Lost in America A4 5.10

  • Currently 4.0/5

El Capitan

Yosemite Valley, California USA

Trip Report
Friday March 12, 2010 7:58pm
For the past 10+ years, I’ve lived in New York City as a city slicker. My relatively rugged upbringing in rural Lake Arrowhead, CA, has given way to weekly spa massages and a serious case of iPhone co-dependence. My most strenuous climbing consists of ascending the stairs of the Spring Street subway station in SoHo, where I spend my days pushing pixels on my Mac. 

My younger brother, Calder, however, has a different story. He’s always been a natural mountain man; going so far as to keep a pet goat as a teenager in our backyard (for pack mule training purposes) and sleeping on our front porch sans blankets (to “harden” himself for big-wall climbs.) In high school during the summers, Calder would migrate to Yosemite, where he lived in his beat-up VW bus and climbed for months on end. During his teenage years (early 90s), he climbed a dozen or so ascents up El Cap. Some of my fondest memories from this period is when I would visit him in “The Valley” during the summers. While I enjoyed hanging out with his Camp 4 clan of climber friends (including the legendary Chongo Chuck), I spent most my time hiking around, talking to my girlfriend on the pay phone, and listening to the locals "spray" at The Deli. While I did an occasional climb here and there, I was, by all accounts, extremely soft-core. The most extreme climb I ever did was a two-pitch 5.6 free climb (I had never done any aid climbing.)

Last year, I realized my youth was passing me by far too quickly. Although he had been “in retirement” for several years, I asked Calder if he’d be willing to take me up El Cap. He agreed—and we began planning our trip. The plan was for Calder to lead and for my best friend, Enoch, and I to haul everything behind him. 

Our bodies weren’t what they used to be (whose are?), so we began the process by avidly prepping for our week on the rock. Calder was emphatic we brush-up on the basics, get in shape, and be mentally equipped to tackle El Cap. We received our list of equipment to purchase, which was extensive since we had no climbing gear to our names. We traded-in our copies of The New Yorker to read “How to Climb Big Walls” by John Long and John Middendorf. Instead of surfing the Web on our iPhones as we commuted into work each day, we practiced tying our knots. We also watched lots of YouTube videos (Chris McNamara personally taught me how to jumar here). We then took the most important step: we grew-out our beards, hoping that machoness would soon follow.

Since climbing NY skyscrapers is discouraged, we were at a loss for where to practice our jugging and hauling. We dropped some cash on a personal training session at the Gunks (upstate NY.) It was great; but also a long drive and a bit spendy. We then came-up with an ingenious plan: I had recently moved from Brooklyn to suburban New York (having maxed-out apartment living with three kids). Luckily, there’s a 100+ year old oak tree in my backyard with a branch extending about 60’ above the ground. Getting our climbing rope over the branch took some effort; but once up, we proceeded to jumar up and down the rope several times each weekend to the point where it felt we more or less knew what we were doing.

Enoch and I knew we were in good hands: Calder had recruited one of his long time Zion climbing partners, Nate Brown of Wilson WY, to be our fourth for the trip. Nate has done extensive big-wall climbing in Zion as well as lots of alpine climbing in the Tetons. He is confident, safe, and easy-to-hang-with (all attributes we wanted in our fourth). Though it had been seven years since Calder had done any serious wall climbs, Nate was still active—climbing whenever possible. We felt confident that if anyone could keep us geeks alive, it was Calder and Nate.

Calder and Nate chose Lost in America because it would be challenging enough for the them but also not certain death for us pixel pushers. It was out-of-the way enough that we wouldn't be holding anyone up. And the steepness would make it easier to haul our 400 lbs. load—and the overhang would help shield us from poor weather. 

As seen in the below photos and YouTube clip, the climb was absolutely amazing. Truly life-changing. Inspirational. And so beautiful. 

A couple of thoughts stand out from the trip: 
• Porta ledge sleeping was definitely dicey. I opted for the “rock side” the first few nights. I then gradually worked my way into sleeping on the “outside edge” by the end of the trip.
• My brain needed a little 'warm-up' time each morning to be comfortable with the heights. The first pitch after breakfast always felt a little more dicey than the others. 
• At night, we loved listening to tracks of Nate’s grandmother, Ruby, playing classical jazz and hymns on the piano.
• We Facebooked the journey from my iPhone. It was great having a real-time cheering squad from friends and family. 
• Once we reached the top, I felt naked not being tied-into anything; although going to the bathroom without harness and rope was a real pleasure.
• El Cap is freaking massive. And amazing.

