climber
Gunks end of country
Dec 6, 2005 - 09:50pm PT
Ouch! Do we have to believe that the country will retain its tribal forms of government. Are we simply just too superior to the Iraqis? Are only we enlightened enough to learn to be tolerant of racial and religious differences? I say we give them a chance.

I wonder how many casualties the French took when they helped us out way way back in the day?

Dec 6, 2005 - 10:23pm PT
Hard to believe people can exist in ignorance of what is unfolding right before their glazed over eyes. Neocons would never admit their Jaysus figure Bush made the most stupefying blunder in the history of the Republic.
can't say

Social climber
Pasadena CA
Dec 6, 2005 - 10:29pm PT
and you sound like a spoiled little geek.

come on, grow a chin and try not to be too afraid to use that education you're supposedly gettin.

taking very many history classes dude?

Trad climber
cayucos california
Dec 6, 2005 - 10:45pm PT
F*#k Iraq.
Nuke their ass and take their gas!

They took arrr jobbbs!

Dec 6, 2005 - 11:45pm PT
This is for Klaus, super patriot, who surely must be on guard somewhere in Iraq tonight. Keeping the world safe for Tom DeLay and Pat Robertson.


right near the beach, boyeee (lord have mercy)
Dec 6, 2005 - 11:53pm PT
Nice-Hooray for super patriots!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Matt-Thank you.

Rajmit-before you post in a thread, I think you should actually read the first post in it. No, not like, scan it until you know the topic, and then flame like only a punk ass little whiny baby-bitch can, I mean actually read it. Can you refute anything that man, a dyed in the wool, -gnarly- former republican said about shrub jr? No? Didn't think so.
Tuan DeLusion

Social climber
Dec 6, 2005 - 11:57pm PT
Is that picture copyrighted? I don't believe I ever saw a picture quite like that, outside of MIT.

Trad climber
places you shouldn't talk about in polite company
Dec 7, 2005 - 01:54am PT
hey rimjob-

i'd post something about climbing, but since your (self described) boldest fall on gear ever was about 4', i just wanted to try to post something that wouldn't exclude you...

Trad climber
So. Cal.
Dec 7, 2005 - 04:46am PT
Mr Stelzer's screed appears to be just a list of problems and
complaints. Conspicuos by it's absence is any kind of effective
plan for rectifying said problems. My dad likes to say the village idiot (sorry Locker) can burn down the sh-it house but he can't install indoor plumbing. I'm curios to find out who he does support, but I am heartened to hear he sees through crap spewed forth by the supposed two party situation in which we find ourselves.
Does anybody know what the Democrat party stands for these days, besides the fact that they aren't Republicans? I crossed party (Libertarian) lines to vote for W the last two elections so I might do so again in the future if the Libertarians don't come up with a better national platform than "Legalize Ferrets".
Kerry could've had my vote if he could've told us about his plan before the election, but didn't get it because you can't beat something with nothing. If anyone knows the Democrat plan for the future, I'd be happy to hear it. No fair just saying the Democrats are against Bush, what do they stand FOR? If they want my vote they need to do more than say "vote for us because we aren't Republicans". The Libertarians aren't Republicans either.
When Mr. Stelzer says "tax policies that are an insult to working people" I am curious as to what he thinks would be better. As it is right now, the top 1% of wage earners pay over 34% of total tax revenue. The bottom 50% pay just less than 4% of total revenue. That doesn't leave a whole hell of a lot room for further adjustments. What's your plan, Mr Stelzer? I'm waiting. Hello.
I have never known what is wrong with trade deficits. We have more of their stuff, they have some of our money. I like stuff more than money; I have twelve dollars in my wallet right now, but I have a house full of nice stuff. Currently, I am running quite a trade deficit with my local Liquor Store. I would be mad as hell if I walked in there one day looking for my usual case of Sierra Nevada Blue Label (Porter) and someone decided that because I always buy his Beer, and he never buys my avocados, I can't have anymore S.N. Maybe Mr. Stelzer can explain what is wrong with trade deficits, but I won't be holding my breath.
When he speaks of Social Security, once again I don't see any solutions, just a burning sh-it house. I believe the government ought not be in the retirement business at all, especially one set up like a pyramid-scheme. If you are going to count on the government feeding you, housing you, setting up your retirement account, or moving your sorry butt out of the path of a hurricane, you are going to find yourself hungry, homeless, broke, and treading water. A government big enough to do all those things is big enough to lock all of us away in prison, for our own good. I'll take my chances doing for myself, thank you.
When Mr. Stelzer mentioned President Bush being fired if he was a C.E.O. of a corporation, just thirteen months ago he was up for firing in what is known as an election. Surely Mr. Stelzer must have heard about it, it was in all the papers.
As far as sending Ouch and Rajmit to fight in Iraq I don't think it's such a hot idea. We all want to win this one, right?

