US national policy issues looming after healthcare?


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Ken M

Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
May 9, 2017 - 05:49pm PT
Happi, I think you meant the American Health Care Act.

I think the similarity to the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) is designed to inject confusion.

Social climber
Moorpark, CA.
May 9, 2017 - 06:05pm PT
Good question Gary....

And Nut thanks for a coherent reply.

We are the government....but it has been taken away from us my big $$$ interest.

The way I see it.... our government should protect us from all sorts of things.

somebody, messing up OUR environment or putting us in danger. Thats why we have laws about dumping your oil waste in the creek or why we have zoning laws so a dynamite factory can't open up in your neighborhood. The degree of this protection is up to debate, but somewhere along the line I bet we could ALL agree.

I do agree that the government should take care of the poor, to a degree.... nobody in our wealthy nation should be shafted. I don't wish to live in a hell hole with bodies dead on the street and starving people, we can do better than that. I think we can all agree on that to some extent.

But what do you do with people who are poor because they want to be?

I see people at the 7-11 drunk at 7am lying on the sidewalk, is this person my responsibility????? If yes, I want to capture that person and lock em up and dry them out... then dig in to try and cure the problem.

I see some 19 year old woman with her 4 children.... are those children my responsibility? If yes.... I want to take that woman and make sure the baby making stops, now, before I help the Kids have a life.

Tons of complex questions with even more complex answers. I think you must have core beliefs and thats why I asked Qs about is it the governments job to provide health care.

I don't think that that is the job of the government, but lets face it, the government is involved-- even more so after Obama care.

My solution.... the government stands as a watchdog over the insurance company's practices and contracts. If they are going to be an Insurance company they have responsibilities to all of US. One is to split up the pre-exting conditions costs among all the providers (much like auto insurance with drunk drivers- assigned risk is what I believe it is called)

And I think the government, the AMA and The FDA need to start churning out way more doctors than they now do... lets face it- being a doctor is the same as being a union member....a protected class, one way to keep the wages sky-hi is to limit the amount of Doctors practicing. I know that we turn away many many qualified people who could earn the tittle. More Doctors would bring the costs down.

I don't think that the government is a cost effective way of doing anything... they waste $$$$ like no sane person would but some things are best left to them...see the top of this rant.

anyway... time to go bouldering. C-ya

ONE EDIT... you people don't get it about Trump, he is not a republican.... you forget sooo quickly that they didn't want him at all... but a whole bunch of US voted for him and he got the right mix of support in the geographical places he need to win. and Hippygirl.... he is your president, get usta it.... or you could move on to a better place.
Ken M

Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
May 9, 2017 - 06:38pm PT

And I think the government, the AMA and The FDA need to start churning out way more doctors than they now do... lets face it- being a doctor is the same as being a union member....a protected class, one way to keep the wages sky-hi is to limit the amount of Doctors practicing. I know that we turn away many many qualified people who could earn the tittle. More Doctors would bring the costs down.

This has been proven to be definitively untrue. The highest medical costs in the country are where the most concentration of doctors are. The most expensive hospital in the USA is UCLA, in a region that is wall-to-wall doctors.

However, you are right. This stuff is highly complex. For example, the AMA, to which 2/3 of the doctors of America do NOT belong, does often act as a trade organization. But they have nothing to do with the approval or planning of Medical Schools, other than making recommendations. You'll be taken aback that they totally support a huge expansion......which should (they think) lead to a big expansion of dues paying members. Similar thinking to traditional unions. The FDA has nothing to do with medical schools.

Social climber
May 9, 2017 - 06:38pm PT

guman, why I think I agree with some of what you said above!

So we're done with healthcare now?

not so fast...we have to bring this thing to conclusion....we need the Republican Senate to
vote on their preferred version of the new all American "healthcare" law and send it back to
the Republican House and then to the Republican President to sign it

and i am hoping the Republicans pass into law their American Healthcare Act -TrumpCare

because as much as I personally do care a lot and hate to see tens of millions of my fellow Americans lose their healthcare, be denied healthcare because the Republican state they happen to live it votes to take the waiver and their pre existing condition gets them thrown off healthcare ----

I want to see this happen so those Americans who have amnesia will get
reminded of the ignorance, incompetence, screw you-I got mine, kind of government you get when Republicans are voted to be in charge

often times significant change only happens when those who ignorantly vote against their own self interests are confronted with the results of their vote, beat over the head and maybe change

Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
May 9, 2017 - 06:39pm PT
We are the government....but it has been taken away from us my big $$$ interest.

That's called hitting the nail on the head. was always against public financing of elections, I didn't want my tax dollars going to support the campaign of someone I wasn't going to vote for. But I've changed my mind. It's the most important issue today.
Ken M

Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
May 9, 2017 - 06:42pm PT
you people don't get it about Trump, he is not a republican.... you forget sooo quickly that they didn't want him at all... but a whole bunch of US voted for him and he got the right mix of support in the geographical places he need to win.