Enoch and I owe a huge debt of gratitude to Nate and Calder for joining us up El Cap. While parts of the climb were definitely nerve racking, we never felt like we were endangered or being reckless. The experience is something I'll treasure the rest of my life.



We took-along a Flip video camera. CLICK HERE to check the video highlights on YouTube.



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Gearing up.
Gearing up.
Credit: stratfordnyc
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This is the best practice Enoch and I had prior to the climb. For some...
This is the best practice Enoch and I had prior to the climb. For some reason, jugging 60' up a tree in my backyard is about 20X more scary than doing it on El Cap.
Credit: stratfordnyc
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This is Enoch and Calder scoping the route from the base of El Cap. Th...
This is Enoch and Calder scoping the route from the base of El Cap. The background looks like a Sears photo-studio backdrop (except it's real).
Credit: stratfordnyc
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Massive and monumental (on so many levels).
Massive and monumental (on so many levels).
Credit: stratfordnyc
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We had to haul crazy amounts of gear, food, and water. This is on our ...
We had to haul crazy amounts of gear, food, and water. This is on our way back down for another load. Living in New York, I'm used to walking a lot; but by the last load of supplies, my knees were worked and my body completely exhausted.
Credit: stratfordnyc
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This is a photo-stich of the valley (from the base of Lost in Amer...
This is a photo-stich of the valley (from the base of Lost in America).
Credit: stratfordnyc
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Humping supplies back to the base. Nate (pictured here on the left...
Humping supplies back to the base. Nate (pictured here on the left), was BY FAR the most in-shape of all of us and was happy to haul more than his share of goods.
Credit: stratfordnyc
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Before we took-off, we fixed the first couple of pitches. It was storm...
Before we took-off, we fixed the first couple of pitches. It was storming pretty aggresively; but those on the wall stayed perfectly dry. Those at the base had to take cover.
Credit: stratfordnyc
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Nate fixing pitch 2 in the fog.
Nate fixing pitch 2 in the fog.
Credit: stratfordnyc
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We were cogniscant not to keep food overnight at the base  (we kep...
We were cogniscant not to keep food overnight at the base (we kept it at the top of the pitch 1). We did, however, leave some water bottles at the base of the route. When we arrived the next morning, we found two bears checking them out.
Credit: stratfordnyc
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With there being four of us—and with two of us being rookie—we knew we...
With there being four of us—and with two of us being rookie—we knew we would be a slower-than-average El Cap party. So we planned the trip at the beginning of May knowing the crowds would be thinner; but also knowing the weather to be more unpredictable.
Credit: stratfordnyc
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Calder and Nate took turns leading the entire way up—with Enoch and me...
Calder and Nate took turns leading the entire way up—with Enoch and me working exclusively as the hauling grunts. It worked out pretty well as we saved the pro guys from having to wear themselves out.
Credit: stratfordnyc
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This guy was soloing Mescalito. He got stuck in the rain and actually ...
This guy was soloing Mescalito. He got stuck in the rain and actually came down before returning a couple days later once the weather cleared.
Credit: stratfordnyc
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This is Enoch (on the right) swinging out before jumaring up a...
This is Enoch (on the right) swinging out before jumaring up a pitch. The occasional swing was always a bit of a heart stopper for me.
Credit: stratfordnyc
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That's Enoch jugging with Horsetail Falls in the background.
That's Enoch jugging with Horsetail Falls in the background.
Credit: stratfordnyc
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Climbing into the fog.
Climbing into the fog.
Credit: stratfordnyc
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As expected, we spent a lot of time just 'hanging out' while Calder or...
As expected, we spent a lot of time just 'hanging out' while Calder or Nate led each pitch. Being so still (not really doing anything) was was a big change from my chaotic life back home. I enjoyed the solitude.
Credit: stratfordnyc
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Nate and Calder's climbing ability was so impressive to me. This was a...
Nate and Calder's climbing ability was so impressive to me. This was a small roof we encountered about halfway up.
Credit: stratfordnyc
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Going into the climb, I was always a little wary that these three smal...
Going into the climb, I was always a little wary that these three small bolts at the top of each belay could support all our weight. I'm still amazed they work like they do.
Credit: stratfordnyc
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This is me getting used to the portaledge (staying as close as pos...
This is me getting used to the portaledge (staying as close as possible to the rock).
Credit: stratfordnyc
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Twilight clouds.
Twilight clouds.
Credit: stratfordnyc
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This picture feels so iconic to me. So Royal Robbins (minus the hi...
This picture feels so iconic to me. So Royal Robbins (minus the high-tech porta stove.)
Credit: stratfordnyc
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Early morning light.
Early morning light.
Credit: stratfordnyc
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Credit: stratfordnyc
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Credit: stratfordnyc
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Calder working it.
Calder working it.
Credit: stratfordnyc
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Nate cleaning up.
Nate cleaning up.
Credit: stratfordnyc
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Most of these photos are from my SLR. The next couple are from my iPho...
Most of these photos are from my SLR. The next couple are from my iPhone, which took surprisingly good pics.
Credit: stratfordnyc
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This is Nate getting psyched before leading the runout 5.10 pitch &#40...
This is Nate getting psyched before leading the runout 5.10 pitch (about halway up the wall). He nailed it.
Credit: stratfordnyc
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Here's the Mescalito chap further up.
Here's the Mescalito chap further up.
Credit: stratfordnyc
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We were fascintaed by the majestic and ever-changing Horesetail Falls.
We were fascintaed by the majestic and ever-changing Horesetail Falls.
Credit: stratfordnyc
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When the sun hit the falls in the morning (and at different times ...
When the sun hit the falls in the morning (and at different times throughout the day), the water looked like falling diamods.
Credit: stratfordnyc
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Our fearless leader, Calder.
Our fearless leader, Calder.
Credit: stratfordnyc
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At the top. Feeling worked (and stoked.)
At the top. Feeling worked (and stoked.)
Credit: stratfordnyc
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Taking a look over the edge. It felts so weird (and vulnerable&#41...
Taking a look over the edge. It felts so weird (and vulnerable) not being tied-in anymore.
Credit: stratfordnyc
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Halfdome at twilight (taken from the top of El Cap).
Halfdome at twilight (taken from the top of El Cap).
Credit: stratfordnyc
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Enoch being his usual helpful self.
Enoch being his usual helpful self.
Credit: stratfordnyc
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The skyline view behind El Cap reminded me of my youth growing up in L...
The skyline view behind El Cap reminded me of my youth growing up in Lake Arrowhead.
Credit: stratfordnyc
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Credit: stratfordnyc
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Credit: stratfordnyc
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Credit: stratfordnyc
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Halfdome blurred at night.
Halfdome blurred at night.
Credit: stratfordnyc
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The nose.
The nose.
Credit: stratfordnyc
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After hiking down the back, we all dove into the Merced to wash off. S...
After hiking down the back, we all dove into the Merced to wash off. Seriously. It was the coldest swim of my life. Once cleaned up, we took this pic then headed to the Ahwahnee for our victory dinner.
Credit: stratfordnyc
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  Trip Report Views: 13,180
About the Author
stratfordnyc is a pixel-pusher geek from New York, NY.


