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mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 10, 2019 - 12:54am PT
[Click to View YouTube Video]You Netflixers may recognize the theme of Peaky Blinders.

I noticed the Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds poster at the Tiny Desk Concert sponsored by Jim B last page and had not heard of 'em and looked 'em up and son of a priest if it wasn't someone I HAD HEARD but not HEARD OF.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 10, 2019 - 12:58am PT
"What's A?"

A musical key. I couldn't tellya which key this is in.

Enjoy this like you should...
[Click to View YouTube Video]
at home with a fattie.

Good, "clean American" fun.
Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Jan 10, 2019 - 01:04am PT
Yeah I've Shared That same "Stoopid"before(Here in The Flames I think too?)

Gonna be a long day for moi, an up all nighter
that spill really laid me out
gonna be a long time f'sure
no fatties
no bits or pieces, neither
and those sweet roaches
are harder & harder to come by

I'm up, if not all night, then by 5am. EST. Very much trying to break the 9 cups a day habit, I try not to swill black joe* till after . . .
(what's left in the pot gets put in a glass)
Click into auto-mutant,
1st cooked hard; 2 eggs scrambled w/.5 teaspoon of flour, a drop of Bragg's amino/ Kikkoman soy & of the 'less' Picante Valentina red sauce.
Doubled - if there's no leftover stirfry.
Then too, 2 more eggs scrambled w/ a drop of vanilla, a sprinkle of cinnamon 3 slices of Rasin Bread from Trade Joes(o,Please). French'd Toast.
Then, when the little prince now, almost 6-foot & his 5-foot princess sister are up & served, I turn to the coffee; grind, count scoops & start, then make those spoiled spurts sandwiches with Provolone & roast beef for her & ham & Colby-jack for him, both get leaf spinach. Without fail that lands us at 16 after, the 'out the door' @32 after, to get the 3 hundred yards to the corner for the big yellow dragon.(A yelo drag`um away, a school bus) Its soft glow, evident from far off, or not at all if we miss it.(lets not go there)

Now, when, not if, I've fledged these 2 chicks, paid out every penny and then some to try to guarantee that they stay aloft; out of this house anyway, I would very much like to go to ....
Tenerife? really? I will go look it up but there
or anywhere else, even or expressly Timbuktu. . .

(*once upon a time it was premium Arabica bean, I now add Swiss Miss to whatever was on sale)

Sadly, "developing a tool shack" & watching the wife suffer from Dun-Lap disease in suburbia

woowe, that "Bad Seeds" video brought a flash of a share from my sordid paste
the story of whatshis-name, John List, who killed his whole Westfield NJ family in 1971 stayed on the run for 20(18) years,
now I'll go find that scary sad tale

This is a grisly true crime that hunted my re-found childhood-
 Start with the(Seemingly Mistakenly Titled?) "Breeze Knoll"
(wasn't it called Breezy Knoll?)

Honest injun itis better to not look under the 'hood if you're not moving into it
not to see back to this
I can't now find the better telling video

& the flake out of it all going poof just now is not helping
it is creeping me out

Ironically The centerpiece of the house was a ballroom with a Tiffany glass ceiling. That was in '71 worth enough to have bailed out the debt, not saved the embezzler from a prison sentence but, given his standing as a church-going family man, in that town , where there were real gangsters from the old bad days still living large he would have been given a light sentence & served a small portion of it ...

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 10, 2019 - 01:23am PT
I've heard sushi is good, too. Private joke twixt Laurie & me.

"And soda bread." It's late. Getting earlier. Sleep beckons.

from out where the anecdotes roam
Jan 10, 2019 - 02:20am PT
big daddy kane, AOK ^^^ slipped a nice little homily in there too. thanks jim

and a fond howdy back to sister lennypenny, mouse.

and the cinema folks ... seems there's heartstrings and tuggin' to be had at every turn.

been hauling water at sunrise lately. trying to time it right ... tank and sky: planned co-fulfillment.

i remember having doubts well into "angle of repose," but also wistful satisfaction upon completion.
i guess i could relate to the many restarts getting the home space and partnership dialed
and certainly the western setting. been a long while since, but the feeling comes back

