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Mountain climber
Nov 16, 2018 - 09:53am PT
Acosta gets his press credentials back judge rules. Judge was appointed by Trump last year.


FoxNews actually filed an amicus supporting CNN on this one. The issue hasn't been decided--the judge only issued a two week restraining order.

No matter, you have to admit Acosta is a childish tool. I doubt he'll be called on again.
Jon Beck

Trad climber
Nov 16, 2018 - 10:11am PT
Acosta was childish? now that is funny. Judge ruled in his favor because of a high likelihood that he will ultimately succeed at trial. This from a Trump appointed judge. Actually Acosta gets a due process hearing on the issue, not sure what form that will take but you can be sure the outcome will be contested.

So what if he never gets called on again, him just being in the room pisses Trump off.
i'm gumby dammit

Sport climber
da ow
Nov 16, 2018 - 10:30am PT
I think he meant Acosta is childish in general. He did come across as childish or at least overly overtly woke when he insisted that Trump call on a women next. Although there may have been context to that which we weren't aware.
Even if he chooses not to go back winning this case is important.
Sierra Ledge Rat

Mountain climber
Old and Broken Down in Appalachia
Nov 16, 2018 - 04:47pm PT
Speaking of voter fraud....

A Republican senator was just recorded stating that she supported plans to make it more difficult for citizens of the opposing party to vote.

"Maybe we want to make it [voting] just a little more difficult. And I think that’s a great idea."
the Fet

Nov 16, 2018 - 05:34pm PT
Trump said this of Mueller's written questions for him:

"My lawyers don't write answers. I write answers," he said. "I was asked a series of questions. I've answered them very easily."

Exactly what the questions covered is not known. However, Mr Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani told the Washington Post on Thursday he had not answered questions relating to the period after his election, saying some were "possible traps", while others were "unnecessary" or "irrelevant".

LOL, reminds me of this scene:

[Click to View YouTube Video]

I know everything. Ask me anything!
Pass, next question.
Pass, next question.

Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Nov 16, 2018 - 05:46pm PT
Trump's interpretation of decorum means reporters can refer to the first lady as " Horse Face"...

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Nov 16, 2018 - 05:47pm PT
Trump didn't like Judge Timothy Kelly's ruling, so he's going to write new 'rules' around what makes for appropriate 'decorum' amongst journalists at press conferences:

'A sword hanging over our heads': Trump discovers new weapon against media
The administration is drawing up rules for White House reporters' behavior, and the president said if journalists don't follow them, 'we'll end up back in court, and we'll win.'
By JASON SCHWARTZ 11/16/2018 06:13 PM EST



After a judge ruled that the White House violated the CNN correspondent’s right to due process by stripping him of his press badge, press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders declared that the administration was drawing up new rules to govern reporters’ behavior — and a process for booting them if those rules are broken.

“We have to create rules and regulations for conduct,” Trump told Chris Wallace in a Fox News Sunday interview, echoing Sanders’ announcement. “It's not a big deal. If he misbehaves, we'll throw him out or we’ll stop the news conference.”

"If they don't listen to the rules and regulations," he told reporters at a separate event at the White House, "we'll end up back in court, and we'll win."

It was Trump and Sanders, after all, who escalated the Acosta situation after a dispute at a news conference by yanking his press pass and, to justify it, pointing to an apparently altered video of his interaction with a White House aide.

Federal Judge Timothy Kelly, a Trump appointee, ruled that the administration had denied Acosta due process in revoking his security pass, citing shifting White House explanations, no clear process, no advance notification to Acosta and no chance for him to rebut the allegations. Kelly ordered the White House to return Acosta’s credential on a temporary basis, while the rest of the case moves forward.

Now, the administration says it's creating a process for banning reporters who do not show “decorum” at events.


Let that word settle in for a moment, with consideration to it's source.

Nov 16, 2018 - 05:51pm PT
You fools keep throwing your minds into the dumpster of st00pid with all this politard horesh!t ....

Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Nov 16, 2018 - 05:52pm PT
Says the Lloyd bridges of dumpster diving...