Mudcat Spire
  Mar 11, 2010 - 12:25am PT
That's what I'm talking about!!!!!1one

Very nice photos, thanks.
Mike Bolte

Trad climber
Planet Earth
  Mar 11, 2010 - 12:29am PT
Excellent adventure and photos! Thanks.

Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
  Mar 11, 2010 - 12:52am PT
Feckin' AAAAAA!!!

Nice work man. Glad you got up!

That last pic of the Captain is killer!

Big Wall climber
  Mar 11, 2010 - 01:04am PT
Thanks fot your TR
Just great - photos and story.
Especially I like all "action" shots from the wall and the "puzzels".

Trad climber
  Mar 11, 2010 - 02:52am PT
A beautiful and thoughtful perspective of a first trip up El Cap. I felt like I was right there with you.

I can't even imagine what that must have been like to go from climbing a couple of pitches of 5.6 to dangling off a half-mile high cliff.

You and you're buds will be living this up for a long time. Congrats!

Trad climber
Nothing creative to say
  Mar 11, 2010 - 03:04am PT
best thing about having a trio is someone can take great pics, as done here.


Trad climber
Hustle City
  Mar 11, 2010 - 04:37am PT
Sick TR! A gold standard.

Proud work.

Trad climber
Seattle, WA
  Mar 11, 2010 - 05:05am PT
Really really cool.

Trad climber
Ventura, CA
  Mar 11, 2010 - 06:00am PT
those photos are phenominal. great job!

Mountain climber
Wilson, Wyoming
  Mar 11, 2010 - 09:20am PT

Awesome is all I can say. I love the photo of the oak tree. Thanks for all the great memories and photos, and thanks for the am laughs with my coffee. We should do this again, except maybe next time we'll employ a three-to-one for the hauling.

