West Face, Leaning Tower C2F 5.7


Yosemite Valley, California USA

  • Currently 4.0/5
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1 - 12 of total 12 Trip Reports found. [ Thumbnails | Text  ]
Title Views Last Post Msgs
WFLT, Solo - Click for details
 WFLT, Solo
The second wall I climbed last summer was the Leaning Tower. I romped up Serenity and Sons with two friends in the evening and then spontaneously packed my haulbag after eatin...

by Miles Fullman
2,320 May 08, 2019 18
I took my novice-climber girlfriend up the Leaning Tower - Part 2 - Click for details
 I took my novice-climber girlfriend up the Leaning Tower - Part 2
This is a sort-of trip report (2/5 videos) coming out in the coming weeks. I was trying to free the Leaning Tower Westie Face (5.13a) This was from my tri...

by loverock
3,494 Sep 02, 2017 10
'Westie Face' Free with Alix Morris - Click for details
 'Westie Face' Free with Alix Morris
Alix Morris and I went up and sent the Westie Face. This video shows a bit of an amalgamation of trips up working and sending the route. [youtube=WhkdRCXuZnw] ...

by loverock
3,564 Aug 18, 2017 5
Noob girlfriend up a big-wall part 3 - Click for details
 Noob girlfriend up a big-wall part 3
This episode tackles the roof, 5.12c and dripping wet. More chat with Tama as she gives the spray down on big wall life from the perspective of a noob. Though...

by loverock
2,177 Aug 02, 2017 3
I took my novice climber girlfriend up a big wall...
by loverock
3,674 Jul 18, 2017 20
Leaning Tower Photo Video TR - Click for details
 Leaning Tower Photo Video TR
Yo, So here is my TR as promised! As a forward I'd like to say that aid climbing is the shizzle! We did a grade 5 in PTPP style. Enjoy. Hopefully the video links work...

by kev
6,363 Dec 06, 2014 37
fun times on west face of the tower - Click for details
 fun times on west face of the tower
[youtube=IP3Zw29z5dA] beta: on the second gully rappel for the descent you are free hanging and chris mac said to where...

by whitemeat
4,755 Nov 11, 2014 32
The West Face Of Leaning Tower Solo - Click for details
 The West Face Of Leaning Tower Solo
It had been a year and a half since my last climb. Previously, I had spent six months in South America on a climbing rampage. I climbed difficult objectives that I once ...

by The Climbing Doctor
3,906 Jun 19, 2014 17
WFLT Solo In A Day - Click for details
 WFLT Solo In A Day
Just read the other WFLT Trip report...mine is much less epic. :( and I dd it in fall...I learned my lesson about climbing in winter on el cap. Here's the TR... I ...

by jcory86
3,861 Nov 11, 2013 18
Leo Houlding FA of Westie Face story - Click for details
 Leo Houlding FA of Westie Face story
I am working on Yosemite Big Walls 3rd Edition and I came across this FA account of the Westie Face by Leo Houlding The West Face of the Leaning Tower by Leo H...

by Chris McNamara
6,708 Jul 16, 2013 7
Leaning Tower West Face - Click for details
 Leaning Tower West Face
Tara and I climbed leaning tower in Yosemite on September 11th to September 12th 2012. Check it out: http://jspencerv.blogspot.com/2012/09/leaning-tower-september...

by JSpencerV
4,979 Sep 29, 2012 4
Westie Face First Ascent News Article
by Chris McNamara
3,186 Feb 27, 2011 1
1 - 12 of total 12 Trip Reports found