The Great Disappearing Thread Thread.


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Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
Jan 31, 2010 - 11:10pm PT
Even though RJ and I have aired our differences on here, I would tie in with him tomorrow.

Captain...or Skully

Social climber
You wanted to!
Jan 31, 2010 - 11:46pm PT

Social climber
Feb 1, 2010 - 12:54am PT
time for a group hug everyone

at least it never got to this point! -

..................."IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AND ADJUDGED," wrote Judge Joan B. Gottschall 30 months later — handing down $74,252.56 in legal fines to Fortuny. Three law firm associates had spent 129.2 hours (at $175 per hour) litigating his 2006 Craigslist prank, plus another 35 hours by the main attorney billed at $275 per hour. As part of the judge's award, Fortuny will have to pay all their legal fees — a total of $32,365.50 — and he'll even end up paying the extra costs accrued because he avoided their process servers.

"I hope that it demonstrates that claims (and attorneys) do exist that enable victims to pursue those who commit wrongful acts," says the victim's lawyer, Charles Mudd.

"Whenever I questioned 'why bother doing this', I just re-read the posts where Fortuny was taunting the victims who begged him to remove their information," says victim John Doe, "and that renewed my resolve." In the end, Fortuny's stubbornness is what led them to court. "He publicly demonstrated his unwillingness to negotiate with others, so I knew that only a hardball response would be effective and that direct contact with him would be a waste of time and tip him off to my plans."

Ironically, Fortuny was only fined $5,000 for "public disclosure of private facts" and "intrusion upon seclusion." The remaining bulk of the award — $35,001 — was for violating the plaintiff's copyright. "The Copyright Act provides for statutory damages from $750 to $35,000 per infringed work," says Mudd, but those damages "can exceed $35,000 up to an amount of $150,000 per infringed work where the conduct was willful." This means that ultimately, it was Fortuny's own "willful" conduct that increased the price he'd eventually have to pay, Mudd argues. "In general, Mr. Fortuny could have limited the amount of damages under the Copyright Act and could have significantly reduced the amount of attorney's fees throughout the course of this matter.

"He chose not to do so." ......

Ice climber
honolulu, hawaii
Feb 1, 2010 - 12:58am PT

I was gonna let pate have the last word cause it's his thread.

Die thread, DIE!

We've had our fun and suffering.

Social climber
Feb 1, 2010 - 01:14am PT
Wow.... just.... wow.

Well, I've always been a fan of Lockers work. I would never think to take offense to him screwing with me.

I always put my name and face on this site, because I should be held accountable to what I say. I like to think too that everyone on this site is an actual person, not just an avatar, but a man or woman typing on a keyboard somewhere not so far away. Thats why I've always preferred ST to RC.COM. The anonymity of that website has made everyone rougher around the edges, much too willing to cut someone down. Here, you don't know. They might just be someone you'd like. However most people use an anyonymous avatar to hide behind... whatever.

Maybe because of that, I think if someone asks you to pull some images of them, or to delete something you said about them, or anything that takes no effort but they ask for you should do it. It may not make sense for you, but they have their reasons. I would like to think that people would do the same for me, if for whatever reason I ask.

Now the issue of employers searching online and coming across this, well, I'm not sure what to tell you besides paranoia can spawn from overusing certain narcotics ;D

I don't have a horse in this race, so I want to stay out of it. But in the end, its frustrating that people can't just be cool.

Ice climber
honolulu, hawaii
Feb 1, 2010 - 02:57am PT
That's pretty darn good Cosmic!

Can anyone else smell the introspection inspired by this car-crash disaster?

Ice climber
honolulu, hawaii
Feb 1, 2010 - 03:09am PT
The gaps are a little annoying.

You can still check me out doin the SUV any time you want on the 121- page.

Ricardo Cabeza

All Over.
Feb 1, 2010 - 01:22pm PT
RJ's running from the law...

Grandbabies, portraying yourself in a 'proper manner', is all hogwash.

Y'er on the lam...from someone.
Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Muir Woods National Monument, Mill Valley, Ca
Feb 1, 2010 - 01:35pm PT
Hardman Knott: Will you please remove your post linking my screen name to my Birth name?

Lets see if it works. I will email him with the same request.


I too have a request...

Will you please stop acting like a whiney 5 year old?

Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
Feb 1, 2010 - 01:39pm PT
Moderation is for sissies.

If you don't
Ricardo Cabeza

All Over.
Feb 1, 2010 - 01:39pm PT

Big Wall climber
A Token of My Extreme
Feb 1, 2010 - 01:54pm PT
I won't ever post a picture of you, but you have to admit that you have been borderline inappropriate (words, not images)with numerous people in various threads over the years. Words can easily be as harsh as pictures.
I have personally been amazed with the harshness of your online persona at times.
Numerous people have tried to point this out to you in threads long before this mess took off.
You are, in my opinion, much better at dishing out the words than taking flak in images.
I don't believe any of these nonsense images will ever hurt you in anyway. You just have a personal problem with them.

That said, I would take them out if you asked me to. But you certainly have a way of stirring up your own hornets nest.
If you can't see that part of the equation, then you are definitely missing something.

No, we don't need a moderator.
Ricardo Cabeza

All Over.
Feb 1, 2010 - 01:55pm PT
'Paris as a Apache Dance troupe.'

It's an, not a.

Dude, this thread is way to long to read every word, but c'mon. Did the images you're pissed about originate from your computer?

If yes, then too bad. you posted an image of yourself in a public place. That's YOUR fault. If it bothers you, then let it bother you, but keep it to yourself. You put these images into the public realm, you messed up if you want to keep the Russian Mob from finding you.

OK, who can work their magic on this one?

Or this?

Lighten up man.

Big Wall climber
A Token of My Extreme
Feb 1, 2010 - 02:05pm PT
Nice Rok, that's the most moderate post you've put up about the whole thing.
Good job.
Ricardo Cabeza

All Over.
Feb 1, 2010 - 02:07pm PT
BTW, this recent discourse seems like moderation to me.

We don't need a specific moderator, let the group consensus decide what is right and what is not.

Self moderation.
Ricardo Cabeza

All Over.
Feb 1, 2010 - 02:13pm PT
I totally disagree with a lot of your opinions, but nobody is asking you to leave!

Just take a deep breath and then keep inciting me with your conservative agenda!

Don't leave.

Big Wall climber
A Token of My Extreme
Feb 1, 2010 - 02:13pm PT
C'mon Cosmic, hook the man up.




Ricardo Cabeza

All Over.
Feb 1, 2010 - 02:15pm PT
My skin is pretty thick.

Do your worst, You'd have to do something illegal to offend me.

Old Pueblo, AZ
Feb 1, 2010 - 04:18pm PT
Pate, you should thank ROX-

you finally have a thread over 50 posts!

Locker too- you're honing your manip skills here.

Love the meltdown threads!

Trad climber
electric lady land
Feb 1, 2010 - 04:24pm PT

don't let the door slap you in the ass.
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