If you ever cut down that tree, I'll drive out there for it!
goatboy smellz

Gulf Breeze
  Mar 11, 2010 - 10:29am PT
Great report and amazing photos!
Thanks for sharing.

Trad climber
East Coast
  Mar 11, 2010 - 11:05am PT
This is awesome! I caught the YouTube clip before. So proud for a first el cap route. Isn't there a rattlesnake den where you guys are hanging out under the rocks at the base?

  Mar 11, 2010 - 11:25am PT
Thank you so much for posting this! So great! Looks like a solid outing!

And you centrainly know how to handle a camera...


Gym climber
sawatch choss
  Mar 11, 2010 - 11:53am PT
I need to get me some a them dedicated haulers...maybe my brother needs to see this one!

Trad climber
the Magic City
  Mar 11, 2010 - 12:30pm PT
Great photos!

A friends backyard with the neighbors wifi
  Mar 11, 2010 - 01:39pm PT
awesome photo TR! so good!

black hills, south dakota
  Mar 11, 2010 - 02:01pm PT
Great video!! Looks like you guys had fun up there, climbing in the fog is so cool.

Grand Junction, Colorado
  Mar 11, 2010 - 04:44pm PT
Mighty Hiker

Outside the Asylum
  Mar 11, 2010 - 06:51pm PT
Thank you! Clearly a good adventure. Maybe there's hope for me after all.

Trad climber
100% Canadian
  Mar 11, 2010 - 08:36pm PT
Superb photos, great TR and congratulations on a successful ascent ! Some of the best en-route wall photos ever perhaps ....
Mark Hudon

Trad climber
On the road.
  Mar 11, 2010 - 08:41pm PT
It's quite inspiring that a "pixel-pusher Geek" chose to push on in such questionable weather! I would have been scared shitless!

Big Wall climber
New York, NY
Author's Reply  Mar 11, 2010 - 09:38pm PT
Thanks for all the positive comments! So fun!!!

We actually fixed the first couple of pitches during the worst of the weather and slept back in The Valley. We waited four days for the weather to pass. Once we knew the worst of it was done and on its way out, we started up (so we could make our flights back home). It was actually very beautiful (climbing in the clouds) and we stayed dry under the overhang.
Jordan Ramey

Big Wall climber
Calgary, Alberta
  Mar 11, 2010 - 10:44pm PT
This TR had some of the coolest photos I've seen in a long time. Great lead and proud send!

Trad climber
Carson City, NV
  Mar 12, 2010 - 12:54am PT
Yeah! Awesome trip report, thank you!

t*r, I just got home after working a double today, and it did the same for me. :)

Just livin' the dream
  Mar 12, 2010 - 12:55am PT
* Five Star! Awesome story and great photos!

Trad climber
Depends on the day...
  Mar 12, 2010 - 12:59am PT
Great images of Horsetail Falls and the wall!!!! Nice TR

Trad climber
Merced CA
  Mar 12, 2010 - 01:18am PT
Great TR! Photos are amazing. Proud send guys.

Boulder, CO
  Mar 12, 2010 - 01:29am PT
uuhhh.... yeah.....!

Trad climber
Northern California
  Mar 12, 2010 - 01:32am PT
Excellent trip report and fantastic photos. Thanks so much for letting us share in your great adventure.

Trad climber
100% Canadian
  Mar 12, 2010 - 01:52am PT
missed the video on the first pass ...

fricking awesome ! 24p ??

Trad climber
  Mar 12, 2010 - 03:39am PT
Wow, thanks for this.
Being computer-heads and seconding your way up the stone made for a real abundance of great photos. The video is really beautiful as well. This is one of the more inspiring TRs I've seen in a while. Such a fresh perspective.


Trad climber
  Mar 12, 2010 - 10:53am PT


Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
  Mar 12, 2010 - 11:09am PT
Very nice. And... your design work is SPOT ON!
Nate Ricklin

San Diego
  Mar 12, 2010 - 11:38am PT
Nice job jugging El Cap and spraying about it in real-time on facebook.

Now you can go back to the city and get fat always remembering your one "real" adventure and feel good about yourself, right?

Sorry for the negativity (honestly), I don't know where it's coming from, I think you struck a nerve or something.

Trad climber
100% Canadian
  Mar 12, 2010 - 12:09pm PT
Nice job jugging El Cap and spraying about it in real-time on facebook.

