Does the NRA have a stupid pill problem?


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Social climber
So Cal
Dec 27, 2012 - 11:11pm PT
They were all students of what would now be considered "conservatives" Locke, Burke, etc.

Classical liberals all.

What masquerades as "liberal" now are the Neojacobin and Marxist


Nothing clasicaly liberal about them.

All proponents of the will of the state and the collective at the expense of individual liberty and property rights.

They are the antithesis of the intent of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Toker Villain

Big Wall climber
Toquerville, Utah
Dec 27, 2012 - 11:21pm PT
just another sellout. I'm Dissapointed you said you wouldn't sell yours.

EDIT: You should get into politics.
Silly kennyt.

I'm not a sellout if I can get twenty for the money you give me for one. I'm an astute businessman.
(But then if there weren't guys like you then who would the smart people hire to do the shlt jobs?)
Mighty Hiker

Vancouver, B.C.
Dec 27, 2012 - 11:26pm PT
Speaking of "Lincoln", let's take all those here who are prone to a liberal (heh heh) interpretation of the second amendment to the US constitution, and believe that it essentially gives ordinary citizens the right to own pretty much whatever firearms they want to. How many of you also believe in "states' rights"? How about nullification?

The NRA will wholeheartedly back any coup of the government as it is now constituted. That's the funny part.

Actually, it wouldn't be funny at all - it'd be treason. Backing armed opposition to your government (a coup) always is.

3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

Dec 27, 2012 - 11:33pm PT
Poker, As far as talent goes your not even in the race sport. my guess is you've been suckin off a trust fund yer whole life.

EDIT: I do consider my clients smart that's why they hire me to build homes you could not afford to heat. So I don't consider that a sh#t job. But thank's for pointing out that people who have to do jobs that are obviously below someone of your caliber are "stupid".

Show us what you have done lately.

Ice climber
hartford, ct
Dec 27, 2012 - 11:37pm PT

"The NRA will wholeheartedly back any coup of the government as it is now constituted. That's the funny part."

At least until it comes time to actually start shooting at the United States Army, anyway

Methinks those arsenals might not prove as effective as they have against first graders and teachers

You kinda worry me Hedge... You seem quite delusional. Are you on meds? Serious question... Not that I'd expect an answer...

Ice climber
hartford, ct
Dec 28, 2012 - 12:24am PT
Hedge, nobody's amassing a private "arsenal". Do you even know what a real arsenal is? Besides what you've read on

You seem to have this persistent delusion that people who might own a lot of small arms are somehow all closet insurrectionists.

You also seem to loosely correlate people who may own a lot of small arms with somehow contributing to murder/violence and somehow contributed to the latest mass killings.

Then you have fantasies about such people getting killed by federal forces in various ways.

This is disturbing delusional thinking and you repeat it over and over. I wouldn't care but the violence angle is a bit alarming.

Now, if you're just trolling, bravo my friend, my hat's off to you!


Trad climber
Monrovia, California
Dec 28, 2012 - 01:17am PT
Spielberg shouldn't direct anymore

This coming from a guy who's not narcissistic or arrogant or anything like that...

Social climber
An Oil Field
Dec 28, 2012 - 01:23am PT
OK. Do any of you guys get laid? Married or not.

When you nab yer clothes and sneak out in the morning with the scent of a woman and all of that sweaty exercise, a whiff of her on your collar will make you pretty damn docile.

The muslims definitely have a problem with pussy. That is why they are so angry. You marry a woman seeing only the slits of her eyes. Sex involves tossing that Burkha up and approaching from behind. You can't even see her eyes. They finish the deed in five seconds, like a mating chimpanzee. They don't even wipe their asses well, so the view is probably pretty heinous.

That is why those guys are seriously fuked up.

Pussy, pussy, pussy. If you are getting regular trim, you just ain't gonna go fight anyone, much less blow up a market or mass murder a bunch of people. These monsters are limited with nothing but porn (a poor but sometimes adequate substitute).

Social climber
An Oil Field
Dec 28, 2012 - 01:40am PT
Go find a girlfriend.

Advice: If you get a beauty, great, but even a homely girl is just as fun. You get over that whole pretty thing in a few months.

Homely girls also get less attention, so they are often just as lonely as the guys. Some of my best old friends were of the homely sort.

The pretty ones were always In Command.

Just go buy a bunch of condoms and enjoy women. You will sell your guns for more condoms and sweet gifts for her. The best women of all are the ones that you are friends with.

