Silent Partner failure


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Social climber
Moorpark, CA.
Dec 30, 2015 - 11:24am PT
eKat.... thanks for your posts.

Happy New Years to you.

Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Dec 30, 2015 - 11:33am PT
...just like I will not use my Soloist on a climb where I might flip upside down in a fall

You don't need to invert for it to fail, it can also fail if you end up falling with with your body parallel to the ground.

away from the ground
Dec 30, 2015 - 11:41am PT
Ekat - What in TAR A NATION is a gwan?

away from the ground
Dec 30, 2015 - 12:15pm PT
Ekat- Thanks for clearing that up for me. I'm still struggling with my command of the English language. I'll be sure to add that one to my vocabulary when conversing with intelligent adults.

away from the ground
Dec 30, 2015 - 12:23pm PT
What in TAR A NATION is Ebonics, Ekat? Is that the secret code language of real climbers and hard core hardware developers like you and Banchard?

away from the ground
Dec 30, 2015 - 12:28pm PT
Ok, I think I've got it now. Wow, deep cultural immersion this morning.

Rockies Obscure

Trad climber
Dec 30, 2015 - 12:34pm PT
I have occasionally used my SP for the past 15 years, in winter in Canada. I always test it on the ground and never had it not catch- like -5c max temp.
I give it repeated jolts on the ground so maybe it warms up the cog doing this(??) but I am glad you posted this OP, so I will watch more carefully once the temps are in that range.

caveat emptor

away from the ground
Dec 30, 2015 - 12:43pm PT
Just checked out Biotchs link to the patent. Some big old Ebonics in there, but.... Makes sense. Ekat must have been practicing her humility and ego-less-ness when they applied for the patent. The only name mentioned as an inventor is Blanchard. Good for you Ekat, I respect people who make it a habit to understate their accomplishments and practice humility instead of taking credit for others original ideas. YAY! My guess to why the cold effects the device.... The magical fairies inside have to bundle up and their movements aren't as quick. XOXO Little Fairies!!

Publication number US4941548 A
Publication type Grant
Application number US 07/438,578
Publication date Jul 17, 1990
Filing date Nov 17, 1989
Priority date Nov 17, 1989
Fee status Paid
Publication number 07438578, 438578, US 4941548 A, US 4941548A, US-A-4941548, US4941548 A, US4941548A, Less «6 More »
Inventors Mark W. Blanchard
Original Assignee Blanchard Mark W
Export Citation BiBTeX, EndNote, RefMan
Patent Citations (7), Non-Patent Citations (2), Referenced by (13), Classifications (9), Legal Events (5)
External Links: USPTO, USPTO Assignment, Espacenet
Fall arresting device for climbers
US 4941548 A
A fall arresting device attached to a climber's safety harness having an open-sided elongated housing joined together near its center by a spindle, a drum rotatably mounted on the spindle, a clove hitch knot formed in a safety rope and tied around the drum, and a centrifugal clutch assembly on one end of the drum to halt rotation of the drum with respect to the housing plates if the rotation of the drum exceeds a predetermined rate. The housing is comprised of two housing plates which may be counterrotated about the spindle to "open" the device and allow the clove hitch knot to be tied around the drum. When the housing is "closed", by realigning the housing plates, and attached to a climbers harness via carabiners, the clove hitch knot may not be removed from the drum. When the climber pulls the device against the anchored rope at slow speeds, the clove hitch knot slips on the rotation drum and the device travels freely along the rope. If the climber should fall, the resulting high rate of travel of the device along the rope will activate the centrifugal clutch, causing the drum to stop rotating with respect to the housing and the clove hitch knot to tighten around the drum, thereby arresting the climber's fall.

Patent Drawing

away from the ground
Dec 30, 2015 - 12:47pm PT

away from the ground
Dec 30, 2015 - 01:05pm PT
YAY!! We're GWAN quit constantly begging you to write the history of the development then!
Did I use the word right?

Trad climber
Northern Italy
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 30, 2015 - 02:37pm PT
I have occasionally used my SP for the past 15 years, in winter in Canada. I always test it on the ground and never had it not catch- like -5c max temp.
I give it repeated jolts on the ground so maybe it warms up the cog doing this(??) but I am glad you posted this OP, so I will watch more carefully once the temps are in that range.

This is VERY interesting. It looks like older units didn't suffer of this issue then.

Dec 30, 2015 - 02:42pm PT
Anyone ever actually take one apart to have a look at the guts? I've used mine sub-freezing, and it passed the spin test. Could be older, the two halves are slightly different colored anodization. Could be I'm just lucky. Haven't done the freezer test yet. Haven't fallen on it below freezing. In fact, haven't fallen on it on lead so far.

I do employ backup knots though.

Dec 30, 2015 - 03:38pm PT
I've had a lot of partners. Few of them were silent.

Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Dec 30, 2015 - 03:51pm PT
Silence - part of the beauty of roped soloing, though sometimes it does take a pitch to get the guy in my head to stfu.

Social climber
Moorpark, CA.
Dec 30, 2015 - 04:11pm PT
Very nice drawings indeed. E-kat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XoXoXo.

Well somethings up with the thing.

I do know that most weapons will not work if way below freezing.... go look at what the Military will do when they know it will be very cold.

(hint; lubrication gets changed)

and I never solo with ropes, I require a partner who can shame me into getting bold. Questions about manhood etc. work.


Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Dec 30, 2015 - 05:32pm PT
Does he keep repeating...

I can't really put my finger on what the f*#k he is saying, but I don't climb much in the winter up here in the PNW so the first pitches of the first few goes every spring always has some chatter until it's all routine again.

Dec 30, 2015 - 08:53pm PT
So what happens if I saw mine in half?

Will I see the secret?

away from the ground
Dec 30, 2015 - 09:08pm PT
If you do that, the NSA will swoop down and carry you off to a room full of crankloons to be interrogated for eternity...

Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Dec 30, 2015 - 09:13pm PT
I've personally always admired the design, but just found it to be larger and heavier than I wanted hanging off my harness and I also wanted to be able to rap with the same device I soloed with. Have occasionally given it another whirl over the years, but could never reconcile myself to those two limitations. But - and regardless of whatever the deal is with the one the OP is having issues with - I still consider it the safest lead rope soloing device.

away from the ground
Dec 30, 2015 - 09:18pm PT
Anybody ever hear of a serious injury or death from a GriGri failure to rope solo? Werner?
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