The state of quantum flux
Jan 10, 2019 - 05:42am PT

Basso Sulle Braci

Guillermo and his memory
were at a lack
he said he forgot
his applejack

I told him
to never forget that
and to borrow it
from the Cat

He thought he might
rub the Cat’s tum
a coax to provide him
with some

The feline delivered
a swift painful blow
Bob is nay to forget now
his applejack no

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 10, 2019 - 09:56am PT
Thanks for the idea, bushman. Love ya, bro!
[Click to View YouTube Video]

Parts of a Roman chronicle
(dated from 44 BCE)

Victissius Nonentitus, Hooblissimus Maximus, Gnomus Diabassitus, and zBrownicus, four good citizens of Rome and scions of important families (that is, with the exception of zBrownicus, the victor of the Battle of Otae, and a former freedman whose story is told elsewhere) were mostly pursuing the Cursus Honorarium more or less as rivals of one another-- zBrownicus was in it strictly for the money and power and could have cared less about "honor" and "the republic"--in the time following the Iberian plague but before the Great Fire of 66 BCE (the one that Blotus was accused of starting but which he blamed on careless raking at the crossroads)...

text missing...

All had notions about the old senator's fairest daughter, Michigana, and went one day to the gym to settle the issue in a manly way, as befit noble blood. It so happened that the gymnasium's indoor pool was emptied for cleaning and the owner of the gymnasium, CMaximus, suggested they try the new sport lately come to Rome from far-off Parthia...

missing text...

but she would have none of them, and ran off into the house...

end of text.

Note: There is a second tablet, but it has been effaced. Scholars are certain it belongs with the first for various technical reasons. This chronicle served as the basis for the modern series of novels by Mus Mus and Omar the Special K, the Rat Tale Files.
Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Jan 10, 2019 - 10:02am PT
Sir Ive not read that
The wife read what I wrote and took that you would take it wrong
that I was somehow rubbing it in, I am not Meaning to I am sharing the mundane that is
it is & at weeks end I'm wrung out
The Betty, the better half cakes makes, in a cubical yob,
know what I am saying?
so please take it the way it is meant, a share of who is this domesticated woe once wild cat
not so much reduced as tamed
By love of a "as good as it gets"
okasy? now knowing I've tried to decipher what & why; by spelling it out
I will go & try to understand what it is that you are on about?

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 10, 2019 - 10:20am PT
[Click to View YouTube Video]
[Click to View YouTube Video]
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 10, 2019 - 11:06am PT
From our ongoing correspondence with Manipulus Cosmicicus, manager of the imperial menagerie at Alessandria.

The tribal leader Mussimer, who famously challenged the might of Blotus, but whose forces could not hold the center.

This was just after Mussimer shat on the royal throne when it was in possession of the hordes.

History is a fickle thing, managed only by the victors, who often lie about the truth.
Dwain, your tacos are delicious, dude!*

* First language of love, affirmation.

Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Jan 10, 2019 - 11:21am PT
Haha, neanderthal-cavemousicus with pointy thingy
I'd never
so didn't & don't want to further the pain
He is missing & would have caught it and said
"Don't you mean "Mangle" the Gnome & added the dinosaur devouring gnome
Hate is bad for you
so is self-immolation weather necessary or not.
10 days or so to his (that I'm tasked not to mentions') return,
when I hope we can be ships passing
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 10, 2019 - 11:27am PT
Natch, I ken your gist, mon. But he ain't comin' back, Jack.

He's packed it in.

He's flown the coop bigtime.

He's gone dog.


Naw wa-wa mean?

[Click to View YouTube Video]
Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Jan 10, 2019 - 02:05pm PT

Dawg gone
I'm really not all to blame,
Can't say 'at' all
and I am sorry that
it is a Shame is that
That is a shame that he walk'd
All in all,
You know he knows it
I've Left off it

Have you seen the dust-up on 'The Absolute Coolest Freekin' Cat Thread!'?

There was a call to can that critter's butt
1st Marlow, & thanx for that.
Then "L"
& then Fritz took it to the spam-ban'rs thread:

he was being an
as much as it was
It was too far,
he tried to make it 'all good'
he was linking anti-cat websites on a cat lovers thread
Where do we pick up such intellects?