Trump IS a Republican. In fact, he is the leader of the Republican Party. I guess you don't get it. His Chief-of-Staff is the former head of the Republican Central Committee, someone thought to be a centrist, who NEVER stepped away from him. Enough Republicans swallowed hard, and threw away their principles to achieve a capture of the White House.
Ken M

Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
May 9, 2017 - 06:44pm PT
That's called hitting the nail on the head. was always against public financing of elections, I didn't want my tax dollars going to support the campaign of someone I wasn't going to vote for. But I've changed my mind. It's the most important issue today.

I totally agree. What we end up paying in corruption FAR FAR exceeds any tax money that would go to elections.
Ken M

Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
May 9, 2017 - 06:57pm PT

FBI Director James Comey's Firing Resembles The Saturday Night Massacre

May 9, 20177:22 PM ET
Heard on All Things Considered

President Trump's firing of the FBI director is being compared to the Saturday Night Massacre, which was when President Richard Nixon dismissed independent special prosecutor Archibald Cox.
Ken M

Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
May 9, 2017 - 07:03pm PT

FBI Agents Association President Reacts To James Comey's Firing

NPR's Robert Siegel talks with Thomas O'Connor, president of the FBI Agents Association, about President Trump's surprise firing of FBI Director James Comey.

So now we get to see how GOP scumbags ACTUALLY support the on-the-line law enforcement officers..........

Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
May 9, 2017 - 07:06pm PT
I know a few neocons that are on Medi-cal , won't work , and strip a bolt when Obamacare gets mentioned...Apparently socialized medicine is okay as long as Democrats can't get it...

Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
May 9, 2017 - 07:08pm PT
Ken M... thanks for the news... King Donald is taking full advantage of the guillotine...

Social climber
Ridgway, CO
May 9, 2017 - 09:51pm PT
He's (Comey) probably a double agent anyway . . . they appear to be ubiquitous.

Social climber
Ridgway, CO
May 9, 2017 - 10:00pm PT
$5979.34 a pop is chump change . . . these niggas in Washington are just pasty gang bangers, preying on the sleeping populace of the bad ol' USA.
JC Marin

Trad climber
May 9, 2017 - 10:08pm PT
How do you say "screwed" in Russian?


Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
May 10, 2017 - 12:51am PT

Hell, that's the deductible here...

May 10, 2017 - 04:04am PT
only new thing this whole comey firing exposes to me is what an unadulterated piece of trash and i'm assuming, even though i don't have a cable subscription, their news network has become. their headlines and "news" articles regarding this story have been so replete with bald faced editorialization and regular lies that i'm starting to have sympathy for trump's "fake" news characterization.

only level headed analysis i've seen so far is krauthammer's on fox news... what is the world coming to that i have to say the last two lines?

because, for myself, there are two equally interesting aspects to this story:

1. everything trump and co said about comey is basically correct: disdain for comey is one of the few things that unites the right and left. for ex: what american agent of "justice" has ever gone to the press to basically try in the court of public opinion their reasons for not prosecuting someone [as comey did regarding clinton in july of last year]? as i said then and i'll say now: that should never have happened.

2. why in the fUck now? after all of the bull shIt that trump has spewed about having confidence in comey for the last few months... given comey's past why did this decision wait until now?

because no, the stated reasons were not as blared for hours after this story broke: "because comey didn't prosecute clinton". and there was no excuse: cnn had access from moment one to the same documents that laid out the case that was being made, just as everyone else had.

however the timing certainly is curious... [ie. how many of you noticed that a couple hours after this story broke, that grand jury indictments in the flynn case were dropped?]

this firing is the best political rorschach test, i've seen in recent memory. for the time being, it tells us more about the audience than it does about the actors.

which is too bad, because there is meat to chew on in all directions.

May 10, 2017 - 06:09am PT
So now that the incompetent bastard has been fired he's not the Evil F*#k That Cost Hillary The Election anymore?

I'm sorry, that's laughable.

I'd of fired that sonofabitch the first day.


There are many good reasons for firing Comey. Trump picked a bad one: the Russia investigation. This isn't a defense of Comey as much as it is outrage over an attempt to derail an investigation, and Trump's abuse of his power. And make no mistake, this is entirely about Russia, despite that lying son of a bitch Trump's spin on it.
Craig Fry

Trad climber
So Cal.
May 10, 2017 - 08:33am PT
Now this is laughable
only level headed analysis i've seen so far is krauthammer's on fox news...

and you call CNN fake news
I think you just lost all creditability

but it makes sense for a Fox News buff
all other News is fake

state of being
May 10, 2017 - 08:42am PT
how many of you noticed that a couple hours after this story broke, that grand jury indictments in the flynn case were dropped?]

Sheesh, there were no indictments. Wake up Nahooo.

Social climber
May 10, 2017 - 08:46am PT
what an unadulterated piece of trash and i'm assuming, even though i don't have a cable subscription

you don't have cable TV and so you can't watch CNN

explain how you would be able to assume CNN is a piece of "trash"?

what exactly are they wrong about to quality as trash?

include in your explanation your case for what "fake news" or "lies" they are putting forth

and then compare that to any other cable or broadcast TV news for degree of accuracy
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