Snowboarders Ruin Everything (Troll)


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Sir loin of leisure...

Trad climber
I'm from Idaho..bitch
Dec 27, 2010 - 10:24pm PT
yes slidin is slidin..

Sport climber
mammoth lakes ca
Dec 27, 2010 - 10:38pm PT
Amen Klimski...sic the Bridgeport posse on those lame-ass tourons'...rj
Captain...or Skully

Big Wall climber
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Dec 27, 2010 - 10:51pm PT
Haha! You guys are funny.

Desolation Basin, Calif.
Dec 27, 2010 - 11:00pm PT
FACT: You don't hear skilled skiers knocking snowboarders. That is all.

Case in point. I suck on snow (except with axe and crampons). I mean really suck. When I go skiing every seven years, I take a class and then hit the bunny slopes. So I'm always on a lift with a bunny slope snowboarder.

Now, while I suck as a skier, I CAN get off the lift! I've got that wired. Bunny slope snowboarders CAN'T get off the lift. Always the same. We get to the top of the ride and get off, right away, the boarder has a hold of me cause he's about to eat it. One guy sent me flying into the lift shack at Wrightwood one day.

So I learned to be proactive. When I'm on a lift with a boarder, soon as we step off the lift, the boarder gets a quick elbow in the ribs and launched AWAY from me.

Unless she's cute.

The Gar, BC.
Dec 27, 2010 - 11:04pm PT
Alright...... say one more bad thing about boarding and I'll jib the PHUCK outa yer power box so you can't diss us on the Taco anymore.:)

east side underground

Trad climber
Hilton crk,ca
Dec 27, 2010 - 11:10pm PT
I'm with sir lion - skis for the bc (unless I'm sno-mo riding i.e. not much walking involved)boarding for pow days at the resort. really it's all good, sliding is sliding . isn't this topic a little old?

Trad climber
Dec 28, 2010 - 12:05am PT
nice line!

Trad climber
the Bozone
Dec 28, 2010 - 12:14am PT
Thanks! Those are our tracks up in there, heading back up for a second lap on a different feature. Late May 2010 believe it or not. Good spring up this way.
The Wedge

Boulder climber
Santa Rosa & Bishop, CA
Dec 28, 2010 - 01:04am PT
When are you ever going to ski Bumps in th BC anyway?

Ohhh ya the Sherwins.

Trad climber
the Bozone
Dec 28, 2010 - 01:10am PT
I know this thread's a troll Jim, but some trolls just aren't worthy man. I can see the humor in poking fun at the wanker in neon pants sliding down the hill on his ass, but enough's enough!

And, as a matter of fact Jim, once the snow melts, I'm climbing (as I'm sure you are)! That's why I'm over here on supertopo to begin with! Sorry I get defensive, but many of my favorite backcountry partners are splitboarders. Glad you liked the pic, but no need to troll me about it. I'm sure you've got plenty of photos of yourself "shredding the gnar" or whatever you said. My point was that snowboarders get after it too. Do I detect some jealousy or projection in your post? Maybe.

Mountain climber
Big Bear California
Dec 28, 2010 - 01:26am PT
It's starting to become a yearly ordeal.....the "Oh F##K" from behind you....the impact...
the tumble down the mountain pretzeled with the snowboarder....and then the accusations that it was my fault while I'm controlling that rare rage that only a day screwed by a snowboarder can bring.
This was my last encounter....I try to ski fast enough that I only have to deal with what is in front of me, but it was a crowded day and as I was weaving through the masses, that's when the "Fu##k", Bang and tumble happened.
I did my best "These are NOT the droids you are looking for" mind frack on "Jason" and got him to produce his license for my iphone while his buddy sat 30 feet away taunting me and calling me a pussy. It's funny how fast we can diagnose our own injuries...."you broke my f##king leg" were the first words out of my mouth....He cracked my fibula in the tumble....which I locked down in my ski boot and suffered with for the rest of the season. My back country partner didn't fare as well...he got clipped a month later, hit and run, and was sidelined with a tib/fib for the season. Along with my throbbing leg the next solid pain was in the square of my back where I was hit....I managed a smile as Jason and his buddy accused me of running into them!
rich sims

Trad climber
Dec 28, 2010 - 02:02am PT
Are you kidding Powder steep and deep
We don’t need no stinking groomed s^%t
Oh you may only see powder in pictures where you live. Bwa aaahhh aaaa!

Trad climber
Oaksterdam, CA
Dec 28, 2010 - 02:16am PT
Actually skiing and snowboarding are both for pussys- snowlerblading is the only true sport
the Fet

Dec 28, 2010 - 03:05am PT
Man that sucks Lokesh. Just like surfing, you are really blind on your heelside. I try to avoid boarder's heelsides. My sis in law ruined a new surfboard when she was riding heelside and another girl was riding heelside straight into each other.

Thank goodness for snowboards. As mentioned: width, sidecuts, terrain parks, half pipes, etc. have been huge positive impacts. Many new people on the slopes which keeps the business going.

I think it's funny how snowboarders are required to wear baggy clothes in boardercross. It's supposed to be counter-culture, and they have RULES to keep it that way LOL.

I love snowboarding, but I still ski more. I had a snowboarder try to diss skiing by saying "snowboarding is all about style, skiers just try to go fast or do a lot of flips, but snowboarders have style" Like that made it superior. I just say "yes, skiing is more about substance than style.".
this just in

north fork
Dec 28, 2010 - 10:19am PT
Rokjox you called all snowboarders chicken shits then fold when one calls you the same. Go climb some more boys you don't know. Locker is dead on it's skill not method. Those lame learners, well we all learned at one time and I've been a lame skier and a lame boarder before. Cosmic we got way better smoke so why are you still skiing?
Tony Bird

Northridge, CA
Dec 28, 2010 - 10:39am PT
ski the backcountry and leave it all behind. i go to downhill areas once in awhile. i go to zoos once in awhile too. both seem to have a way of making me sad.
Stewart Johnson

yo mama
Dec 28, 2010 - 10:51am PT
they are so bad they even changed the shape of your skiis!
Spider Savage

Mountain climber
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 28, 2010 - 11:04am PT
I love Disneyland! But this thread is about trashing snowboarders.

FACT: Snowboarders scrape the good snow off the the steep runs.

FACT: Skiers make artful moguls on steep runs.

FACT: Snowboarders are on their ass every single run.

I wouldn't be so bitter but I ski in SoCal where the conditions suk unless it has just snowed which it is going to do tonight.

Big dump tonight and tomorrow! On Thursday I shall be shredding on Baldy.
Stewart Johnson

yo mama
Dec 28, 2010 - 11:12am PT
moguls suck so bad. why would you think its good skiing is beyond me.
this just in

north fork
Dec 28, 2010 - 11:17am PT
Snowboarders are lame but at least we're not socal skiers.
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