Now you can go back to the city and get fat always remembering your one "real" adventure and feel good about yourself, right?

Sorry for the negativity (honestly), I don't know where it's coming from, I think you struck a nerve or something.

Whats up with shitting on the best trip report of the year so far ?

This is coming from the loser who sprays about a candy azz trip to mongolia consisting of driving around in trucks. You are an azzhole and a total poser Nate. Adventurer of the year my azz. Fuk you buddy !


Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
  Mar 12, 2010 - 12:14pm PT
Kick ass!!!!!

Good job and great TR.
'Pass the Pitons' Pete

Big Wall climber
like Ontario, Canada, eh?
  Mar 12, 2010 - 12:36pm PT
Great stuff! You guys were sure in the right place during the rain - the steepest part of the Captain.

  Mar 12, 2010 - 12:40pm PT
Excellent Photo TR! Nice job!

I totally agree with bmacd.

Mark Hudon

Trad climber
On the road.
  Mar 12, 2010 - 12:51pm PT
Ya know, if these guys were a bungling team of 4 taking forever and clustering all the way up the Nose, I wouldn't be too happy with this TR. But it wasn't that way, two of the guys weren't quite big wall climbers but they did their work hauling and they kept their sh#t together on a fairly out of the way wall. They didn't ruin anyone else's trip and didn't abuse the route anymore than any other ascent does. This is not the ascent I aspire to but it was a great adventure for all those involved. These guys aren't claiming to be badass but they didn't get in anyone else's way or ruin anyone else's trip. I don't know what Nate is all worked up about.

Mountain climber
Wilson, Wyoming
  Mar 12, 2010 - 12:49pm PT
Nate Ricklin,

My first instinct is to berate you. I have said some dumb stuff on the taco in the past. I regret it. I hope you regret your sorry ass post here. In short, I have some empathy for you and overall, I feel bad for you.

This TR is perhaps the best one I've read ever simply because it is from the perspective of an outsider. The adventure Trav and Enoch had was at the pinnacle of extreme for them and I am so psyched to have been a part of it.

Take it easy.

Trad climber
  Mar 12, 2010 - 12:54pm PT
Nice bokeh!

(Don't ask me how to pronounce that...)


Social climber
Oakland, CA
  Mar 12, 2010 - 12:58pm PT
Great photos, looks like you had fun.

And yes, real time facebook spray from the wall is still lame.

Random Nobody
  Mar 12, 2010 - 03:47pm PT
really great TR guys!!!

Proud send...

Beautiful photos

Oakland, CA
  Mar 12, 2010 - 03:51pm PT

I like the slo-motion panos in the video. I wish I had a brother who could take me up A4. Thanks for sharing.

Hopefully you won't focus on the lame post, and will hear all the gratitude coming through instead.
Carolyn C

Trad climber
the long, long trailer
  Mar 12, 2010 - 04:21pm PT
Great TR and video. Thanks for puttin it together for all of us to read. Ignore the haters.

Trad climber
The pitch of Bagalaar above you
  Mar 12, 2010 - 05:34pm PT
Best TR I've ever seen! Truly awesome pics.

Amazing to hear this story from the other side! You guys Rock, and had a humble approach.

I think more than a few wallers these days bring those squak boxes up with em and even a few have given us taco's a blow by blow report right here on the forum. Pretty sweet if you ask me, hanging out on that steep route and doing all of the hauling, good work.


Mammoth Lakes, CA
  Mar 12, 2010 - 05:55pm PT
Sweet. The video is great, and the pics tell the rest of the story. Thanks for posting this.

Boulder climber
Andy Cairns
  Mar 13, 2010 - 12:40am PT
This TR is perhaps the best one I've read ever simply because it is from the perspective of an outsider.


Also it is from a perceptive outsider who tells a good story.

It truly stands out and another thanks to t*r for putting a notice in the Forum.

Fog and diamonds: Wow!

[after watching the video]

What a dramatic mix of light, scale, wind, movement, and people. Congrats to all.

El Presidio San Augustin del Tucson
  Mar 16, 2010 - 06:46pm PT
Very nice.
Honest, real.

Social climber
  Mar 17, 2010 - 10:42pm PT
Wish I had been the "5th"!

Gym climber
It's not rocket surgery
  Mar 18, 2010 - 01:11am PT
Thanks for the stoke! Great tr and photos, kudos to you!~

Trad climber
Point Pleasant, NJ
  Mar 24, 2010 - 10:03am PT
Inspiring and quite an impressive feat. The trip report and writing reminds me more of Warren Harding's exploits and style than of Royal Robbins.