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Nov 16, 2018 - 05:53pm PT
Nah, Werner, we're mostly just here to troll you.
i'm gumby dammit

Sport climber
da ow
Nov 16, 2018 - 09:39pm PT
haha lloyd bridges of dumpster diving

Trad climber
Nov 17, 2018 - 04:15am PT

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy

Nov 16, 2018 - 08:47am PT
Edward, an investigation is started when there's a lot of smoke around an issue. That's why it's investigated. At the end of the investigation, if it's done thoroughly and methodically, the results could theoretically point in any direction, and can involve many people associated with the process.

Isn't that pretty much what's happening here? You argument is cherry-picking: you are arguing that because one specific result hasn't been found, the whole process is invalid.

Cherry picking? Really?


The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confirmed by then-FBI Director James 8. Comey in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including:
(i) any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and
(ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and
(iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).


Trad climber
Nov 17, 2018 - 04:25am PT

Big Wall climber

Nov 16, 2018 - 05:33pm PT
There is no question about "collusion", though that's a bit of a red herring in that the criminal charges are likely to conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to receive stolen property and who knows what else.

The "collusion" has been shown already. People like Edward seems to misunderstand how large criminal enterprises are "rolled up". You methodically climb the ladder, squeezing the pawns and rolling one after another up the chain. It's how the NY mob was approached, how major international drug cartels are approached. "Oh no, there's been no prosecution". Gates - flipped. Manafort - flipped. Papadapa - flipped. Cohen - flipped.

No collusion you say? That's amusingly naive at best.

Donnie "the chinless wonder" Jr: "If it's what you say, I love it. Especially later in the summer".

Donnie Jr then went on to meet with the Russians in an attempt to get stolen emails. There is no controversy about whether this happened. Manafort was in the room, Kushner was in the room. Even Steve Bannon has called this "treasonous".

Well, sh#t fire Maybelle... that's an impressive bit of blather. Who knew you were partial to Steve Bannon? LOL

We're still waiting for a member of Trump's team to be convicted of collusion.

Has anyone associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump been indicted for colluding/conspiring with the Russian government?
i'm gumby dammit

Sport climber
da ow
Nov 17, 2018 - 08:01am PT
Cherry picking? Really?
yes. in fact your quote directly under this where you bolded a section and ignored the others is the poster child for cherry picking
(i) any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and
(ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and
(iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).

Trad climber
Cascade Mountains and Monterey Bay
Nov 17, 2018 - 10:57am PT
The American general public is so unaware of realities that trying to participate in discussions is just a frustrating distraction. I used to think that rock climbers might be a little further along in the learning process.
Larry Nelson

Social climber
Nov 17, 2018 - 12:54pm PT
These political threads are only useful to me for philosophical concerns, and most are rightfully sh!tcanned...but here goes...

One of my basic disagreements with my many progressive friends is their belief that society must be fundamentally transformed (A major theme of Obama's first presidential campaign).
We are living during the sweet spot of history, on one of the sweet spots of the planet, and some would like to upset the apple cart? Yikes!.

This 6 minute youtube exhibits Jordan Peterson's wisdom (IMHO) concerning his skepticism toward political correctness and the inevitable unintended consequences of social policy.

[Click to View YouTube Video]
Larry Nelson

Social climber
Nov 17, 2018 - 01:34pm PT
Hey Moose,
First, I tend toward less control by government.
Second, in all advertising it's buyer beware.
And if politicians are being bought, who's selling?

Edit: How bout full disclosure of all contributions?

Mountain climber
Nov 17, 2018 - 08:45pm PT
One of my basic disagreements with my many progressive friends is their belief that society must be fundamentally transformed (A major theme of Obama's first presidential campaign).
We are living during the sweet spot of history, on one of the sweet spots of the planet, and some would like to upset the apple cart? Yikes!.

Larry, that was perfect. Nailed it. Trim tabs--but not a hard pull on the rudder.

Ice climber
Nov 17, 2018 - 08:51pm PT
And if politicians are being bought, who's selling?

Obviously everybody!

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Nov 17, 2018 - 08:54pm PT
"One of my basic disagreements with my many progressive friends is their belief that society must be fundamentally transformed "

I dunno about the idea of seeing society 'fundamentally transformed', but I do think this society is a long way from being as good as it could be. Why settle for less?
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