New Nose Speed Record - 2:48


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Chris McNamara

SuperTopo staff member
Topic Author's Original Post - Sep 30, 2002 - 01:37pm PT
this just in from Hans Florine:

Hi all,

Yesterday, September 29th 2002, Yuji Hirayama and I climbed The Nose on El Capitan, we set the record at 2
hours, 48 minutes, and 55 seconds. Terribly fun and rewarding. My favorite route in the world. Covering so much beautiful granite in a pleasant morning was paradise.

Yuji led the whole route. We simulclimbed about 2450 ft and I jugged while Yuji short-fixed/self-belayed for about 500 ft. Except for our friends, Bill and Lou on the first pitch taking pictures, we didn't have to pass any parties on route.

We exchanged gear at the 6th pitch, (leaving sickle), at the 17th pitch,( King swing), at the 21st pitch, (great roof), at the 25th and 27th pitch, (camp 5 and 6).

We started at 7:15 am and topped out at 10:03 am. It was a bit cold at the start, my hands barely staying warm enough to feel the pin scars on the first three pitches. After that it was perfect temperatures. I was gasping for breath as we entered into the Stove Legs at the 7th pitch. Luckily I had a minute rest there as I waited for Yuji to get more than two pieces between us. From there up I managed to keep from going anarobic, til the last 100 ft.- where I pushed hard knowing I could colapse on top,- which I did.

We carried one #3 camalot, one #2, two #1s, one.75, one .5, and doubles below that. 6 nuts, one cam hook, one etrier, 17 quick draws, 18 free biners, 6 long runners, one Powergel each, one liter water each, one 10Oz can UpTime drink, a Gri gri, a couple lockers, Petzl jugs, set of JJs,(jugging loops), shorts, one dress shirt, one t-shirt.

BOY IT WAS FUN! and rewarding!
pictures: , , and

a brief history below.


---know anyone who wants to be on the "speedclimb e-news list" have them email me.


1958 - first ascent took 12 days on the final push. (48 days of work over 18 months)
1960 - second ascent took 7 days,(6 nights)
1963 - third ascent took 3.5 days.
1975 - a one day ascent was made.
1986 - the route was done in under 10 hours.
1989 - first one day solo ascent was made.
1990 - 8:06 became the record then 6:40
1991 - 6:01 became the record then 4:48
1992 - 4:22 became the record.
2001 - 3:59:35 became the record, then 3:57:27, then 3:24:20

Novice climber
Sep 30, 2002 - 02:35pm PT
I KNEW something seemed missing from my climbing experience. A stopwatch.
Mike O.

Novice climber
Sep 30, 2002 - 02:51pm PT
Awesome - in the truest sense of the word. Congratulations!!! -m

Novice climber
Sep 30, 2002 - 02:56pm PT
A "dress shirt"?
Is that how you go fast?

Congrats. Incomprehensible.
Karl Baba

Novice climber
Sep 30, 2002 - 03:44pm PT
Dang you Hans! Making a mockery of my "Old Guy" excuse!

Amazing! Congrats! I can't even pack the haul bag in under 3 hours.


Phantom Fugitive

Advanced climber
Sep 30, 2002 - 04:46pm PT

While I was topping out, you two must have been starting up!! We also had the whole wall to ourselves.

Hans-I was going to write and thank you for your advice in your book, and Chris Mac- for your beautiful supertopos. This seems a good as place as any. Thanks, boys.

I had never lead aid before, and never done anything over grade IV before...then my partner and I racked up for a long day on the nose. I lead from stovelegs to Great Roof, then my partner , Al Curano took over(from Ironworks).

Our ascent was just a "wee" bit longer than yours at 27 hours. 2:48 is completely incromprehensible to me right now. It just doesn't even compute.
There are truly aliens among us!
Congrats gentlemen! Truly amazing! Wish I would have waited to greet you at the top!

Jer Collins

Intermediate climber
on the earth!
Sep 30, 2002 - 05:23pm PT
chekc it out

Intermediate climber
on the earth!
Sep 30, 2002 - 05:25pm PT
sorry my son accidently click on post this reply. forgive me!

that s fast! i congrat them. they are the MEN! i wonder is anyone beat lynn hill record? maybe i havent hear it since. will anyone let me know?? thanks

peace out!

Advanced climber
Sep 30, 2002 - 06:26pm PT
They jugged up pre-fixed lines on the last 300 feet. I was there and saw them.


Intermediate climber
Sep 30, 2002 - 06:30pm PT
Hans, Congrats, that is simply incredible... But at the rate you're going, why not shoot for sub 4 hours CAR-TO-CAR? Sorry, I just HAD to ask... James.

Novice climber
slow as a snail unless I'm on my bike...
Sep 30, 2002 - 07:16pm PT
WOW! That's way under 3! Right On! Good Work!

Let the competition continue.

Back to work Dean...

Intermediate climber
Too Far From the Valley, SF
Sep 30, 2002 - 08:28pm PT
Oh my.


<humbled, in the presence of greatness>


I hope to speed ascend the West Face of Leaning tower....

in 15-20hours!

Novice climber
Sep 30, 2002 - 09:26pm PT
you say they jugged the last 300ft on fixed ropes!!! is that true hans?

Novice climber
Sep 30, 2002 - 10:11pm PT
Yes, it is true.

God, climbers these days. Just trying to build a name for themselfs...


Everyone and there Grandma can Jug 300-feet for fixed lines...or why dont you just set up a big top rope? you'd only have to climb about 1/2 was up untill the weight of the rope would just pull you up
Mr. L

Novice climber
Oct 1, 2002 - 12:30am PT
I wouldn't give too much weight to what this "afdsd" guy is saying. He might be honestly mistaken, but I think he put a big slab of sh#t on his trolling hook to see who'd bite.

Hans is a stickler for making sure his speed ascents can't be critiqued on technicalities, and this would be more than just a technicality.

When Hans and Brian passed me and my partner Daniel, on The Albatross at The Canoe last year, Brian yelled down that he was short on heads while leading the Walk the Plank pitch. We offered to give them some heads, but Hans said no thanks and told Brian to work it out because Hans didn't want to have the ascent tainted by using gear that they hadn't brought up themselves.

Novice climber
Oct 1, 2002 - 12:32pm PT

you're a dope!
no body jugged anything- those guys are as honest as they come & you are nothing more than a fool. there was a rescue effort in the valley that morning (sunday), so plenty of people were around in the meadow & watching them blaze up there (in good style, no less).

what's really funny is that those two could pbly lead those pitches faster than YOU could jug them!

Novice climber
Oct 1, 2002 - 01:34pm PT
Hans and most all the guys who rip on the stone do it with high integrity. If speeding isn't your thing, why the need to bag on this amazing accomplishment (or even troll on it)? And who gives a sh#t about 27-hour ascents of the Nose or 15-hour ascents of LT? How pathetic to chime in with this paling crap under such an impressive topic. Start a new topic so it can die its quick and deserving death.

Novice climber
Oct 1, 2002 - 01:55pm PT
This is a classic SuperTopo thread. A good
usefull/interesting start which lasts for
about 5 replys. Then the descent into poorly
worded bickering. Oh well...

Novice climber
Oct 1, 2002 - 02:34pm PT
......which is exactly why the thread became interesting only AFTER 5 posts.

Intermediate climber
Santa Cruz, CA
Oct 1, 2002 - 03:25pm PT
Rising from the ashes ..

Nice job! What a great thing it would be if you could post something here before hand - we'd all come out to cheer you on!

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