The Flames.


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Social climber
Elk Grove, California
Feb 1, 2016 - 09:17am PT

Anytime Today

Anytime today
I'll have a second cup of coffee
Take the bike ride again
Return all those phone calls
Pet the dogs for the tenth time

Anytime today
I'll wash all those dishes
Do the loathed exercises
Give the dogs their monthly pills
Think about long lost loved ones

Anytime today
I'll finish up the paperwork
Run the errands that I hate
Take something from the freezer
Bring in all the mail

Anytime today
I'll take that walk up the hill
Put wood upon the fire
Think about long lost friends
Feed the dogs again

Anytime today
I'll scratch those dogs behind the ears
Smell their warm furry noggins
Talk a long while with my sweetheart
Kiss her softly on the cheek

Anytime today

Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Feb 1, 2016 - 09:30am PT
[Click to View YouTube Video]

Hey mouse,
This just in, a bit late, I know,
but the answer to your question is no DO YOU SEE THE SHAPE OF A GNOME? TUCKED IN THE CORNER OF THIS PICTURE ? ., ,_, ,__, , ^^^^^
no one can explain that....
( he doesn't Knw? Don't tell )

As to This? (what da duce iz das bőat?)Telling that it is hard
Bushman, happily, more than trying just did.( Is that just has?)

Triple threat has me blocked from desktop,
so I'm strung out while I wait to post, snaps

done with out readers,

so sure to be postin' drunk to deepen the ~ nails on chalk-board effect ~ I seem to have
sorry, that it is that. . .

rather than a sweet rhyme they work on most folks, better ,
The word 'nice' is a friend of mine ? No that may be free advice. . .
There are two with better sound but no video ( a few others too)
[Click to View YouTube Video]
12/7/81 miss. Half Step - Franklins tower,
so good it doesn't seem long, - 20 minutes long!

[Click to View YouTube Video]
From Iowa so, in honor of Caucus daze, it fitz everywhere!
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 1, 2016 - 10:26am PT
We would be in sad, sad shape were it not for the indispensable voice of neebee, queen of you-name-it, she seems to have a knack for it, from dancing to advancing our awareness of what's inside of us waiting to burst out.

She is the quilt-stitcher, the people-painter (paint me all purple), the baker, and the self-published belle of belle-lettres, Jake's Ranch style.

The interesting word "nice" might be on the reverse of that purplish heart, Gnome.
But I can't say, now, because I ate it, along with the rest of the hearts.
This shows a modified version of Julia Parker's game of dicing with black walnuts in the Mi-Wok traditional game of chance, shown earlier on the pgs. of The Flames. It shows a losing hand, but nearly a winner. DARN!

#9, #9, #9"--Los Beatles

"Nuevo nuevo nuevo."--Los Hermanos Block

[Click to View YouTube Video]

[Click to View YouTube Video]

"Good morning, Ms. neebee, good morning to you."

BTW, both these quilt panels are part of one which was gifted to me by neebee. Fletcher provided the dancing master mouse panel.

Quo vadis, Fletcher?
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 1, 2016 - 01:22pm PT
Flip Flop Facebook Foto.

This here sounds like it's some tooth-rattlin' chow that'll make yer peepers see the light, & pepper up your blood-pumper to where people might think you are wound too tight.

I like the Hmong carrots at the Kialee Market, the little Asian store in the middle of the next block down on Main St. They are usually cheapo-cheapo, taste a bit peppery, and are orange. (There's not much else you can say about 'em, really, except sometimes I find some strange-shaped ones in the bunch).

I need to find more ways to eat well for my heart's health, as well as some other recipes for low-sodium cookery. I like food that's easy to prepare, doesn't need a lot of cleaning up after, and can be stored in a used, large-sized yogurt container.

Feel free to post 'em here if you got 'em.

I'm neither fish nor fowl, neither vegan nor vegetarian, and embrace all kinds of food from around the globe.

Pass the gluten-free giblet gravy, Grandma, I'm a hungry man that can't stand Hungry Man.
Papyrus stalks & bean curd. Mmm-mm! Now that's some mighty fine vittles! Just gotta have the right recipe.

Whenever I've got this recipe fixed up & ready to be et, I'll post it to the Pood Forn thread.

Thanks to Lilabiene & THE Muppet for the fine spice assembly from Penzeys Spices!
I've been using them as I find uses FOR them.
This carrot recipe calls for ginger, which I haven't opened yet.
That's just an old oak gall I picked up someplace that's sitting in the center of the box.
I don't need any recipes for them, thank you kindly. :0)


Ice climber
Feb 1, 2016 - 05:51pm PT
Sometimes life at the beach isn't.

Pacific Beach yesterday.

Nicki Carano of the band Spider Tree [weirdo, eh] died in this mishap.


Social climber
Feb 1, 2016 - 07:53pm PT
hey there say, zBrown... oh no! i was just jumping on board, here, to see how mouse was doing, when:

i SAW THIS... :O :(

this is terrible, say, i think??? i heard something about this, on a news story, somewhere, but i did not catch all of it, and i did not know that someone died...

oh my... deep condolences to the family and loved ones... :(
oh no... :(

Ice climber
Feb 1, 2016 - 08:48pm PT
Just driving down the road to play music. I didn't know her at all, but it's stunning what can happen to ya.

