North Face, The Rostrum 5.11c


Yosemite Valley, California USA

  • Currently 5.0/5
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1 - 6 of total 6 Trip Reports found. [ Thumbnails | Text  ]
Title Views Last Post Msgs
The Kaukulator and the Uprising on the Rostrum - Click for details
 The Kaukulator and the Uprising on the Rostrum
This is a quick and dirty postscript to the other Rostrum TR from our first go on the route. The day pictured in that TR was Oct 24, perfect conditions, killer fall day....

by le_bruce
10,044 Jul 24, 2018 47
The Rostrummmmmmm - Click for details
 The Rostrummmmmmm
Been s c a r e ddddd of the Rostrum for many years. For the last ten years: le_bruce, you ready for the Rostrum?

by le_bruce
11,463 Jul 24, 2018 66
Rostrum - Reg North Face
by Elcapinyoazz
9,200 Apr 16, 2015 63
The Rostrum, A Real eye Opener! - Click for details
 The Rostrum, A Real eye Opener!
Well, after me and Eric climbed togeather for the first time on mithral, we were stoked to climb again! So we deceided to do the Rostrum as he had done it a long time ago and ...

by whitemeat
4,320 Oct 11, 2014 25
Rostrum: Pillar of Awesome - Click for details
 Rostrum: Pillar of Awesome
A throw back to the Fall of 2010: I love crack climbing and long routes. The Rostrum is like a wet dream. Pitch after pitch of steep varied jamming. It's my favorit...

by cultureshock
7,771 Mar 12, 2014 15
North Face of The Rostrum (IV 5.11c)
by Vitaliy M.
5,578 Feb 05, 2014 38
1 - 6 of total 6 Trip Reports found