I am still hung up on the smell of a woman. There is something about it that just makes your mind a one way street.

Sell all of your guns and spend it on women. Don't pick them on looks. Pick them on how fun they are to be with.

I speaketh the truth here. Thou shalt not doubt the prophet of poon tang.

Ice climber
hartford, ct
Dec 28, 2012 - 01:45am PT
Hedge, that's one guy's theory on what the 2nd is about. It has merit depending on how you read it and support it with other texts from that era. He didn't go on to fantasize about methods of killing government agents.

As someone who's seen a lot of 'bad', I still think the vast majority of people are basically good. That's why a free society works. That's the only way it can work. It has little to do with arbitrary laws. If someone owns lots of guns or not doesn't matter. If they're deeply religious, gay straight, short-tempered, or not, stupid, smart, rich, poor etc... doesn't matter. Most people want to get through the day in peace and have enough to feed and raise their families.

You've got to learn that the individual will is what matters. His/her will to do what they wish as long as it doesn't infringe on someone else's ability to do the same.

Governments, by and large, start off with good intentions but all fail eventually do to varying amounts of corruption and greed. Every one of them. It's inevitable. All civilizations rise and fall. Ours will too. But if we can hold on to that respect for each other's individuality and support each other, we'll just frame a better government next time.

I don't really know what the "founding fathers" were thinking any more than I know what Jesus or Mohammad was thinking. None of us do. So the weight we put into texts like the Constitution, the Bible, the Koran, the Tora is always fraught with peril and arguments. Arguing about phrases in such texts will never end and only divides us.

To me, the spirit of the 2nd is for me to be prepared to defend myself, my family, and my community to the best of my ability using the best tools for the job. To be self-reliant as individuals and neighbors. To not 'depend' on government forces for domestic situations.

Because one day, coming soon, are interesting times.

Anyhoo... just chill out. We're all more alike than the NRA or government/corporations/media (same thing) would like you to believe.

Ice climber
hartford, ct
Dec 28, 2012 - 02:00am PT

Take Base's advice maybe. Get some pussy. Get some sleep.

No insurrections tonight. I checked the schedule. You can relax.


Social climber
An Oil Field
Dec 28, 2012 - 02:00am PT
I'll give up my nookie when they pry my cold dead fingers from my wee wee.

Sport climber
Boulder, Colorado!
Dec 28, 2012 - 02:10am PT
We just mentioned Charles Whitman (UT Tower Sniper). The officer that finally stopped him just died.

Big Wall climber
Seattle, WA
Dec 28, 2012 - 03:15am PT
"I can't believe it's not butter"

Sport climber
Boulder, Colorado!
Dec 28, 2012 - 01:48pm PT
Time for security in police stations... :/

Gun fight in a police station in NJ.
frank wyman

Mountain climber
helena montana
Dec 28, 2012 - 02:20pm PT
I'm so paranoid that I have a "rear-view-mirror" on my "stationary bike'...
Toker Villain

Big Wall climber
Toquerville, Utah
Dec 28, 2012 - 06:14pm PT
I don't buy this pussy theory. For me it is usually feast or famine, but during the "famines" I spend more time hunting for something other than guns.


The the braggart brat wrote;
Show us what you have done lately.

Well, despite the freezing morning it turned into a nice day so I went to the range I've been using for 34 years, and lo and behold it is like the old days; nobody there.
Must be hoarding ammo.
Glad I don't have to.

Put a small silhouette out at 220m and put 18 62gr hollow points into the Bushmaster Varminter.

Wish you were here,..

(gotta remember to remove glasses while focusing)
Mighty Hiker

Vancouver, B.C.
Dec 28, 2012 - 06:17pm PT
Is it true that some/many gun ranges use an outline of your president as a target? If so, why?

Anyway, if the recent tragedy doesn't lead to much better regulation of automatic, semi-automatic and assault weapons, evil will have triumphed.

Social climber
the Wastelands
Dec 28, 2012 - 06:20pm PT
whoever said that guys that live for their guns are ignorant horse's asses are wrong

I just don't agree with that at all.
Toker Villain

Big Wall climber
Toquerville, Utah
Dec 28, 2012 - 06:23pm PT
Anders, source please? I've never seen one, but still have a few Osama targets.

Evil has already triumphed.
You want to give Lanza the posthumous thrill of disarming a free nation.

Yeah,.... that oughtta work.
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