Support Our Troops, keep Rajmit home in America.

Patrick Sawyer

Originally California now Ireland
Dec 7, 2005 - 07:13am PT
ha ha ha

I for one would rather listen to what
this Stelzer guy has to say than a lot others.

It sounds like he knows what he is talking about.

Rajmit, grow up.

Chaz, if the facts and details that have unfolded
in recent times were known 13 months ago, do you
think Bush would have been re-elected?

And Chaz since it seems that you have a lot of
questions and you let on that you know the answers,
what are they?

Don't you just love know-it-alls.

Trad climber
Gunks end of country
Dec 7, 2005 - 08:04am PT
Dear Mr. Stelzer,

The United States of America is not a corporation. If it were, of course, its leaders would base their plans on the next quarter and the next year. There is a reason that civics and corporate finance are taught in different courses.

So pretty much everything you wrote after "Any CEO..." was not supportive of your argument.

Enjoy your retirement.

Trad climber
So. Cal.
Dec 7, 2005 - 09:23am PT
Patrick S.,
I don't claim to have All the answers, at least not popular ones, but because you asked, and I like a challenge, here we go.

Would President Bush have been re-elected knowing then what we know now? As long as Senator Kerry ran the same lackluster, vague, and all over the map campaign, I believe yes. I held my vote until the absolute last hour with a keen eye on the news waiting for a plan for the future from Sen. Kerry. Like it or not, and I thought it was far from perfect, Bush had a plan he could articulate for the future. Sen. Kerry kept his plan a secret. When he did say or do anything, it seemed to contradict what he had said or did previously. That was passed off as "nuance". People are always leery about buying a "pig in a poke".

Another reason Bush got my vote is that I understand the economic benefits of tax reduction. In spite of (or maybe because) Bush's tax cuts, the Treasury rakes in more money than ever before. The reason we have amassed two and a half trillion (trillion with a "T") in additional national debt is because the Republican Congress has been spending money like Democrats, and then some! The fact that Congress can't restrain their impulse to waste copious ammounts of what used to be our money on a bunch of crap it has no business doing burns me to no end. How the Republican Congress is different than the Democrats in this regard is a mystery to me. Republicrats.

The Federal Government should not be spending money on anything not specificaly mentioned in Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution. That pretty much limits it's spending to the Military, roads, courts, the Post Office, and the Pattent Office. There should be no need for three trillion dollar anual budgets with five hundred billion dollar anual deficits. Congress should not draft, nor should the President sign, a budget that does anything not specificaly authorized by the Constitution. If the public wants goodies such as public schools, public arts, and parks, the states should handle that. That way we wouldn't have listen to our local politicians complain about only getting sixty-five cents back for every dollar in Federal taxes those of us in California send to Washington.

The pyramid scheme known as Social Security needs to be done away with and soon. The Federal Government has no right whatsoever mandating retirement savings. After paring the Federal Government down to it's Constitutionaly permitted size, there will be a surplus of assets which could be sold off, the proceeds used to re-imburse everyone, dollar for dollar, the money they have paid into Social Security. The people who got into it on the bottom floor of the pyramid, long before we were born, won't like it, but that's what they get for letting the Feds hijack the Constitution back in the days of F.D.R. Guys like me, who caught the ass-end of the baby boom would break even, while people who are Rajmit's age would be better off.

