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Big Mike

Trad climber
Topic Author's Reply - Aug 6, 2014 - 12:09am PT
Glad you're ok Hamie!! These things happen to the best of us eh?? How you heal up quick!!

Social climber
Aug 6, 2014 - 06:49pm PT
There are several photos of Squish in the current Gripped maggie. Also a nice profile of Greg Foweraker, with a list of his favourite new routes, and various business endeavours. Clearly Tami was not asked to contribute, as there is no mention of his alleged food consumption prowess!!!!

Congrats Greg, it's good to see the recognition.

Aug 6, 2014 - 06:54pm PT
I recognize him and he shows the seemingly effortless positivity that lies behind both accomplishment and friendliness.

Social climber
Aug 7, 2014 - 11:16pm PT
Son of Pan
Traverse Waddington massif
W face Butte
Shipton Spire
FFA UWall.
etc. etc.

not listed, but likely included
A Piece of Cake
Chickenhead Soup
Fist Full of Yogurt
etc. etc.

Hey Greg, just kiddin'!

Edit: Tami made me do it.

Big Wall climber
Seattle, WA
Aug 7, 2014 - 11:36pm PT
No man, it's the grin.

not foodeater,

rather shiteatin' as in grin.

Gym climber
Aug 9, 2014 - 10:56am PT

Squamish legends representing in the Serra 5 summit register, Waddington Range B.C.

Can someone help me rotate these to make them readable? I suck.

Trad climber
vancouver, bc
Aug 9, 2014 - 11:41am PT
et voila

Big Mike

Trad climber
Topic Author's Reply - Aug 9, 2014 - 12:01pm PT
U don't suck bud! It's supertopo's photo app that's wack! May i suggest picking up photoshop express at the app store for the grand price of free? Then u can color correct, tweak, rotate and crop on your phone. Supertopo also doesn't flip your pics anymore!!

I sharpened these a tad so we can read em better

Great to see you having fun in the mountains. Please feel free to regale us with some photos!

I have one question for you sir... When are we going wall climbing?? ;)
Big Mike

Trad climber
Topic Author's Reply - Aug 10, 2014 - 01:31pm PT
Nice Greg!!! We need to go climb!!

I'm on the chief again.... But I got to climb it today!!! Just having a siesta at the base of the last pitch now..
peter croft

Aug 11, 2014 - 04:52am PT
Nice shot of the Wadd picnic, Greg. More on the food eating - we ate like force fed hogs on that trip. The only way to trim down our monster packs was a daily eating contest, at least of the good things like chocolate and sardines. Remember we left a cairn of the boring stuff - noodles, rice etc on the summit of Combatant. Don has a great photo of me passed out there under a makeshift Therma Rest sunshade - my tummy a mountain in itself.

Social climber
Aug 11, 2014 - 08:20pm PT
I suppose that I am asking the obvious. Did MA [or????] make the 3rd ascent of SV? If not, where did the pix come from?

Sooooo out of the loop here in the Koots.

Mountain climber
Aug 11, 2014 - 09:51pm PT
Hi Hamish, M-A made perhaps the 8th ascent, or thereabouts. But it was the first solo ascent, done as part of an Asperity link-up. Pretty impressive.

And get a new camera (they've improved a lot in the last couple of years), and get those hands healed up!

Social climber
Aug 11, 2014 - 11:30pm PT
So SV has now reached Mummery's stage 3, the "easy day for a lady" status? He probably soloed it in a day from Vanc. 50 years and 2 months ago. Wow!! You must be getting old. :) :)

Glenn, that WAS a new camera, only 3 months old. A Panasonic ZS25 Lumix, with a Leica lens. The lens thing is somewhere at the bottom of the crag. Any suggestions for a replacement? I don't understand why they don't make something with a viewfinder. Everyone I talk to wants one.

Gym climber
squamish, b.c.
Aug 11, 2014 - 11:41pm PT
For those yet to be linked in other pictures and stories of Marc's trip to the waddington.

It's good!👌


Best of luck on a speedy recovery Hamish.🙏

Social climber
Aug 13, 2014 - 11:16pm PT
Hey Tami

I see that you are keen to learn who wrote the item on GF. Always happy to oblige. It was by......

......darn.........I can't remember......

It was on the tip of my tongue......

......some guy........

....starts with......hmmm let me think......

Darn. I'll have to go and look it up.

Mountain climber
Aug 14, 2014 - 10:26am PT
Hamie, rough about the camera. My Canon Powershot G16 has a viewfinder, but it is not that accurate (sometimes cuts off the top of the peaks). Viewfinder cameras are thin on the ground. Whatever you get, let me know, please: Ellis wants one, too.

Social climber
Aug 14, 2014 - 11:03am PT
And the writer is....

Drumroll please......

Tom Wright!!!!!!!!

Anyone know anything about Tom?

EDIT: Glenn, thanks for the tips.

Big Mike

Trad climber
Topic Author's Reply - Aug 15, 2014 - 11:51pm PT
Tom's a great guy.. Great guy...

I'm sure... Lol i dunno dick about Tom.. Lol

Sandra and i got out for a couple pitches. This was the scene at burgers and fries right.....

Any one bored tonight?? I heard the smoke bluffs can be real spooky at night.... Lol

Mountain climber
The Deep Woods
Aug 18, 2014 - 04:20pm PT
Is that so you can wipe your feet before entering?
Big Mike

Trad climber
Topic Author's Reply - Aug 18, 2014 - 04:48pm PT
Big Mike -love the japanese camping setup in the bluffs -the towel is always a giveaway

Lol. They seemed eastern european.. Not sure what was with the rona mat..
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