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 1, 2016 - 09:43pm PT
Hey, that's some seriously nasty wind damage, man.

It gives one pause.

Observing a moment of silence here...

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 1, 2016 - 10:05pm PT

Like I said earlier, one needs imagination to see images at times.

This is one of those times.

Or am I just imagining things?

The power of suggestion is often a spur to the mind's eye.

Hurts just thinking about it, but now the image is there and I'll have to try to delete it somehow.

The mental recycle bin is a great tool.

But the bin can never be emptied.

Maybe something to discuss in "What Is 'Mind.'"

Nah. I can't imagine that gang tackling that idea.

I wish like heck that image of the fallen tree and the tragedy it reveals would go away, but it won't.

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 1, 2016 - 10:16pm PT
[Click to View YouTube Video] This is the only version of this song on the net!
Can you imagine that?
Well, you don't have to. It's a real fakkt.

Like all the rockers who've bought farms lately, like Nicki Carano.

RIP, Nicki.[Click to View YouTube Video]Specially posted for the Gnome of the D.

"Phenomenal increase in web activity fools observers."[Click to View YouTube Video]For the benefit of Mr. Spider Savage.

Nice knee-deep powder you got into, Spider--I saw your FB posts.

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 1, 2016 - 11:25pm PT
Image Nation presents "The Day the Coast Range Disappeared."Two-part view of the New Coastal Plain just west of Merced.

The beach is now less than an hour's drive away, if traffic isn't too bad.

"Hey, let's head over to Nuevo Santa Cruz, dude. Surf's up!"
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 1, 2016 - 11:54pm PT
The haze is gone with the wind.

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 2, 2016 - 12:22am PT
Westside sunset today at 5:24 pm.
Sunrise over Merced Theater spire at 7:11 am.
My partner in crime. He's a bit camera shy, believe it or not.
Selfie of myself and Podnuh.
Taken by another resident of Middle Earth this morning on the fifth floor landing.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 2, 2016 - 12:37am PT
Cosmic, look at this tragedy! Tsk-tsk.

I know you love these fruits as much as I.
Spring isn't really very far away, y'know.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 2, 2016 - 12:54am PT

Lobby door window glass and the bottom of the central stairwell.
Decorative ivy along the alley.
My crib is the second window up.

Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Feb 2, 2016 - 03:42am PT
Bottomless lake
[Click to View YouTube Video]
 a bloody deep pool is needed,

then a volume switch on the Ole Imaginitron machine some times life's static is to loud,

Some times you need to turn it down,

the ability to drown out the world is a key weirdo superpower

So is the ability to see faces

- the approximation of faces - in the swirls, of crystals in granite,

Ripples, notches,ridgosities, in the rock face,

look like eyes and mouths or noses,

some times,

this vision knows only the limits of the depth of the imagination of the viewers

others may see other faces in the larger snap,.

[Click to View YouTube Video]

was my image size to small?
I was given to believe that I had to size down, the desktop gave me a prompt that said
To many pixels so I pulled the trigger from 64 to 37

from out where the anecdotes roam
Feb 2, 2016 - 04:19am PT
^^^ "honk thrice" for xtra-hot oil ;)

after the vittles show,
healdsburg yielded some nice cd's in a little boutique of a thrift shop.
this track got more than it's share of air:

[Click to View YouTube Video]

but then also: , aT78crxSJfM
& this pallette cleanser:


Ice climber
Feb 2, 2016 - 07:20am PT
I hear ya mang!

Oh, no, you can't do that
Once you started wearing those shoes

I caught the front end of my flip flop going up some stairs and nearly did a face plant. I'd hate to have tried it coming down your stairwell.

The seventies have come and gone along with Glen, now the real seventies are acerca rápidamente.

Adults 70-Plus Three Times as Likely to Die Following Low-Level Falls
“This study brings up the important question of what we need to do as a society to help our older folks take care of themselves,” said Cheng. “Instead of just treating falls as they happen, the focus should be on what we can do to help older people avoid them in the first place. This can be as simple as making sure there is no loose carpeting in their home and putting railings on both sides of stairways and in bathtubs and showers.”

Good quote nesting zB

[Click to View YouTube Video]

Flip Flop

Earth Planet, Universe
Feb 2, 2016 - 07:24am PT
Hey Mighty Mouse,

The Gnarly Carrot is the soon-to-open healthy farm food store in North Fork.
Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Feb 2, 2016 - 07:36am PT

Ok , I'm really just a common garden gnome,
With battered knees from old school Rossi. Bindings.
Thank goodness I was into short skis from very early on.

My truly steep and deep days or even knee deep 'face shot' snow,
what , in California - mid season - should be for everyone,
Perfect Conditions - for me is/are past.,
Most chutes and ridges are to much for me
and beyond my kids completely n0ob status.

perfect conditions , would be late season groomed
( k) corn to cement with nightly 3- 15
inches., kinda the conditions at Alta ,
and often when I had the choice I went there or Squaw Valley
Knees and age. . .

Sorry if I implied that I was in anyway ever much more than a excellent
but - in bounds - ski patroller pal skier - Not even ski patrol,
or patrol night mare:
the guys they had me chase ?
they skied circles around me.

There is another song, or two from this show worth a listen
[Click to View YouTube Video] the illegal smile or burn one with John Prine...
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