Trade deficits are nothing to worry about, they are only an indication that trade is occuring. How exactly would you ensure that trade equalizes at the border? I can't think of a way to do that that wouldn't do away with the concept of free trade. Free trade is always superior to government controlled trade.

My Iraq exit strategy, for the future, is to give the locals time to install their own freely elected government (an election is scheduled for later this month), wait until Hussein is executed, fold up our tents and go home. What we should have done, in perfect hindsight, is snuff Hussein as soon as he stuck his head up out of the cesspool where we found him. We were free to leave right then and there. We could then have put their next leader, whoever they decide that should be, on notice that he had better watch his ass because we can take him out just like we did Hussein. As long as they have a free press, free elections, respect women's and minority rights they can run their country any way they see fit.

I really should make it over to Ireland sometime Patrick, the pictures I have seen are beautiful. I hear if you like dark beer and salmon, which I do, it's almost heaven.

Desolation Basin, Calif.
Dec 7, 2005 - 09:57am PT
My dad likes to say the village idiot (sorry Locker) can burn down the sh-it house but he can't install indoor plumbing.

Sounds like W's Iraq policy, doesn't it?

Dec 7, 2005 - 10:09am PT
There should be no need for three trillion dollar anual budgets with five hundred billion dollar anual deficits. Congress should not draft, nor should the President sign, a budget that does anything not specificaly authorized by the Constitution

Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution- a tidbit.

To raise and support armies, but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two years;

I'm wondering if the default BushCo. plan that you voted for twice violated Article 1, Section 8.

I'm with you on the GoodCop/BadCop fallacy but the context of these events point in another direction entirely.
Once again a wonderful story but completely out of context.

wait until Hussein is executed, fold up our tents and go home

Do you truly believe that all of this is about Liberty? Nothing to do about the Afghani, and other pipelines and the world's second largest reserves besides Saudi? you know the Saudi's, one of the many other allies that violate your Liberty creedo...

As long as they have a free press, free elections, respect women's and minority rights they can run their country any way they see fit.

Championing Liberty is righteous and inspiring, for sure, just like a deux ex machina should be.


Trad climber
So. Cal.
Dec 7, 2005 - 10:24am PT
Check it out, the Appropriation of Money is what needs to be renewed at least every two years, otherwise we would have only had an army from 1788 to 1790.

Maybe Operation Iraqi Freedom is all about oil pipelines and the like, and not about Iraqi Freedom. As long as the Iraqi people come out of it having secured their self-determination and their deliverance from tyrants, I'm OK with it. If the right thing is done for the wrong reason, it's still the right thing.

Dec 7, 2005 - 10:41am PT
I'm with that DMT, but let's not limit it to Conservative Republicans. Just about everyone of them has got to go, and most deserve alot of jail time, across party lines.
Murdering alot of randoms to preserve Petrodollar hedgemony is a multi-national corporate position, not one of 'Nations and Nationalities'.
The Constitution, needs rewritten, man can't wear a boys pants SClemens, and let's throw out the part where the .inc gets 'Constitutional Rights' and then some... oh wait a minute that part doesn't exist. What gives? Who's in charge here?

Chaz, me and you ain't that far away, and is the road to BM still open?

Trad climber
So. Cal.
Dec 7, 2005 - 10:46am PT
Mr. Milktoast,
You wrote "congressional democrats voted to authorize Bush to go to war". That is another topic that really irritates me; Congress "delegating" away it's authority. The Constitution grants Congress the power "To declare War". If Congress thinks it's powers are best handled by the President, let them ammend the Constitution to reflect that. Ammending the Constitution takes substantialy more than a simple majority vote of Congress.

Dec 7, 2005 - 10:58am PT
An excellent point Chaz, this sh#t is truly nauseating.

And Hillary Clinton's song and dance is pathetic.....
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