Ice climber
Jan 10, 2019 - 02:47pm PT
I was thinking maybe of taking up spear chucking. I wonder if this guy still teaches.

This guy probably costs more, but look at his resume


from out where the anecdotes roam
Jan 10, 2019 - 05:06pm PT
you're the grand poo bah of reflection and transparency mouse,
really dig that watershed moment pic. plus a couple other qualities
i can't remember right now ;)

IDK, i'll think about it


Social climber
Jan 10, 2019 - 07:09pm PT
hey there say, mouse... say, email, please...

is there some reason that you are 'using my neebee name' in the middle of
a lot of your post there... ?

i do not understand what is going on... ?

far as i know, i never do anything bad to you guys here...

this is very odd??

does this mean, i need a vacation from the flames...
i don't always 'fit in' i know, here-- i usually share
nature stuff, and encourage the 'flames guys' and
check on feralfae here too...

just email and let me know... i know folks do like to
look after their threads so that they do not drift too much...

so just let me know... email, please, but,
please, that post was kind of odd... :O

oh, edit:

wow, say, i have recently, the last few months seen that
there is ANOTHER that took the 'neebee' name and took
werner's name, too...

WOW, :O the person even took our 'salutations' as to
when we address folks, :O


are you talking about THAT PERSON?? THEN, or,
are you posting about my name...

not sure-- not mad, or, anything, but just CAN'T seem to figure it out...

very odd????

happy good eve, to all and to all a good night...

Ice climber
Jan 10, 2019 - 07:30pm PT

let me look into this neebee

you belong on the Flames


The state of quantum flux
Jan 10, 2019 - 08:12pm PT
We’re all Bozos on this Thread

I wake at five am
asleep by nine o’clock
I wake up fifteen times a night
thirteen if any luck

There’s nothing on the Flames
too serious or too tame
so post if you are able
all bets are off the table

be a regular or a guest
most posts are meant in jest
but tighten down your chin strap
for wading through some crap

I wake up every morning
and go to bed by nine
I wake with every snoring
and take my tea with lime

(Jingle bell sounds)

maximus minimus mousemus mo
didn’t know which way his latin would go
he put on his toga
and stretched with some yoga
but still let his parrot go loose in the snow

garble de garble base garble de gnome
wiggle de waggle de all the way home
he tried out his words
in halves or two thirds
declaring his coffee pot free of all mold

bushimus bashimus blowhardimus shmo
was never quite sure where his poems would go
he tried his tin hat
but it made him look fat
so he winded up wandering in old mexico


The state of quantum flux
Jan 10, 2019 - 08:41pm PT
all a ‘glisten

where the cacti do wander
are them skies torn asunder
by midwestern twisters
and their big twisted sisters
aye them hurricanes
that roll up from
out of the gulf

you’ll hear voices of warning
chupacabras a ‘scorning
with their eyes all a ‘glisten
if you dare then to listen
you’ll be clacking
yer skeletons
to the sound of the wolf

as the guitar chord strums
if you’re down on your bums
neglecting surroundings
unmindful the soundings
from bottomless quicksands
those clawing leviathans
your horse they’ll engulf

at those poolside soirées
with daiquiri purées
as the eagle flies o’er
you’ll be haunted by more
meteorological phenomena
and strangely illogical
happenstance stuff

you’ll hear voices of warning
chupacabras a ‘scorning
with their knives all a ‘glisten
if you dare not to listen
they’ll be cracking
yer skulls to
the sound of the wolf

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 10, 2019 - 08:54pm PT
I knew it was gonna make me wanna puke but I went and saw Vice all the same.

Let me say Amy Adams and Christian Bale are remarkable in their portrayals of the Cheneys. Steve Carell is strong in his role as Rumsfeld. The makeup crew did well aging all three.

Other than that, meh, it's lies as usual, power-grabbing as it's seldom been practiced before (so far as I know, but what do any of us REALLY KNOW besides what Brad Pitt and his co-pros want us to know?).

If you lived through the entire era of Cheney's ascendancy, you mayn't have noticed him much, like me. He is portrayed as 'the quiet man,' the one you haven't been watching and who sits there just WATCHING and HATCHING.

Scumballs all, the entire crew, Fox News included.
--Bozo 1 out
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