Free Coffee in JT


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Captain...or Skully

Social climber
Where are YOU from?
Dec 5, 2008 - 06:08pm PT
SWEET link, there, Fletcher!!!


Social climber
Jtree, now in Alaska
Dec 5, 2008 - 07:17pm PT
Russ the 2008 reversion of the department manual 99.2(2)had that section moved to page 400293 section 7 subsection 6(c) paragraph 1a. Director order #7689 entitled "The Green Gestapo:your guide to tooling climbers" had this to say about climbers coffee in general.

"...Before the trap is sprung you must set up your victims with a promise of warm coffee, this always gets them. Have your face and voice recognition equipment updated with the latest NCIC software, also make sure the kite with the photo equipment is at the proper altitude, and the wind speed is adequate enough to keep it flying in the least conspicuous way possible. If this is not possible, convince the climbers that the kite is being flown by one of their own, post some of the photos on popular rock climbing websites to further build their trust. Once a climber steps on one of the many pressure sensors that you have set up around your tent, the voice recognition software will start deciphering the victims voice for possible identification, once this begins turn the subject to face the direction of the kite so a positive ID can be made. You will need to pretend to know something of this activity known as "rock climbing" examples of fail proof terms will be added in an upcoming addendum. remember these "climbers" have been known to make primate calls to communicate with one another, the purpose of climbers coffee is to learn this language, once this information is gleaned we will better be able to tool climbers..."

Social climber
Jtree, now in Alaska
Dec 5, 2008 - 08:40pm PT

"...further more these images can be used for gathering other information on climbers, such as their breeding habits and daily drum circle intake. (see example A above)..."

Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Dec 8, 2008 - 03:42pm PT

that's classic!

Captain...or Skully

Social climber
Where are YOU from?
Dec 8, 2008 - 04:01pm PT
Super funny,SPowers.

"Possibly a cross between Romaine & Iceberg".

Social climber
Dec 8, 2008 - 04:50pm PT
Seems like the only rangers I see in JT are in the box taking fees, or scraping some remains of the latest motorcylist-c#m-pin cushion out of the sand at the tight left-hander way out near the 29P entrance. But then again, I don't camp or spend my evenings there either.

Mighty Hiker

Social climber
Vancouver, B.C.
Dec 8, 2008 - 04:56pm PT
Strange that the local paranoids and anti-authority adolescents haven't wondered (yet) about what the rangers put in the coffee, or perhaps in the water at certain climbers' camps. In addition to Peet's, that is. Fluoride? (The chemical.) Saltpeter? LSD? Laxatives? Uppers? Downers? Viagra?

Come to think of it, maybe they already do.

If you want to control a populace, just control its source of drinking water. Elementary strategy.

Social climber
Dec 8, 2008 - 05:53pm PT
Or you might end up on the top of El Cap, approached by some friendly "climbers" who turn out to be tools, and confiscate your drill...or something like that, eh Coz?

Trad climber
Dec 8, 2008 - 05:57pm PT
Never pass up on the free coffee.

Trad climber
Dec 8, 2008 - 06:54pm PT
You blew it Jebus, get the free coffee then walk away.

Trad climber
Dec 8, 2008 - 06:59pm PT
One can never have enough caffeine, especially when climbing in Josh!

Trad climber
The state of confusion
Dec 8, 2008 - 07:26pm PT
Boy, I'd rather be in Josh drinking their coffee than be stuck
in my cube, like I am. . .

Trad climber
New York, NY
Dec 8, 2008 - 07:52pm PT
BET Jerk from RC dot Com wrote:
"Hey Happie, what campsite you staying at?

Oh, I like mah coffee black, strong, and hot (marnin yinz!). And I lost my favorite mug, so please have a klean one waiting for me. 7:30 sound good? Grate, see you then."

Sunday evening I came to my campsite to find my picnic table chalked up with a message from the BET.

While this has nothing to do with "Climber coffee and the rangers," it has EVERYTHING to do with harrassment from these pigs which has now come to the poin where they physically invade my personal boundaries. You were SPECIFICALLY invited NOT to enter my campsite, and yet you did.

I assume it was Zeke(Jebus H Bomz here on STopo and Zeke_SF on and Ryan Kelly(Mt. Project/real name, user Arrogant_Bastard, Superopto username, unknown). I believe this vbecause:
1) Who the F else would be so concerned with my life as to harrass me in such a way
2) Because Zeke posted to that the 2 of you would be in JTree this last weekend.

I have had it with you f'ers and this bullsh#t. STOP IT.

I have let Jay at rc know your latest, escaleted, level of harrassment. I will let Chris Mac here know as well. If your behavior does not stop, I actually DO have some rexourse I can take, and I am fairly certain you will not like it.

Back to the coffee/ranger thread.....


Sport climber
Dec 8, 2008 - 08:26pm PT
cute of you, happie, to post A_B's name in the forum on a hunch when he wasn't within HOURS of your campsite.

you got pranked with some chalk on your picnic table. get over it. you are completely delusional if you think that is evidence of intent of real harm.

maybe if they'd written "die, bitch," but i believe it was: "bet jerks wuntz free koffee or hel1s lunger 4u".

you give as good as you get, happievictimcrrrd.

Trad climber
Dec 8, 2008 - 08:36pm PT
Hey Bernadette! Are you a ranger at JT now?
Hope life's treating you well.

Social climber
Davis, CA
Dec 8, 2008 - 08:47pm PT
Did the message on the picnic table in your campsite look anything like this?

It's what's called a prank. It's chalk on a coffee table. Untwist them panties.

Also, you should apologize to those other fellows you libeled above and delete that part of your post, because they had nothing to do with it.

drama, drama, drama...

Trad climber
Dec 8, 2008 - 10:39pm PT
if she doesn't like getting bugged, don't do it. Doesn't matter if it wasn't a serious prank or not. C'mon guys, this isn't rocket science. Just ignore her.

Trad climber
pacific beach, ca
Dec 9, 2008 - 09:15am PT
I don't drink coffee, but i still attended.

I talked with the rangers for awhile.

There were quite a few other climbers there.

Pretty laid back conversation.

I have never had any problems with rangers, but then again i don't believe that i give them a reason to have a negative relationship with me.


Trad climber
Dec 9, 2008 - 10:04am PT
wait... Happie, you are at Jtree, but you took the time to sit in front of a computer, post-stalk Zeke and A_B on, PM the administrators of two sites, and then post about it on here? When you could have been climbing, or hiking, or just sitting out in the desert? I think you need to go back to NYC, where stupid petty sh#t like that actually matters.

Trad climber
Just left of there
Dec 9, 2008 - 10:16am PT
you can take the girl out of the city, but you can't take the city out of the girl.
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