Your inability to find a close in to NYC climbing area to practice at seems to add just another additional reason to continue seeking climbing access at Palisades Interstate Park. There are some 12 miles of cliffs in the heart of the NY Metropolitan area 100 - 550 feet in height according to some estimates.

For info on the Access Palisades Interstate Park proposal you can check out the website at accesspip.tripod.com.

You will have to cut and paste the link since the board doesn't allow links to be posted, a very reasonable precaution.
J. Werlin

Social climber
Cedaredge, CO
  Mar 24, 2010 - 10:05am PT
Most excellent--you guys hung it way out there. Good on ya.

Boulder climber
Institute of Better Bouldering-DirtbagDad Division
  May 23, 2010 - 04:18am PT
Been saving this one and just got to it... Great report! Very genuine and from the heart. And you do some mighty fine pixel pushing. A real sense of artistry and story to this report. Thanks for sharing it.

I'd gladly be someones haul-boy... One of these days!


Trad climber
CA Central Coast
  Jun 2, 2010 - 09:10pm PT

  Jun 8, 2010 - 12:18pm PT
what a cool story! so glad this was bumped.

Trad climber
CA Central Coast
  Jan 6, 2012 - 11:45pm PT
climbing bump

Big Wall climber
The Bear State
  Jan 7, 2012 - 02:29am PT
Way to get out of the office!!!

Hobart, Australia
  Jan 7, 2012 - 02:34am PT
Faaaaarm out!
Ezra Ellis

Trad climber
North wet, and Da souf
  Jan 8, 2012 - 04:42pm PT

Trad climber
  Jan 8, 2012 - 06:34pm PT
the beginners mind ,always refreshing,,great team work guys,,sorry about your lack of fullfilment lately nate,,,

El Presidio San Augustin del Tucson
  Nov 15, 2013 - 08:51pm PT
Memorable trip report

Social climber
San Francity, CA
  Nov 16, 2013 - 01:21pm PT
nice pictures! love those falls.

Trad climber
  Nov 17, 2013 - 01:05pm PT

Hobart, Australia
  Nov 17, 2013 - 01:43pm PT
Awesome trip report. Good to see Calder back in action! cheers
John Middendorf

  Nov 17, 2013 - 05:12pm PT
Thanks for finding this, jefe.
Writer has a great eye; those photos are inspired and inspiring.

'Pass the Pitons' Pete

Big Wall climber
like Ontario, Canada, eh?
  Nov 17, 2013 - 05:27pm PT
You can tell how early it is in the season by looking at the Half Dome "twilight" photo - the sun is so far to the north in early May!

Big Wall climber
santa cruz, ca
  Nov 17, 2013 - 06:07pm PT
great photos and psyche!
David D.

Trad climber
  Nov 18, 2013 - 10:25am PT
Your pictures are beautiful. Someone needs to get you on more big walls!

Trad climber
  Nov 18, 2013 - 03:15pm PT
Woah, I missed this one first time around. Great narrative, and these pictures capture the beautiful moodiness that Yosemite weather sometimes shows. Thanks for sharing it.
El Capitan - Lost in America A4 5.10 - Yosemite Valley, California USA. Click to Enlarge
Lost in America is route number 26.
Photo: Galen Rowell
Other Routes on El Capitan
El Capitan - The Nose 5.14a or 5.9 C2 - Yosemite Valley, California USA. Click for details.
The Nose, 5.14a or 5.9 C2
El Capitan
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The Nose—the best rock climb in the world!
El Capitan - Freerider 5.12D - Yosemite Valley, California USA. Click for details.
Freerider, 5.12D
El Capitan
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The Salathé Wall ascends the most natural line up El Cap.
El Capitan - Zodiac A2 5.7 - Yosemite Valley, California USA. Click for details.
Zodiac, A2 5.7
El Capitan
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1800' of fantastic climbing.
El Capitan - Salathe Wall 5.13b or 5.9 C2 - Yosemite Valley, California USA. Click for details.
Salathe Wall, 5.13b or 5.9 C2
El Capitan
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The Salathé Wall ascends the most natural line up El Cap.
El Capitan - Lurking Fear C2F 5.7 - Yosemite Valley, California USA. Click for details.
Lurking Fear, C2F 5.7
El Capitan
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Lurking Fear is route number 1.
More routes on El Capitan